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Strange / Awkward / Random Story Plots

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It was funny in the most ridiculous and humiliating sort of way.  I cannot compare that scene to anything on any serialized drama I have ever beheld.  It was strangely unsettling, 


I am bisexual, I don't hide that.....but I promise....if forced to act.....I'd give a more masculine performance than that.  He went around that restaurant like he was frolicking through a field of tulips.  It was very, very, very, very BAD!  


And yet, all these years later.....I have realized it may be the best comedic scene to ever hit the air waves.  SNL has nothing on that s.h.i.t!  I belly laugh just thinking about Maggie screaming "LOCK THEM UP!"  


You can't find comedy gold anywhere like that.  Such an unintentional classic.  BRAVO TOM LANGAN!!  You outdid yourself, and ruined my show....

This made me remember Bonnie giving  Julie the runs......


Yeah, that happened.....


James Reilly at his best.  My girl Julie  Olson Williams, an undeniable living legend,  had a spastic case of the runs, and it happened on screen.  Jesus, it was terrible. 


Meanwhile, Mickey Horton, Salem's most capable lawyer,  stood by dressed like a f.ucking cowboy.  Now ask me why I hate Reilly....

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I hated Langan's DAYS and stopped watching then after I'd been pretty addicted under JER and SSM -- looking back both of those HWs had flaws as well, but they did a good job of drawing you back in with great cliffhangers.


But would I trade today's DAYS with Langan's? In a heartbeat. At least it was so bad it's good.

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OMG I forgot about that mess! The chili cookoff that gave Mickey and Julie the shits. That was when the obese yet forgettable Richard Voigts was playing Mickey right before Inman took over. 

Thanks! The last mention in recaps I could get of him was in October 2016. 



Langan's Days was horrible and downright bad. The show kept trying to milk the JER days for all of its worth and not for the better either. We had the memorable Last Blast dances 2000-2002 and had Lexie as a villainess but everything was shockingly bad. Remember when Days' ripped off Dynasty's Moldavian Massacre? 

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Yeah, there's something about his mouth and the way he pulls his head back into his neck. It's like we're watching him chug from a water bottle without the bottle. Very strange. 


Speaking of random singing: On GL in 2003 during the Weston/Conboy era, Danny and Michelle spontaneously burst into song while having dinner in his restaurant. It was so bizarre (I guess it was reminiscent of Conboy's work on Y&R in the 70's? That's what onliners said). I think the song they sang was a vocal version of their instrumental theme song that was always used for them (I will say I *loved* how GL always had specific background music for particular couples, including the final scene of Josh & Reva in the last episode) 



OMG, around 2000-2001 when John would get into his "RoboJohn" modes and start barking orders like a possessed dom top in an underground gay sex dungeon. I particularly remember when he suddenly hated Maggie around this time with Brady at the restaurant and then John and Brady going all apesh&t around town before Brady was accidentally shot. 


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