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General Hospital January 2022 Discussion Thread

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Tracy, Tracy, Tracy!!! *swoons*


Of course, she came back at the right time given that Victor and Valentin are teaming up. And I doubt it's a coincidence that now that Deception is going popular (and that's Brooklyn's other cash lifeline) that they are not going to try to buy it as payback. So I look forward to her saving Brooklyn as well as ELQ this time around. Lord, I cannot wait to see Victor vs Tracy. Not to mention the inevitable encounter with Austin.


Yes, Bobbie's reaction to the news of Luke's death broke my heart. As one of my all time favorite GH characters, that hit and JZ sold that. 


Yaaaasss to Sonny continuing to acknowledge to himself that he still has feeling for Nina. I like the slow burn of it and the fact that this is its own little arc. The next one being...him acknowledging those feelings TO Nina. Who would think I would be this into Sonny with anyone not named Brenda. lol. I do wonder if Ava is going to manipulate it. Which I enjoyed those scenes with Ava and Nina cutting between Carly and Olivia cutting between Sonny and Dante. 


Hmmmm...Sasha and her grief has me wondering...is she about to fall back into drugs? 

I totally forgot that Ned help Tracy escape town after framing Alexis. 




Spencer? Spencer working for Ava? And Ava sitting Trina down to tell her as he walks in? 





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GH is so dull right now, and I'm guessing others agree since this thread is getting almost no action the last couple days.

I am so beyond over this Carly/Sonny crap. How many times can we possibly see them have the same conversations with different characters? In the past couple of weeks we've seen Carly talk to Sonny, Nina, Drew, Diane, Olivia, and Sam (and probably others I'm forgetting), and she says the exact same thing every time. We've seen Sonny talk to Carly, Nina, Phyllis, Brick, Michael, and Dante. My goodness, we get their point of view. We hear every thought and feeling of theirs. It's so repetitive and boring. And it's annoying to see them have these same conversations four days a week when other storylines barely get airtime. I'm tired of seeing them. 

Speaking of things that are annoying... Wes Ramsey was on today. "Hamilton Finn tried to kill MEEEEEEE!" God he's awful. 

Marshall's scenes are almost as repetitive as Carly and Sonny's. All he does is talk in riddles every time he's on. I love how he was having a medical emergency and they just had Epiphany standing around shouting, as if she doesn't know what to do. 

I do like Chase and Brooklyn. His reaction to Brooklyn having his phone number memorized was so cute. I also really like Chase and Dante's friendship, so I'm glad we're seeing more of that. The stuff with Brooklyn hitting Cam over the head was really random. 

Not that I want to see it, but Austin has more chemistry with Felicia than he does with Maxie. 

Is Elizabeth getting a story? Color me intrigued. For once, it's not entirely obvious where it's going. I'm just hoping it doesn't involve Peter, lol. I loved her scenes with Cameron. 

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Luke's memorial was rather meh. But it was peppered with some interesting moments. Scotty throwing shade at Sonny. Victor instigating a fight with Scotty, Robert and Sonny. Luke's ashes falling on Scotty.  CarSon hijacked things a bit. Constance Towers looked great. It was hallow. And Jennifer Smith and her botched mug wasn't needed.

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Edited by victoria foxton
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Elizabeth not being included in this story makes less sense than Elizabeth marrying the turd that kidnapped her baby. Luke was a major force in her life for many years. Instead she's stuck in a chemistry free relationship...again.


No one sees Sonny is off his meds... I thought Dante was a detective-- haha.

Ava telling Spencer like it is--priceless.

Poor Scotty 

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Jackie Zeman always hits the mark.

Curtis/Laura have such an easy chemistry.

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I think Liz still felt pretty sour towards Luke when he left town. I assume if Lucky had attended she would have gone to support him, but he’s mysteriously volunteering in an African village?? 

I felt like many people trashed Luke today so that was fun. And the geriatric fisticuffs were ridiculous but also fun. Victor is such good old school soapy villain and Helena was wonderful as always. But we all know Luke isn’t dead and that when he’s brought back it’ll be offscreen so this story remains a big “Huh?” for me. 

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Once Jake was back Elizabeth and Luke more than made their peace. The Spencers, especially Luke, were the parents Liz didn't have after hers dropped her off to Audrey. It makes no sense Liz hasn't had a scene finding out about Luke's death or with Laura. Instead it's one scene after another of sibling chemistry with Michael Easton. Or crying (all over again) over the serial killer kidnapper she married.

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I never saw Luke as that fatherly to Liz. He was especially harsh on her when they were going through the Aiden paternity storyline and he was always against Lucky raising other men’s biological children. But Laura is very much a second mother to her so she should have been there for her. This show makes dumb decisions 

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Poor Phyllis; all those old schmucks fighting in her place. Shouldn't she know if Sonny is off his meds though, since she figured it out so easily the last time 

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I like Spencer, but I was here for Ava shutting his ass up today when he bashed Luke. 

It was great seeing Helena again, and the memorial was done well but there's still part of me that thinks that Luke will turn up alive somehow and get the "last word" 

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