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ALL: Recasts you mentally treat as separate characters.

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Roya Megnot's Ava and Lisa Peluso's Ava on Loving.  It was the only way I could fully enjoy and appreciate Lisa, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't consider Roya's Ava to be the definitive one.    I like Lisa and her version, but Roya's Ava drove so much story and was a large part of the theme of the show.  Loving wasn't the same when they switched.

 100% agree.  Even today, Deborah will always be my Kate.  Completely different characters!!

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GH- The Karen Wexler’s on PC were nothing like Cari Shayne’s character.  They were generic and she had layers.  I bought her from high school sweetheart to stripper and none of the others had that grit.


GH- Jacob Young and Colton Scott.  Both seemed like completely different, and lesser characters.  Scott couldn’t pull off the haughtiness or the underlying dangerous anger at Luke and sometimes Laura that Tyler had in his first run.  And Jacob Young had the body tptb wanted but none of the charm or acting chops of Jackson.  He was better as JR though on AMC.


GH- Laura Wright-  Sarah’s Carly wasn’t nicknamed Snarly for nothing.  She seethed with sadness and rage under every scene.  She seemed like the wrong side of the tracks even when she made it.  Laura seems more like the HBIC former cheerleader that got everything she always wanted and is still a bitch to everyone.



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I thought that the final Karen had a little more edge then the 2nd Karen.


And I agree that when Sarah Brown played Carly...you could buy the chip on her shoulder plus the bitterness and hurt  lurking underneath.  Laura Wright has the harsh undertone, but she's more like an adult head cheer leader then a chip on her shoulder.  Tamera's Carly didn't have the bitterness or chip on her shoulder...her Carly was more like a snake..sweet and charming t9 your face but would strike if crossed.

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On OLTL, casting the bland and colorless Chip Lucia as Tony Lord was just...impossible to justify. His interpretation of the character was totally different from George Reinholt's, and totally wrong.


On DAYS, Bennye Gatteys' mousy Susan Martin versus Denise Alexander's original, captivating version.


On LoL, Chandler Hill Harben's Ben Harper versus Christopher Reeve's original adult version of the character. (Harben was good, but his Ben felt like a totally different character.)


Beverly Lunsford as Amy Ames (replacing Jada Rowland) on TSS. Whoa, what a let-down.


Chris Robinson's colder, aloof Rick Webber replacing the charming and affable Richard Gregory on GH.


Andrew Robinson replacing Michael Hawkins as Frank Ryan on RH. EEK! Frank turned into a serial killer!


Lee Merriwether as Ruth Martin on AMC, after Mary Fickett. I loved "Cat Ruth," but she was not OUR Ruth.


Jayne Bentzen as the fake Nicole Drake, replacing the glorious Maeve McGuire on TEON. Just painful.


I could add to this list for hours, LOL!

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I'll say this much: compared to Joey Thrower and (dear God) Ken Kenitzer, every other actor who played OLTL's Kevin was just a gift from the soap gods.

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