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Actor out at Y&R

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He never should've stayed or had a family built around him in the first place. Weak character to center a family around, you only do that with characters who are successful and popular with the audience. 

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He was one of the reasons why I started tuning out - starting with the Nikki nonsense - he just couldn't pull it off. The churn on Y&R, starting with the dozen SSM newbies + GloWorm and Reed recast, followed by Mal's weak characters, has been pretty incredible. Meanwhile, the show lost Chelsea, Hillary, Ashley, Lily, Chloe, Paul, etc.  There was one good longtime castoff, but that was the exception.  


Y&R historically has been a fairly stable show with new characters introduced gradually and with the link to established characters before starting to feature them with other new characters. 

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I started out being kind of indifferent to Arturo (I didn't like his storyline with Nikki), then being okay with him, then disliking him with his hypocriticial, harsh behavior towards Kyle.  I don't really like any of the Rosales, (and I really dislike Lola), except for Rey. If they only kept one of them, I would rather it be him. 


I wonder who else they may get rid of next. Loren Lott was on Instagram the other day singing about how grateful she was to have a job. I do wonder who else may be on the chopping block.  I could see them getting rid of Mia too. Maybe they will have her and Arturo exit together.

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Arturo's entrance onto the Genoa City landscape was basically as a stud to service Nikki and be a plot point in her never-ending on again, off-again saga with Victor, when Mal was trying the open marriage story (which really wasn't a story, just Nikki bed hopping with Arturo and Victor's quasi fling with someone we barely knew about).

I compare that to Brad Carlton's entrance as the eye-candy pool boy, except he and Jill never slept together, probably because Bill Bell Sr. wanted to keep Brad viable for Traci in the immediate future.  Although TBH and nothing against Jason Canela but I don't think he could've pulled off something similar, at least not in the unappealing way Mal had written him.  I remember when people used to complain about Carmine but at least the writing for Carmine was better and Marco Dapper, honestly had more appeal.

Mal didn't even play up the tensions between Nikki and Abby in any but the most superficial way and in the end it was more about Victor's feelings about the entire matter anyway.


Arturo didn't have a real purpose, for a time he worked on Nick and Nikki's almost unseen low-income housing project (where nobody but Tessa lives) and he fixed that broken window at Jabot but his usefulness wore thin pretty quickly.  Lola has a restaurant with a visible space, so I don't see the show getting rid of her anytime soon, JG et al, will most likely try to make it work with her character.


If Rey is getting fired, who knows? Perversely, he could end up in Paul's old line of work-- private detective.  If Mia has been written as pregnant, after which an affair has been discovered, the writing might tilt toward the child not being Rey's and an exit by Mia may soon follow after Arturo. If Mia hasn't interacted much with other characters outside her family circle lately, Y&R could soon be saying bye bye to Mia.

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it was dumb to bring them on as The Perfect Family vs. the rest of Genoa City, and then make all of them at odds w/ various peeps in Genoa City, save for the outcasts like Phyllis. LOL 


bye, biotch. Use all the money from dumping the Ro family to bring back Ashley, or something. 

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First Posting On This Site!!!


I remember reading the interview that JC gave about "informing" the audience about how the Rosales were here to stay. Not to mention he got testy when someone on Twitter said that the fictional character he plays should die of cancer. And someone ended up tagging him and he got a nerve to call the person who tweeted about Arturo. However, his name wasn't even mentioned in the initial tweet to begin with. He later apologized but half of #SoapTwitter got into his behind. 


Bye Arturo! 


Mal bringing on the Rosales clan reminds me of what I saw and heard of how he was in charge of BBC back in the day and how he signed off on bringing the DiMarco's onto EastEnders in the late 90's. That family had so many relatives and they became so unpopular. Albeit, Beppe who outlasted all of them until 2002. 


I would go ahead and write off Rey saying he was recruited back into working at the FBI. I think  Lola and Mia our the two can have longevity if they're written well and interact with more characters on the canvas.



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