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GH December 2020 Discussion

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Here is some updated soaphopper trivia for @slick jones


Jamison Jones previously appeared on GH as "William Peavy" 2004-2005.  IMDB calls the character "William".  He was Faith Roscoe's henchman who kidnapped Sonny's children. Transcript from 2/25/2005 spells his name as "William Peavy" and says that he'd been the kidnapper all along.

(It was revealed at some point that AJ Quartermaine was secretly working in the background; and that AJ had arranged for Faith to kidnap Michael alone, but Faith decided to have Morgan and Kristina kidnapped in addition to Michael. But I think William was simply working for Faith?).


Jamison Jones appeared on GH in different role as a reporter on 1/20/2016.  The transcript for 1/20/2016 spells this reporter's name as "Brady Bevan".  He was a reporter who interviewed Nina (M.Stafford) about Crimson.  I think this was only the one episode?

On 12/10/2020, Jamison Jones debuted as Dr Kirk.

No explanation yet as to why they stopped using Christopher Cousins in the role.

On 12/10/2020, Dr. Kirk's first name is on the nameplate on his door at his office at WSB Geneva: "Dr. Warren Kirk".


Edit.  It was a two-epi recast. 

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Edited by janea4old
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LOL, Kim had a kid. Of course she did. 


Julian's like a damn cockroach. Can he finally exit? LOL


Nikolas and Ava warm my heart. I love them wanting to kill Ryan together. LOL. They're so twisted and perfect together. This is who Sonny and Carly think they are and want to be and wish they were.

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Exactly. Could have been good. Of course it was toxic and disgusting.


Sonny and Carly at this point serve absolutely no real purpose, and are treated as the moral center, which is bizarre. None of it works.

Edited by KMan101
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Made it up to last Friday and...


They finally dropped the Nell=Nina's Daughter bomb? When did Carly find out? Granted Nina does not know yet and Nell probably ain't dead, but how about we keep her way, but let Nina find out (probably from Jax) and have her default back to Crazy Revenge Minded Nina...we know CW can do a complex crazy person and someone after Carly with her talents would be just the spark needed. Or even better...Jax does not tell her, but Nina finds out and plots revenge on Carly...gets her in some way...but Carly gets her back at Jax/Nina's wedding? I see potential in that...though that part of the story (Nina has an alive daughter) went on too long.


Speaking of too long...still feel that Anna will find out what Peter did at either her wedding to Finn or his to Maxie. 


They have two storylines to drive. Writers just need to use them for momentum. Which (with the Laura/Cyrus storyline) can totally be done. 


And...woof. Taggert has aged good like fine ass wine. 

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Taggert has aged like fine wine. I'm so glad we've been blessed again with Real Andrews.


And notice how Jax and Nina have been MIA for the most part. They aren't even missed. Both could go tomorrow and nothing would change. God Bless Cynthia Watros though because she shows up for work and tries to make Nina more than a nobody.


I feel like momentum gets lost, much like I feel the same with DAYS


I LOL'd at Alexis and Tracy. Tracy setting Alexis up for a DUI shouldn't be funny but it is.


Genie Francis is slaying, of course. And proving why she deserves to be the Queen of General Hospital. I love Laura and Curtis's friendship. Although Laura faking being catatonic is giving be bad vibes of 2002 and bringing me right back to how I felt back then. 


EDIT: Wanted to add I'm still meh on Finn (I like Easton) but he does make some cute kids. Violet and Chase are adorable. 


Gregory Harrison would have made a good Jeff Webber. Finn should be Tom Hardy (everytime Finn and Liz have a chat at the hospital I wish it were someone she were related to). Just saying. 

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I have always loved Taggert and his hatred for Sonny and Jason, so I am not thrilled with the story but I'll take it.


Jax/Nina are awful.  Nina is such a miss as a heroine.  She needs to go a little crazy and IR/CW have zero chemistry.  Ingo suffers from the same thing MB does-basically no chemistry with most of his love interests and Jax hasn't had a different romantic story since Brenda.  All his romances literally follow the same pattern: save the damsel in distress from her bad ex, woo her with romance for awhile, lady goes back to said bad ex.  And Ingo's 90's charm and charisma has worn off considerably. Jax was one of my faves for years but both Jax and Nina can go.


I feel like GH does better with momentum than Days.  The whole Jan story happened and then we haven't seen or heard much about it for 3 weeks.  It's all happening off screen for example.  GH just suffers from too many stories and too many cast members. 


As far as Tracy and Alexis.  I do like it.  But there is no way Alexis has a drivers license at this point.  She's run over at least two people. 


Love GF.  She really is wonderful.  I do think it's a shame she now has no kids on the canvas.  I would bring Lucky back played by JJ or GV.  Don't care.  I like GV's Lucky.

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What about Nikolas? He's still there

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But yes, as always GF is great. And atm it really does seem that the current writers really do want to write for Laura. For the first time in decades Laura's history outside of Luke and the Cassadines is actually being utilized. There are problems with Cyrus as a villain which others here have already noted, but having Laura as the central figure in this storyline (not Sonny) makes it infinitely more watchable.

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lol at Alexis and her drivers license. So true! 


She has Nikolas on the canvas

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 but Lucky's absence has been glaring. And growing more so with Lulu out of the picture for the time being.


GH does do momentum better than DAYS for sure. The Jan stuff felt really shortened, or filler, which it shouldn't have been. 


SOOOOOOO true about Ingo! Spot on. I actually feel bad for Watros she's stuck with him, LOL. 

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I would just assume since Alexis did no jail time for any of her vehicular mishaps the state just took her license away forever, but I guess I am wrong.  She only lost her legal license over Neil so no big deal on killing Luis Alcazar and everything else.  Neil was the straw that broke the camel's back


I know, I know.  I forgot about poor Nik.  I guess I am channeling Luke from 1996 and just ignoring his presence as Laura's child.  Sorry Nikolas!  I do like you sometimes.


The Days Jan stuff was the worst.  Is John still in jail?  Days drops stories for weeks at a time.  So silly.


Ingo/Jax really suffers from lack of true characterization.  For a character that has been on the show as long as he has he doesn't have a very distinct personality outside of rich, white knight romantic/Sonny foil.

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