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The show is in desperate need of a cast-trimming before adding more characters.  Valentini prefers his retcon and new characters and doesn't give 2 f*cks about bringing back characters that actually used to be on the show. I hold little hope for Tom Hardy, Stephen Lars,  Lucky or even A.J.,  characters recognized by long time fans.


Drop Willow, Sam, Cyrus, Peter, Nina (let CW bring the full on crazy first), Brando, Gladys. put Finn on recurring, and leave RoHo in the heap of past cast members. I don't mind Cameron Mathison.  As said, he's a serviceable character actor-- (he's just the "fit in his Hallmark movies" for the leads).  He generally has chemistry with most of the actresses that he is paired with.


Honestly, I was hoping it was Vincent Irizarry to be Finola Hughes' new love interest now that they finally ended the paint drying story of boring Finn and Anna.


Recasting Josslyn with a stronger actress and adding a few recurring teens would be a wise decision, but this is FOOLISH FRANK IN CHARGE, so we'll see--as always. I'd imagine the money wasted on Howarth's salary could cast the teen set, but #firefrank needs to pay RoHo's mortgage, so........

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I liked Ryan during his initial run on the show from 1998 - 2002, and also for the first part of his return in 2003, under the Cambias murder umbrella storyline.


To me he exhibited a similar vibe as Trey, Leo and David from that time period, and was a natural successor to the likes of Jackson and Edmund in being a corner stone romantic interest who elevated his leading actress. I agree with the sentiments that he gives off a Jax vibe, as I think that was sort of what they created him for. He was a Prince Charming/Savior type to the often troubled Gillian, Kendell, Annie and Greenlee. I personally don't blame Mathison for the failure that was Rylee, he sparked well enough with Gillian, Kendell and Annie that I have a hard time seeing him as the problem. Greenlee as a character just had a sort of anti-chemistry with a lot of men, and Ryan was one of an endless string for her.



I agree with this. I think Cameron was able to make a lot work, he was just islanded with Greenlee as his focus for much of his second tenure. Had they leaned into virtually any other element for him from 2004, I think he would be more fondly remembered than he is today. He had real value with the Kanes, his business stories were serviceable, and I think he mixed well with most of the cast. Unfortunately from 2004 onward, the character was so closely tied to Greenlee, it sort of drowned everything else out which ironically coincided with when he started to become more and more front burner on the show (2004 - 2011). 

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Roger and Valentini can run off together and live happily ever after for all I care at this point. It's ridiculous Howarth remains employed and has had how many roles?


I don't mind Mathison but all I'm doing is asking "whyyyyyyy?". Is there a larger plan in play? I doubt it. It would be stupid to have him be Ryan. It would open up too many questions. Who knows what Pine Valley has in mind.


Same for Todd and the stans who cling to Howarth playing him again. It's stupid and they should fire the people who suggested it immediately.


Side note, I will say it amuses the hell out of me to watch the Billy Miller stans lose their minds on Twitter when anyone suggests someone as a Drew recast. LMAO. It's delightful.


And like, I'm sure a vet like Jon Lindstrom or Lisa Lo would like a contract again. Or maybe not? LOL. They still work enough. But like ... Frank you suck. They do well at times with the vets then they disappear for months/weeks on end and get tossed an episode or two. Where the [!@#$%^&*] is Lucy? Felicia's long gone. Bobbie and Monica get the occasional bone tossed their way. Has Bobbie had any scenes with her recast son Lucas? Nope. You'd also think with Carly being on 5 days a week that it would open up airtime opportunities for Bobbie and Lucas but nope. LOL. Although kudos to them for throwing Bobbie into the stupid Florence story. Though we've seen her once.

Edited by KMan101
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You say it perfectly. I never understood his mania. Like Camron/Ryan showed up in Pine Valley one day and it was like "Oh, he's interesting..." but then he began to dominate the show that had been an ensemble cast, a community, for 25 years. I resented that.

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I see a casting call out for a "Vince Novak".   Do we really need a member of another mob family?  I hope this isn't another Sh!tty Valentini creation when there are plenty of legacy characters out there that could be cast!


Edited by slick jones
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