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Days: January 2019 Discussion Thread

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I'm not particularly fussed about the nonplussed reactions of some characters to Jack being alive. Will just recently came back from the dead and Jack himself has made about 3+ reappearances so I think everyone being in total shock and awe would have looked even more ridiculous. That and I enjoyed Jennifer and JJ's reaction on NYE and then the scene where Abigail goes to see him


Eve is ridiculous and her vendetta against Jennifer is completely nonsensical but I'm entertained by it


Chandler Massey and Billy Flynn have been awful on the show all by themselves but then putting them in a scene together? Wow. 

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Jack being back has been so boring. It is the same script different character story. I don't want to see this all over again. Why couldn't Jack arrive after realizing who he was instead?

I let that pass since were are buds.

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The Blue Room. The sad lil set that gets redressed for everything from waiting rooms to hotel rooms to judges chambers to offices to.... 


No, keep Hope & Rafe together! When I'm behind on episodes, I can always just fast-forward through their scenes and it makes binge-watching a breeze! 

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  What, next you'll be suggesting they get rid of Greg Vaughan and then my cure for insomnia will be gone! 

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Frankly, John,

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(Also, you should have put spoiler brackets around your comment since you've basically given away the bombshell.)


First of all,


IOW, Leo becomes a



Good one, DAYS.  

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Even better, why couldn't Jack have STAYED DEAD?


Seriously, I excuse all the non-reactions, because, damn, these people should be used to others not staying dead by now.  Especially when the someone who keeps resurrecting himself is Jack Deveraux.




I'd rather they had brought back MA as Jack's long-lost twin brother.  Yeah, we've been there and done that before, MANY times.  But I am not here for "The Resurrection of Jack Deveraux, Part XVIIII."  I'm just not.



This reminds me of when certain GL fans would complain about Nancy St. Alban's (Michelle) habit of sticking her tongue inside her lower lip to show frustration, annoyance, or that it was the half-hour mark in the episode.

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I also had the thought that Jack's long-lost twin would have been a better idea. It could somehow be plausible since Jack was adopted. His mother could have been...for whatever reason...unaware that she had twins. Then at least you'd be starting with a character from scratch. In this version, we already know what the endgame is...Jack and Jennifer together AGAIN.

Speaking of the "Blue Room", it was even where JJ's new love interest recovered from her suicide attempt. Okay...here's my problem with that plot point. Wouldn't hospital staff be REQUIRED to report that someone tried to kill themselves??? She would most certainly be hospitalized and not back at work the next day like nothing happened.

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Haters have a seat.

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Jack is back and I'm thrilled.


I love he has no memory of Jenbitch and she has to fight for him. In two episodes I've enjoyed this return more than any of them. 


It's five years too late but I'll take it.


He's called ReRon for a reason  


Why bring Jack back? Because the character never should have been killed sixteen times and the actor is fantastic. Sorry not sorry. He deserves to be on the canvas.


HELL NO to a twin. [!@#$%^&*] that. LOL


Just embrace he's been dead ten times. Just embrace no one's batting an eyelash. It's a [!@#$%^&*] soap. It is what it is at this point, people come back from the dead; I'm tired of fighting against it, personally. At least they aren't pretending with it. 


I love you but that's silly. What story would be there if Jack had his memory? I know it's totally lazy a year after Will went through the same thing but I actually find it great. And I don't know what would make you happy with DAYS besides all the men getting naked and having an orgy  which I would be SO here for. Just saying.


Eve's ridiculous and it's hard to imagine Jack, even with amnesia, buying her [!@#$%^&*], but I love Jen's barely a blip on his radar.


And our baby CM was turrible yesterday. Just saying  and so was sweaty bloaty Freddie.


Give me Matt Ashford anyday at this point.


And on an unrelated note, Hope and Rafe are toxic. Hope looks ridiculous being with someone so smug, arrogant and as idiotic as him. Rafe never bothers to care or acknowledge Abby is Hope's family, yet Hope has to feel sorry and take Gabi, Rafe's sisters, side? [!@#$%^&*] you Rafe. They don't even try to write Rafe well.


These soaps are on their last legs. I'd rather have characters brought back that always should have been on the canvas over newbies taking over (hi GH & Y&R)


Let's hope Bo and Lexie get resurrected next  Hell, give me Tony back at this point so Anna stops running around like a lunatic with an urn in her oversized purse 


Soaps are too quick to off people when it's clearly a mistake. I can't get upset anymore when they try and correct that wrong. But it does kill any sort of believability. But let's be real ...


I know it's sad to say but I think some of you just have too high of an expectation for the soaps. I've had to lower my standards to find any sort of enjoyment. Sucks but it's the truth. I don't love it but I can't get upset at the ridiculousness of Jack coming back from the dead for the tenth time. It's ludicrous and I love it. I can't hate everything all the time. I'd love these soaps to be well written amazing dramas that rip my heart out and get me invested in amazing storylines. That's just not the reality in 2019. Sad but it's true. I can't force them to be how I want them to be as hard as I've tried for like a decade now.

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I'm in agreement that it's nice to have the tables turned, where it's not goofy ol' Jack chasing after stories around the globe, leaving poor Jennifer to find solace with Dr. Colin Murphy or Dr. Daniel. 


But still, the reactions have just been... odd. Take Hope's reaction. She was so matter-of-fact about it, checking her phone while talking with Jack, like "hey, you're back in town alive? Lemme take you over to Jennifer. I'm sure she'd be glad to see you," as opposed to being frantic, incredulous and energetic. 

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