Members BetterForgotten Posted June 19, 2019 Members Share Posted June 19, 2019 It should be interesting to see how well it does in the ratings - it's airing directly against Pose on FX, and both shows seem to be going after similar demographics. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Vee Posted June 19, 2019 Members Share Posted June 19, 2019 Yikes. That's gonna tombstone it. OTOH: It's trending. Good for Jamey. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members John Posted June 19, 2019 Members Share Posted June 19, 2019 Yeah Pose will get higher numbers but OWN isnt looking for giant numbers just consistent so it may do well enough Im watching both & Ambitions looks good so far Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members RavenWhitney Posted June 19, 2019 Members Share Posted June 19, 2019 If the show is a success it'll be due to the experience of Michele Val Jean and Susan Dansby who are part of the writing team. Jamey.LOL Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members xtr Posted June 19, 2019 Members Share Posted June 19, 2019 I thought it was okay. It didn't look as shaky as it did in the previews. I thought that the best characters so far are mostly the supporting ones like Evan's sister Rondell and Stefanie's father, Stephen. I really like Titus. So far I like these three characters better than the leads Stefanie, Amara and Evan. Some thoughts about the show. I actually see some chemistry between Rondell and Peters who is trying to get her to sell the restaurant. There is a lot of animosity between them but it seems like he's flirting with her at times. And I guessed some of the plots very quickly before they revealed, like the daughter and her interest in the family that owns the pharmaceuticals company's daughter (Purifoys) , and the situation with the designer (Bella)/Evan. Also, Rick Hearst wasn't on tonight's show, but I look forward to seeing when he does appear. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ChitHappens Posted June 19, 2019 Author Members Share Posted June 19, 2019 I watched most of it, and it has really good potential. My problems: 1. Robin Givens! Clown villains are not good for a show, especially a new show. She ruined each and every scene she entered. This is unfortunate because she's the lead. 2. Rondell! I don't care how much of an activist you are or how you take no crap from people, there is absolutely no place for "kiss the crack of my black ass" at a high society event. I regret watching that scene because it was too ratchet for what Giddens is trying to do here. Let her stand up to whomever, but OTT is for trash HAHN. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Gray Bunny Posted June 19, 2019 Members Share Posted June 19, 2019 Overall, is it worth checking out? And do you think it has legs? I've loved Robin Givens since her Head of the Class days, so it's disappointing to hear that her performance is overkill. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ChitHappens Posted June 19, 2019 Author Members Share Posted June 19, 2019 Certainly worth checking out because you have some pretty viable characters who can carry this show. But again and sadly, Robin has not grown as an actress in 30+ years and her approach to villain is "I think I'll be Robin Givens today". Watch because I'd love your opinion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members xtr Posted June 19, 2019 Members Share Posted June 19, 2019 Regarding whether it's worth checking out, I honestly think that this show does have some potential. I actually thought that Robin wasn't as OTT as I thought she might be. And the preview made it look like she really would be. Though she still was a bit much. IMO, some of the supporting characters were the most appealing thus far, and so was Amara's husband Titus. I really like him and at (least right now) definitely prefer him over Stefanie's husband Evan. Also, I had thought that Essence Atkins's character Amara would kind of ground this show a bit. I thought she was okay, though maybe a bit underwhelming. Don't care for the Kardashian looking designer/mistress or Stefanie's/Evan's daughter's vapid Lauren Conrad-ish looking love interest. (From the pharmaceutical family). But overall, I think that the show has potential, could be decent. I think they should give Stefanie more layers and tone her down. Maybe that will happen as she reflects more on what went wrong regarding her younger sister. Plus, they said there was another sister, that wasn't at the event. Maybe she will pop up eventually. I wonder what she's like. Give Stefanie layers/tone her down some and focus more on the characters who IMO do work so far (Titus, Rondell and Stephen) and I think that would add to the potential of this show. Greg Peters is interesting too. And I did see chemistry between him and Rondell. It could be interesting if he ends up eventually falling for her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Chris B Posted June 19, 2019 Members Share Posted June 19, 2019 I was interested based on Jamey, Susan Dansby and Michele Val Jean being involved and I wasn't disappointed. I'm going to watch again to get a better grasp but in first watch was much better than I expected based on trailers. I was disappointed we didn't get more big names or at least soapy names. Robin Givens also came off very poorly in the promos, but she was much better on the show. Essence Atkins was also great as was the actress playing Rondell and that white guy. I could see them making a nice couple. I felt this was edgy and modern but still classic soap. It gave me Dallas/Falcon Crest vibes. I also saw they'll have 18 episodes so I'm looking forward to seeing them flesh these characters out. I hope it does well so we can get more soapy content from this team. Who knows? Maybe it could lead to Dansby or Val Jean showrunning their own shows. I love seeing underdogs get a chance. Dansby and Val Jean don't get HW opportunities due to their race so it's nice after years of really well received work getting a primetime gig like this. Likewise Jamey probably would've been happy scriptwriting or being a bus boy at one of these soaps but never got an opportunity and no who knows where this will take him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Khan Posted June 19, 2019 Members Share Posted June 19, 2019 LOL! It totally is, Chit! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Vee Posted June 19, 2019 Members Share Posted June 19, 2019 Credit where it's due, Jamey is the reason those women are there BTS. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted June 19, 2019 Members Share Posted June 19, 2019 Haven't watched yet but I did watch the All Access special. Jamey looked a little frightened by the camera, lol. I guess I would be too if I'm not used to talking about a show I poured blood, sweat and time into. I still say kudos to him even if I haven't liked his petty behavior over the years (or some of his taste ... lol) But still it's a great feat for him. The show looks delicious. I did notice, and this is petty, that they seemed to avoid calling it what it is: a soap opera. They should be using it, and this show, to point out how soap opera doesn't have to be a 'dirty' word Please register in order to view this content But it's a petty complaint ... lol. Just something I noticed. Will post thoughts when I get around to watching the show. I take FOREVER to get into anything new these days. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Vee Posted June 19, 2019 Members Share Posted June 19, 2019 I'll watch it today. As I have said in past pages my feelings about Jamey are complex, but he worked hard for this. I know what that's like in this business. He also seems to have grown and matured a bit since his worst days. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ChitHappens Posted June 19, 2019 Author Members Share Posted June 19, 2019 Big names cost money. Besides, the supporting characters are good as well as the actors. Loads of potential here. Also, 37 commercials during one break says a lot! I was happy to see wardrobe has a nice budget, however. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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