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DAYS: Something Wicked This Way Comes

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I think Marlena will be heavily involved and may also be possessed, but I don’t think she’ll be the main one. I just hope whoever they pick isn’t too young. Meaning I don’t want it to be Allie or one of the young adults. 

If she were a more important character I’d love to see it be Belle. 

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I was just thinking about this Possession 2.0 thing and thought of the original, and I 100% agree that the beginning months of the possession were the best part. The scary unknown of what was happening to Marlena. Once MarDevil spooked Celeste into getting her colored contact lenses so she could prance about Smith Island and her penthouse trying to seduce The Priest, it got hokey. Plus, there was that last battle between Marlena vs. Devil when she had to stay inside the church to be safe, but was lured outside by "Sami" (really a zombie Curtis Reed), which was also hokey. The exorcism itself of course had its great moments, but that middle part of the storyline in the spring could've been tightened up and Marlena could've been back to her old self by Memorial Day, 1995. However, I understand them wanting to drag it into the summer months for us kids to see

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And the only way this storyline will pack any punch [again] is if the possessed person is Marlena. Can someone else also fall under the devil's spell? Sure. Heck, Tony (or Andre, whoever) was in his fugue state at one point when the MarDevil got into his mind re: Kristen & John. 



+1 on a Return to Aremid: The Town of Secrets. 

But again, we can't have a Lady in White haunting a park bench. Spacious sets are key to making Aremid feel like a real murky New England town. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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Lol!  I actually like MarDevil trying to seduce John in a serious of ridiculous ways that real Marlena never would.  And clueless John nearly falling for it several times.  For me as a Jarlena fan it gave me hope that they would eventually be a couple again after a few years of it being all about Kristen.   It was shortly after that it got progressively worse until the end. 

What I like about the beginning of the Possession is Deidre really played Marlena's fear and shame well.  I think the overall camp factor takes away from the fact that DH actually did some very good work in the story.  I assume JER was told to drag it out a bit and the ending when John carries Marlena through town and lays her on the altar to the horror of everyone is good and the 'final' scene where John/Marlena embrace in the rain is very good too.

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Definitely. I loved the work she did when Marlena woke up in the hospital after showing up at Bo/Billie's reception naked and shooting a cop and almost shooting John. That episode right there should've been what she submitted for an Emmy (and what she shopped around to the soap industry as a "For Your Consideration" tape that caused some controversy). 

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Yes!  That was exactly the set of scenes I was thinking of.  I don't believe that's what she submitted on her infamous "tapes".  I believe she submitted the actual exorcism stuff.  I think I heard somewhere that Deidre was notorious for sending in bad tapes for the emmys.  All the wrong scenes and that sort of thing to get a win.  Her late 70's and early 80's stuff was really good, but I assume the competition was probably too stiff back then.

Anyway, I giggle at the fact that DH has/had the confidence to send out For Your Consideration tapes, but this woman made a movie about her life so I doubt she's afraid of shameless self-promotion 

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Unfortunately, I think this begins Dee's slide from decent actress into camp.  After the Possession, DH just started being all OTT gasps and I don't think ever really tried to hit the serious material hard again.  I don't think acting opposite Drake helps.  They seem to love to be OTT together, while acting with someone like Wayne seemed to reel those 'instincts' in.  Oh well, I love Jarlena's form of cheesiness still and look forward to Drake's ridiculous facial expressions throughout this next Possession.


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I agree.  She was really great in her return, finding Roman, the affair and dealing with Sami.  The show was incredibly campy for a few years there though, I can’t blame her too much.  One of the reasons I loved her scenes with CM early in the Will coming out story is that she was more grounded and there were layers there.

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I thought Dee did really well in the Maison Blanche stuff too.  Trying to seduce Stefano to save John, calling Roman to tell him she was on 'vacation' with John, her fear of Stefano, and her torn feelings over John and guilt over they affair while trying to save her marriage.  All good stuff.  Maison Blanche was a really great arc as well as the others mentioned earlier. 

There's is a lot of camp on Days and to John/Marlena.  I appreciate they make it seem like Jarlena are getting it on at 70 everyday still.  Whatever, guys.   I do think Dee does well with her children and grandchildren.  They just don't get a ton of scenes.  I think Dee interacts especially well with Martha Madison as Belle and I actually do think DH was very good in the aftermath of John's death when she went all women scorned for a minute.  

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I agree.  Sami would be the perfect choice. Sami/Sweeney has the star power, and acting chops, to carry this story.   There’s no way Chandler could do it.  He’s just not that good, and definitely cannot be the main star of this type of story.  

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Just found out about this today. Color me surprised that a show that can barely handle more than 3 actors in a single scene together is re-doing a story steeped in special effects and makeup that will look hokey if done cheaply. Perhaps they should take a cue from GL, bring out the Peapack look and package it like Blair Witch. (I'm kidding.) 

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I'm hoping for a permanent recast.   Vaughan seems uninterested in returning full-time. 


I also would like to see Will & Sonny (Chandler Massey & Zach Tinker) to return fulltime.   Plus Arianna, Sarah (Linsey Godfrey preferably, if not how about Melissa Archer), a re-cast Rex(maybe Ryan Paevey or Robert Adamson), plus SORAS Parker Jonas, Holly Jonas, Sydney DiMera, & Joy Wesley. 

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