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DAYS: June 2022 Discussion Thread ⌛

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My problem with Eric/Nicole is that the fundamental issue they broke up over (the fact that Nicole has to pretend to be a better person than she is to meet Eric's expectations) hasn't changed.  Eric just decided he wants her back now.  The same issues are still there.  There is no major growth from either of them.  The only difference is Greg Vaughn is on the show lol.  I like Eric and Nicole fine.  It's just nothing hasn't happened to make me believe this time will have a different outcome.

What an odd assortment of characters at the wedding who were going to swear to never tell that Lani killed Ray.  Some of those people have never even spoken to Lani!!

Edited by carolineg
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Does either character have a job?  Wasn't Eric just fired from the church and when was the last time Nicole went to the office?

Maybe these 40something characters should start focusing on earning a living and stop swooning like high school teens?

I mean where's the character growth?  He's still trying to save misbegotten women only to berate them for their indiscretions and she's still trying to avoid being abandoned after her 27th relationship with everyone from a priest to the former mayor.

Edited by j swift
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I honestly don't know what Eric does for a living outside of being a priest.  I know he was a photographer, but I thought he just sorta helped people around town lol.  At least Eric lives at the Pub for free and is not another boarder in John/Marlena's apparently enormous townhouse.  Again I really don't mind Eric/Nicole as a couple, but nothing has changed for them to make this relationship work except Eric being physically in Salem. It's not anywhere near the worst thing happening on the show, but I actually am invested in these two characters and it's all very, very lazy.

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Quite a unique journey you would not think happens in the world more than once let alone on a soap twice lol.  I think Eric would be well suited to be a counselor or something.  It seems to fit his experience and it runs in the family-and it would take away the fact that I think it's nearly impossible for someone to jump in and out of the priesthood the way Eric does.

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Honestly, that's why I miss Marlena's old penthouse - at least you could conceivably believe it had a bunch of bedrooms. The current one just looks like a one bedroom apartment, so you wonder where the hell they all sleep.

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Hi, there Paulina! Hey Abe, and hello to both of you, Eli and Lani! Hey! How's it going? Well, we haven't seen the likes of you since May 18th! I mean, with what we thought was sure to be a front-burner storyline with the murder of Mr. Zombie Mayonnaise Mayhem himself dressed in a Sears suit wound up dwindling to a "nothing burger." Why should we care when we have not seen these characters in over a month? Oh! Because it's Juneteenth? GTFOH. Yeah, let's push back this storyline and put these characters on hiatus for a while until Juneteenth. Meanwhile, let's also make Juneteenth educational for our lovely viewers who perhaps live on the outskirts of some po-dunk town with nothing better to do than hang out at their town's fresh produce and live bait shop. God bless Julie and Big Momma, lol! No, I am glad the writers put in some history reference, but it also felt like I was watching QVC at the same token as if they wanted me to purchase some form of merchandise.

From my perspective, I don't get this show's delivery with these storylines because they implode so disastrously. Seriously. They're so forgettable. Eli was in a coma and now walking in tip-top shape like nothing ever happened, and then Lani confessing to shooting Mr. Mayonnaise Mayhem in a Sears suit in just two episodes. Where's the delivery? Oh! And Chanel, Johnny, and Allie are acting like these cheesy teenaged characters from a low-budgeted afternoon show on the Disney Channel. I don't get why people are obsessed with Chanel. Is she like B&B's Paris? I don't understand what's so great about her. 

I'm still going to watch. Why? Because I'm addicted to messes. 

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