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Y&R March 2019 Discussion Thread

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 so true but hey, you know, gotta have contrived and forced set ups. it's a bit tiresome that people are only brought on for pairings. I get it's a soap but a long time ago, characters used to be able to stand on their own ... while still also being in popular pairings ... (and also not saying this hasn't been in practice, so many times characters are brought on simply to be a love interest, and it often ends up not working ...). I feel like so many new characters just simply "exist" ... anywho ...

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Blame Luke & Laura and the DAYS Supercouple Manufacturing Corp. for that.


One of the few GOOD things I got from watching reruns of THE DOCTORS was RetroTV was seeing how new characters could be added to existing shows w/o pairing them off right away.

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I mean, there was even a time when you "met" not only the new character, but his or her family as well!  I wish those days would come back once more!

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Yep! Couldn't agree more. She seems "driven" but that's about all I got. What's her purpose? Characters are no longer defined by their goals, desires, ambitions, etc ... characters used to be almost clearly defined. 


Now it's all about hiring an actor from another show and creating a character for them and relying on the actors popularity instead of bothering to develop a character.


It's been over 10 years and I still have no idea who Rafe is on DAYS and what his purpose is. No idea what drives him. Who is he (besides a douchebag most of the time)? Why should I care he's been here 10 years?


Characters are simply not developed anymore, IMO. It's a shame.

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Agreeing with everyone who says that characters should stand on their own before being thrown into a pairing. I mean if this regime was smart Elena would be thrown into scenes with not only Devon but with Nate, Fen, Kyle (Yeah I know) Nick and Billy. But it being organic and not solely based on plot. I mean what ever happened to the memorable friendships on all four soaps including this one. I mean other than Kyle and Mariah ( Still want more between them) I can't think another decent friendship on this show currently. 

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Well I did fill out the survey that CBS had out...and I added comments wherever I could saying "End the JT is dead/alive/torturing people/dead alive/ etc.  I'm not for fast moving storylines where things happen daily, that if you miss an eppy you can't follow along, but this snail's pace JT thing is a year old now - you need to MOVE.  We all know these women are not going to go to jail or stay in jail...I'm sure a court case is coming but resolve it already.  End it.  But then he comes out with a bandaid...whatevs I guess. 


The Doctor used arthroscopic brain surgery...


Did anyone else catch Tessa's line today?  Mariah said something like...who would have thought a damaged storm drain where they buried him, and he ended up in the river???  Tessa said something like, "yeah, not the best way to come back from the dead, but..."  I cracked up....

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Throwing Elena in the orbit of every man  isn't any more purpose than she'd have if the show only puts her with one.  Chem testing trying to find a romance is part of the problem. It has characters going from place to place giggling and smiling at each other and having sex for no reason...and still without purpose in life. The characters should have a defined goal. Something to strive for. Things that make them tick. If that's finding true love and a family, so be it. However, they still need something to do outside of that to  give some angst and road blocks to achieving that. Otherwise, you have folks randomly sleeping with someone else drunk at the bar to break up their happy home. 


What Elena needs, since she's not connected to core, is a career that we see her fight to grow in so it matters when she loses it. While working her job, she can interact with different people instead of just having her casually bumping into every male between ages 18 and 80 to see what sticks.  What Elena needs is an older female mentor/friend since she doesn't have the benefit of a mother on canvas (yet).  

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