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Strange / Awkward / Random Story Plots

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It was a stone cat statue. What happened was, Lisanne put all the pieces together regarding the fact that Nikki was Lawrence and Carly's son and Vivian was keeping him from them (they thought their child was dead). Lisanne and Vivian ended up in a catfight, Nikki tried to protect Vivian and Lisanne ended up bludgeoning herself on the thing.


This happened on Thursday, Oct. 29, 1992. The next week (Friday, Nov. 6), Lynn was back on GH as Lucy. 

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Meh...until the Pit 1992 on Days was a snooze.  Roman's Mrs. Doubtfire undercover operation was lame.. But I did giggle at TM's Carrie being all sexy and acting like she was hitting on John, although I don't think that was the emotion she was trying to convey.

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Have tried to watch stretches of 1990-1992 and it's such a chore to slog through. Of course I'd take a lot of the cast and the production values over now ... but yeesh. It is a shame Reilly basically fell apart around 1995. 1992-1994 were like a breath of fresh air. I can see why many jumped onboard (and then ran screaming away into the night ...). But I do miss a lot of the earlier DAYS after watching as much of the 80s as I could through YouTube (I'm so grateful for the Twitter poster who has almost full playlists for so many years)


The show feels so hollow and empty a lot of times, honestly.


And I think soaps forget that sets matter. Sets are familar. It means a lot to me to see certain sets over periods of time. I still miss the GH hospital set and it feels so cold now. Of course Frank's horrible production values have basically killed anything that once was appealing about the modern set ... I miss Salem Place. I miss Marlena's Penthouse ...

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I miss the penthouse so much!  It was such a great set. 


Early 90's Days is a drag.  There isn't really a noteworthy story after the Cruise of Deception until J&M's Affair.  Isabella' death is okay I guess, The tale of 2 Romans stinks, Kim's MPD is bad,  Bo/Carly/Lawrence was boring, J&J's wedding was good but their story wasn't,  and even the Affair story was kinda of random in build up.  John and Marlena barely interacted and Roman and Marlena generally seemed okay, and then bam one person falls in a pit and John and Marlena are in love again.  I thought Days was really good through Aremid so early 1996, but I don't think Days really fell off the rails until 2001 or so.  It was still watchable but the entire show was really watchable (every story) until 1996.  I can't even remember the last story on Days I thought was good.  Maybe the Kristen return and Brady/Kristen?


Same with GH, I find 1993-2003 to be very good (1995-97 was the best), but GH fell off the rails around 2005 with the ascension of Jason/Carly/Sonny and I like those characters (especially Sonny).  GH still had some water cooler moments up until 2010-11, but Days and GH were what I adored as a kid and would cry when my VCR didn't record.  Such a shame.

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I liked 1990-91 of Days. Even through it wasn't as good as mid 80's Days.  It's after the second half of 1991, that it became a slog to watch for me.  The Howard Hawkins story. The Tale of Two Romans were both awful. Salem Place looked like a real outdoor mall. Now we have the overused godawful HTS. With an extra or two lurking around.  I gave up on Days for most of JER yrs. 



I loved the 7th floor Nurses Station. Watching the anniversary episode. I noticed they showed different parts of the hospital. Which i really liked seeing. But i missed the warmth the old 7th floor nurses station had. 

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I hated it when Wendy Riche got rid of the hub design for the open square concept nurses station.  Not just for nostalgia-  the actual filming of people walking around the hub and the elevator just off the side added some drama and movement.  Once the remodel happened it was all just one big square room with a square nurses station in the middle of it.  I also thought the colors were too dark on the late 1990’s remodel of the hospital.


But I also hate the tan tiles that started arriving on every wall when Phelps got there.  The green and blue colors do not bother me though.  And the actual main set is pretty great, and not utilized properly at all.  There could be a lot of exciting scenes with those stairs and the corridors off to the side.  Instead it’s always people walking slowly to those benches by the window to sit and talk.

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I'm watching 1992 right now (thanks to a dear friend), and Austin started off smart enough to pull off a gambling operation out of Johnny Angel's, and he was (to my surprise) a gifted jazz musician (as was Curtis, who was supposed to be dead at this point? That obviously was retconned under JER).

I do wish they'd kept that part of Austin's character as the years went on, as he became a complete himbo without any real interests or personality during JER (and every regime thereafter). I could see Patrick Muldoon having some heat with KDP once Eve came back (I could see Austin playing piano for Eve at Club TBD/Doug's Place and they get cozy while Carrie and Rafe have an affair).

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Lol  I just watched 1992 as well.  I literally forgot Austin was a talented musician playing the piano around town.  Also PM and LR as siblings is a little incestuous.  They are creepy close.  I mean, I know LR and PM had a thing, but they were OTT with their closeness in the beginning. Austin under PM wasn't dumb, but when PM came back he just didn't fit the role anymore.  He hasn't aged great, but he is still good looking.  It wasn't that.  Maybe I just got used to AP in the role

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Can you go into more detail and/or provide a visual reference? This is really interesting and something we haven’t talked to death already here. I’m intrigued but can’t fully picture what you’re talking about. 

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Sure!  The last photo is out of order, but these are the only photos I could find of the evolution of the Nurses Station from early to now.



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Here is what it looked like in the early 1990’s.


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There used to be lots of shots with people walking around the center hub, coming out of elevators, the seating area having some division.  It was dynamic.  The cameras walked with people around the hub to the elevators or pay phones behind it.  Amy could be seen slightly off screen eavesdropping.


When Wendy redid it before PC premiered, it now just looks like a static set.  A big square inside another square, and couches off to the side.  Phelps remodel added dimension again, they just don’t use it well.

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