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B&B April 2019 Discussion Thread

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It was inevitable after JY was discarded. It was only delayed by KM's leave. As soon as the legal requirement after her return was met, we knew she'd be gone. But nearly all of us saw this coming with the Marlon reveal and the PSA storyline that boxed-in Rick/Maya. A real shame.


The Myrna/Rick/C2/Widge months got me hooked back in. The Myron ploy was disappointing because B&B had finally managed to have a diverse leading actor - and one that had languished on canvas for years - so not an instant character forced on the audience.  

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Hope - Now Thomas is "in love with her" after being back for 2 weeks.  This show is so horribly paced.  Hope is bubbly and excited with Thomas and his Son but gets home to Liam and is a boring dishrag pushing him away.  I'm tired of hearing Hope cry and sob about Beth, and not falling asleep and passing out, and then the bawling when she's around Liam.  


Any time the Liam/Steffy/Hope triangle pops up again after this - Hope can die as far as I'm concered.  Was always a Hope fan but this version is just so depressing and off-putting.  I hope Liam goes back to Steffy, and then never let Hope find out the baby is hers.  Let the next 20 years go by and let her never know.  And send her off with this version of Thomas that isn't working. 


The chemistry isn't there from what I see and I never thought I'd say this...and I know he had a first couple tough days with the emotion he had to give - alot to ask with this actor, and I liked him on Y&R and thought he might be a good choice for this role.  But Pierson Fode had chemistry with Sally - I don't see chemistry with him and this version of Hope...it's already not working.  Pierson Fode was better.


Hope:  "My body is in mourning".  LOLLL.  Hope is a whore.  She'll be banging Thomas by the end of next week.  LOL.  She's been frigid since the 'death of Beth' but will get fired up over another man just like every Logan girl very quickly. 


She wants him to be a Father to Kelly, and Phoebe.  Such horrible writing - a couple months ago she whored herself out immediately and notified Steffy she was fightin' for this man regardless of Steffy's baby.  Now she keeps pushing for them to be back together.  He should leave and not look back. 


Thomas:  "I'm DOING this.  I'm BREAKING UP HOPE AND LIAM!"  So contrived.  So awful. 

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nuThomas doesn't seem to have chemistry any of his potential love interests.  But I have to say he sure should have been cast as Ronn Moss's Ridge's son.  They not only share a resemblance, but this guy's acting is probably just a notch better.  He does most of his (over)acting with his squinty eyes, just like Ronn Moss did.  His line-delivery was pretty close to Moss's during his convo with Sally, too.


Sorry about Karla Mosley.  I never really had a huge problem with her, though I agree she was more interesting as a beyotch and the trans story as written totally ruined her.  I'm more or less disappointed that we're losing the last (mostly) developed and established Black character/family on the show with the slightest bit of interest.  Everyone else is just expendable glorified day players, door mats, or talk-tos for Hope/Liam/Steffy or whatever Forrester or Logan flavor of the month (Flo at the moment).

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The writing was on the wall which is a shame since she was daytime's only trans character. If they were going to write her out after her maternity leave, they should have left her married to Rick. She could have just come home to LA for a visit and went back to Paris to be Rick. It negated their whole love story for no good story reason.

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I honestly don't remember them being a thing either.  You'd think they shared some epic love affair or something

Same for Taylor pushing for her son to go after Hope, who she has blamed for destroying Steffy and Liam's relationship, just so those two can get back together.  The twisted logic on this show is off the charts.

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Quinn to Wyatt:  You should be with Flo!  She's a LOGAN! 


Since when the hell has Quinn been a Logan fan?  Good Lord. 


Kelly be walkin' and talking at 6 months old wearing her best Easter bonnet and dress. DAH DAH! DAH DAH!  This version of Thomas needs to be dead faster than Austin on Y&R

I love this show because I love seeing how bad it can get... 

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