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Days of Our Lives: November 2021 Discussion Thread

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It was nice seeing Charlie and Nick again. Even as zombies, they’re still good actors lol but I was surprised MarDevil kissed Nick, but not Charlie

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As for Possession 2.0, I’m sure I won’t be shouting from the rooftops about how wonderful it is anytime soon, but I like how they’re weaving more characters into it, and not just the ones that are associated with Marlena.

Edited by AbcNbc247
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The whole episode was a joke. I was laughing out loud through the whole thing. It wasn't scary. It was a Carol Burnett skit and that's how Carlivati wanted it. He gets his kicks writing this kind of ridiculous garbage.

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I do have to say that Nicole reaction at the end was the best reaction to seeing the dead back.

And a Will and Sonny mention today with Gabi phone chat with Will and Sonny.

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Edited by Soapsuds
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Kristen needs to be portrayed by no one at this point. The character is beyond played out.

The acting from "Carmine" is Wes Ramsey levels of bad. I crack up whenever he's on. I did laugh at his line about not being scared of Ava anymore because all she does is cut up eggplant. Yup. Tamara Braun is looking good though.

The zombie makeup was atrocious! I was still super happy to see Mike Manning and Blake Berris though. (No, I don't care about Deimos.)

Allie is so happy that Tripp fixed the hole in Henry's blanket... lawd they're boring!

Gabi is so damn annoying. All she does is yell.

Nicole jumping out of her chair was hilarious. Can Deimos please kill Duke? That bear is ridiculous.

My god, Deidre Hall and Blake Berris have smoking hot chemistry! THAT KISS!

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Omg, swooning. In all seriousness, I was not prepared to see that.

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I think Eileen has a lot of resentments surrounding the Kristen character, namely that it's the role which really made her huge and even won her an Emmy, unlike Ashley, which she seems to love playing and has much more of a history with. I sometimes wonder if her so naturally playing such a cold and often unsympathetic figure also bothers her. Either way, I don't even know if she would have returned as often as she did if she hadn't had such a long relationship with Sony. 

Eileen is Kristen and it's just about impossible to ever replace that, although if a deeply untalented, woman-hating, egocentric hack was not headwriter, that would help.

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I don't really know why anyone is surprised. Between roving groups of big bad villains escaping every six months and Rolf raising half of Salem from the dead, you'd think they would have this down. 


I have to admit I've been watching here and there. Mostly curiosity to see how they can pull this off with such a small budget. Gotta say, Holy crap. Carlivati is like a really bad fan fiction writer with ADHD. I give him points for creative ideas, but has no writer's instinct for tone, subtext, or any kind of follow through. He really needs a co-writer to rein him in. Badly. 

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I thought the makeup for zombies Nick and Charlie was fine. It was dark and they were made up. What else did you want?

The possession storyline was played for camp on Halloween, but I enjoyed the hell out of it. Funny, sexy, campy lines all over the place and Diedre Hall is killing it.

I don’t dislike Stacy Haiduk, but although I’ve enjoyed her on Days and YR at times, I’ve had enough. I want ED or nobody.

The writing for Kristen is bad — she’s either in jail, in hiding, or committing crimes that’ll get her thrown in jail. Haiduk plays it all the same, with vocal tics (like her low, throaty growl) that are beyond annoying. I’m done with the entire act.

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It's embarrassing and I am constantly thinking what the eff am I watching, but I am still mildly entertained lol?  I know it's stupid and is lowering my IQ, but Mardevil making out with Nick was hilarious.  So were the reactions of Nicole/Ava to dead people stalking them.  Is it a mockery of the original Possession (which I already disliked)?  Yes, but it's more entertaining than watching Ciara/Ben have sex.   I am on the fence.  I literally agree with both sides of the argument on this story.

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