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Y&R August 2019 Discussion Thread

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I'm telling you I literally was like

ewww when I watched those scenes today with the Rosales family and Kyle. That was my reaction to it. Kyle acting like a scared phoney shell of himself and saying stuff like he has never been around a family that's had fun before. He just totally disregarded his own family.


And then once again acting like he feels bad about being wealthy and him/Lola refusing to get someone to fix stuff in their apartment. Even though the logical thing to do would be to contact Sharon to get their stuff fixed.


And then that stuff he was talking about his guns in the beginning which IMO was not sexy or funny. Him and Lola aren't really that sexy together. Even though every time they turn around they are sleeping with each other. I really disliked their scenes today. The only person I found tolerable in those scenes was Celeste.


I thought Chloe was the best part of today's show. I have actually been enjoying her latest return. And I have been liking her scenes with Billy.

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Anjelica needs to let Lola go. This loser (character) is not happening, she's not working lol


They need to feature Adam less and stop having him emasculate everyone else.


Kyle and Theo would make such a better couple. Have Mariah ditch Tessa, and create a better quad.

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I wouldn't be surprised if they took away all of Devon's wealth and gave it to Cane, or better yet, give it to the Rosales somehow. I hate when writers try to "clean up" prior mistakes (in this case that was not a mistake with Devon) or put their mark on previous stories.


So all this sex surely means that Lola will be pregnant soon. 


Also, Adam and Kevin should just hook up. The actor who plays Adam has really nice features

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I think the will is Chance's entrance. I wouldn't mind Devon losing a portion of his original inheritance to chance if it meant that Devon got a story and long term rival in Chance. Plus, even if he lost 50%, Devon would still be a billionaire! 

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Not to mention Devon has another fortune coming when Tucker McCall dies. He doesn't have to split that one with anyone, since he's the only heir. The Tucker that left GC was willing to do anything for Devon, he would probably wire him any amount of money he lost in the meantime.


I can't see Chance contesting the will. They are going to have to explain a major personality change to me if it's him. Just last year he seemed to be happy climbing mountains with his father.


Brock, Mac, Phillip 3,Chance & Nina did split a 1/4 of Katherine's estate evenly, so he did get something. And Jill owns the mansion, and Chancellor Industries. I'm sure she would pass those down to Chance if he wanted them. She would never deny Phillip III, or Chance their father/grandfather's home, or company. I imagine they are already in her will to receive them, cutting out some portion for Billy.


I really wanted Kay to pass Chancellor Industries down to Chance & Phillip 3. I saw it as a way of cleansing her soul , or making amends, for murdering their father/grandfather. Not that she had to say that out loud, but we would all know. And for me it would have made her story come full circle, finally admitting.. at least to herself, that yes she did kill that man. She never faced up to it her whole life. Leaving CI to Victor was was the worst part of that will.


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I think it could be Chance. Not too long ago Rey did mention that Chance was involved in shady dealings including money laundering. That doesn't sound llike Chance but it seems they may have had him go dark for some reason. And he has a past with Adam that they have stopped talking about for now. But maybe it may come up again later.


If it's Chance I am interested in seeing how they explain his change of personality and behavior.

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Ever since Chloe came back and shot Adam when JH was exiting she's been a nice adrenaline shot for the show at least for me. I haven't watched in a while but I scrolled through some of this weeks episodes just to see her (even been willing to suffer through Kevin's annoying ass).

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Even if Devon does lose the money, I'm sure he still wouldn't need money from Tucker to be rich. He's made alot of money from investments which he should be allowed to keep. That's probably billions itself. Plus he's got HWG, which is written as a large conglomerate. It's all in how it's written though. But again, the only point in doing this at all would be to provide long term drama for him and chance. Otherwise, it's pointless. 

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I haven't liked her in the past, but I have been enjoying her this time around. Out of all of the recent returns hers is working the most IMHO. It feels like her return has a purpose to it. She's not being overused and I think she has nice chemistry with JT's Billy. Her bonding with him over their struggle of losing Delia is believable and I have enjoyed their scenes together. I also have been enjoying her scenes with Esther.



That could be the case. I am interested in seeing how they write his return and what explanation they give regarding him going or at least acting darker. I don't know that they will do it, but I think it would be interesting if they did an "In Too Deep" type of storyline with Chance. It could also be interesting if they showed him and amnesiac Adam in flashbacks while they were interacting in Vegas. I think that amnesiac Adam was the best version of this Adam. They could show them interacting together in Vegas (in addition to in the present) while Chance was undercover.

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If there's a soap opera god in Heaven, Theo will use that to make Kyle believe (somehow) that he and Lola slept together.  Altered DNA test and all.

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There were two wastes of money on today's show the new Grand Phoenix set and Zoe's character. The Grand Phoenix set is not needed and looks like a bigger version of Society. And the Zoe character is useless and shallow. She should be around stirring up drama, but she's not doing anything except gushing over following people on Social Media. 

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