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B&B April 2022 Discussion Thread

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When you put it like that, yeah, this is a dumb as hell plot point.

How can one kill their own child, however unintentional it was just because you re-labeled a bottle?

Plus, just because Brooke didn't know she was drinking alcohol initially doesn't mean any real alcoholic or even passive drinker can't tell when they are drinking something with liquor in it and when they aren't. She tasted it and continued drinking because she liked the taste. In the real world she would have stopped and probably sued the manufacturer for selling actual booze. She would have lost and probably would have gotten counter sued which would have caused her havoc in that regard but to have this be the outcome. Yeah, no. This story is dumb as hell. Dumb as hell. 

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As I said before, while I understand that putting it that way is silly, and there is a huge plot hole that the ONE person Sheila might conceivably not want to know she did this (Finn, who she wants to convince she can be a mother to and that she can be trusted) already knew by the time she killed to "protect the secret", I do not think it is out-of-character for her to let a small scheme like this escalate quickly.
She was known to fixate and get deviated from the main plot. So I think it is silly that this will be *all* there was to this Sheila visit but the fact she went from a mild scheme to 100 in a hot minute is pretty Sheila-like to me.

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There are so many plot holes, and the premise is extremely thin, but damn if today wasn't a great show. The scene where Deacon went to tell Sheila about Finn was a classic. Sean Kanan and Kimberlin Brown are amazing. Sheila trying to hold it together and make a dumb joke about showering together as if this were a normal day. Sheila knowing what Deacon was about to tell her and having to wait to react. Just wow. I wonder if we will see Sheila go to the hospital and demand justice for whoever did it.

Edited by BoldRestless
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Sheila doing low key mischeif like switching wine bottles, stealing Forrester stock and comiserating with Decon or something is what she needs to be doing to last long term. Shooting 2 people -- and being the clear suspect -- should be the climax after years of tension. Not something she does shortly after returning to town. Hence her 1992, 98, and 02 exit stories. Her 2005 return to Y&R, despite it's flaws, was her most decently written stoyline since shooting Taylor. 

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I do feel Kimberlin Brown is underrated by the daytime academy, I was surprised to google and find out she has only been nominated once for an Emmy in 1992 for Supporting Actress.  I feel KB always give it her all, despite the writing, and should be recognized for her work this go-round.  She might have a good shot for B&B Supporting Actress, nobody else on the show fits that category; KKL and JMW will likely submit themselves for Lead Actress.  I know there are many other talented supporting actresses from the other shows, but here's hoping to at least see KB's hat in the ring--unless it's past the deadline this year.

Edited by Jeff
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A death that should've never happened to begin with. Aly had potential to be a good character to have on the canvas long-term. She reminded me so much of Jennifer Finnigan's Bridget. But of course, Brad had to kill her on the PCH.

I wished someone like Ridge would've told her that this idealized version of Darla was something that Thorne and Stephanie told her and that her mother herself wasn't like that at all. 

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I've read from people on social media that Brooke couldn't have known as wine manufacturers make sparkling apple cider that taste like real champagne or prosecco. Having studied addiction studies, dopamine is a neurotransmitter that regulates mood, motivation, and drive, as well as desire, satiety, and pleasure. Dopamine has earned the reputation as being the "feel-good chemical," but other neurotransmitters can also have a pleasure/reward effect such as endorphins, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), etc.

Dopamine also activates memory circuits in other parts of the brain, causing one to remember its pleasurable experiences in the past and yearn for more. So, when I listen to people who say: "so and so doesn't have enough willpower" or "they just don't want to change their life", it just goes more deeper than that. Sure, neurotransmitters are tiny little molecules in the brain , but they play a major role or impact in how we function, feel, and interact as human beings.

So, to make this easier to read, let's just say that once that liquid substance hit Brooke's palate, here come the tiny molecules of dopamine saying: "Hello, old friend. Nice to see you again." The problem for me is that I don't know how greatly or poorly executed the alcoholism storyline for Brooke panned out. Since Annie Dutton is tied at #1 as one of my favorite soap characters along with Queen Kristen, Annie being an alcoholic was a far-stretch for me. As a pill popper? Hell, yeah! My girl owned that sh!t. 

Edited by Noel
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