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Soap Opera Cast Lists and Character Guides- Cancelled and Current

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General Hospital

Jimmy Crane ??? teenage tennis player patient of Peter Taylor May 76

Joe Parsons ??? suicidal patient of Lesley May 76

Ramon Hernandez...Rudolfo Hoyos 76 Tom Baldwin's Mexican lawyer

Chet Davis, ...attorney, Monica 76 77... Alan Haufrect

Gretchen     ???    teen that wanted the Taylors to adopt her unborn child 1976

Pat Lambert...suicidal patient in love w/ Peter T...Laura Campbell 76 77

Kimberly Hughes...76 77...reporter...?????????

Eric Bellamy....????  Mary Ellen Dante's psychiatrist Aug 77

Dr Carter ...??? Tommy Baldwin's doctor in Mexico April 73


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Holly Sutton Scorpio...Emma Samms 82-85, 92-93, 06,09,12,13,15; 2020;  10/20/2022- contract  revealed as mole     11/18/2022;    reveals Lucy is alive, Paloma is dead,  and Victor has Ethan to Robert    11/21/2022;   11/29/2022   lights cabin afire; 11/30/2022    faked burns and went off after Ethan; gave Selina poison for Victor; 4/17/2023-?   returned to find son, Ethan.

Tracey Angelica Quartermaine Ashton Williams Hornsby Solieto Spencer Zacchara Spencer...Spencer

.                            Jane Elliott 78-80, 89-93, 96, 03, 04-17; 2019-20;2020-21; 2022;    4/18/2023-    arrived to purchase Ethan at auction

Albert Moreno    Eyas Younis (Saanash)    4/17 - 18/2023     Auctioneer; auctioned Etan off to be murdered

Ethan Lovett...Nathan Parsons 09-12, 13, 15; 20 thought he was the son of Holly and Robert, actually Luke Spencer's son

                         James Ryan   4/17/2023 -     on the auction block to be murdered after Victor Cassadine had taken him hostage.

Allison Rogers   (Blaze)   Jacqueline Grace Lopez     11/3/2022- 1/17/2023    singer paired by Linc and BLQ to perform with Chase;  with Linc/BLQ and Chase  11/22/2022  + met Dante;   singer at Jingle Bell Ball  with Chase  12/19/2022;  performs   12/21 & 22/2022; 2/3/2023  wants to work more with Chase;   excited to keep working with Chase    2/6/2023; 4/5/2023   uncomfortable with Linc in her dressing room while changing; practices with Chase; backs up Brooke Lynn's accusations against Linc and has him arrested. Testifies on Chase's behalf in front of the PCPD CCRB. Goes on tour.

Ambrose     Charles Ambrose   4/6/2023 -    Victor's Bodyguard; kidnapped Liesl, Ace and Spencer for Victor; doing dirty work for Victor on the Haunted Star

Henchman    Tony Wade     4/6 & 7 & 11/2023;    Cassadine's  thug that chased Lucy Coe

Henchman on the Haunted Star ???   4/14/2023 - 

Henchman on the Haunted Star ???   4/14/2023 - 

Henchman at the auction     Malachi Muttakabbir  4/17 & 18/2023    worked for Albert Moreno

Henchman at the auction    Sergio Garcia   4/17 & 18/2023    worked for Albert Moreno

PCPD  Civilian Complaint Review Board Members   (Chase's Review)

White Member    ?????      4/17 & 18/2023

Asian Member      ?????      4/17 & 18/2023

Hispanic Member      ?????      4/17 & 18/2023

African-American Member         ?????      4/17 & 18/2023


Detective PCPD           ????    4/12/2023      took Gladys's statement about the bracelet

Cop    ????      4/12/2023     in the Interrogation Room with Cody

Edited by slick jones
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Albert Moreno    Eyas Younis (Shanaah)    4/17 - 18/2023     Auctioneer; auctioned Ethan off to be murdered

Henchman at the auction     Malachi Muttakabbir  4/17 & 18/2023    worked for Albert Moreno

Henchman at the auction    Sergio Garcia   4/17 & 18/2023    worked for Albert Moreno


Edited by slick jones
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Search For Tomorrow

Dr Gail Kaplan ??? arranged for Amy Kaslo to have an abortion March 76

Dr Porter ??? Jennifer's doctor after her suicide attempt Sept 76

Mr & Mrs Peterson ??? bought Ralph Heywood's property Jan 77

Yang Lee ??? owner of repair shop that repaired shattered bowl Jennifer  stole from Eunice Nov 77

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Added in.





Johnny Mercer...Butch Patrick   1963       Johnny Mercer was Peggy's son. He was a patient of his mother's former fiance, Dr. Steve Hardy.

Peggy Mercer...K.T. Stevens             1963-64     Peggy Mercer was the fiancee of Dr. Steve Hardy. Peggy was unhappy that patients would always come first and broke off their engagement. She began seeing former love Roy Lansing. Upon learning he had a drug habit, Peggy turned her attention back to Steve, but his vocation was too much for Peggy to handle.

Phillip Mercer...Neil Hamilton 1963         Peggy's father


Nurse Amy Driscoll ...Risa Dorken gossipy nurse 2016-Present      spreading the news about Oz Haggerty   10/10/2022 ;      performed at the NB   4/5/2023;    4/19/23  Warns Austin about Ava

Nurse Deana Sirtis    Dioni Michelle Collins    2015-Present  ; most recent episode--9/20/22  Brando dies;   11/8/2022 charmed by Cody to get lab results;    11/10/2022    Getting saucy with Jordan, protective of Elizabeth;    3/29/2023  for Piph's Homegoing; 4/5/2023   performed at the NB; 4/12/2023   Anna's nurse after surgery'

Doctor (Anna)     ????    4/14/2023

Patrick Pulaski...Noah Blake  1991-92

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@FrenchFan @DRW50 @victoria foxton  @vetsoapfan  @jam6242 @Vee  @robbwolff

@AbcNbc247  @Paul Raven  @janea4old @carolineg  @John  @Taoboi  @Bright Eyes @dc11786 @victorlord75 @Faulkner


Picking out pictures and screenshots for John Beradino's updated soap hopper profile. These are more screenshots from the 60's I received of Dr. Steve Hardy, with a few patients and friends.

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Steve and young Angie Costello (Weeks Collins)

Steve, patient  Mr. Anders -- recommended to start physical therapy and an Orderly.

Steve, Phil and Student Nurse Sharon McGillis


Steve with Martha Lyons, wife of co-worker George Lyons. 


Martha learns of a hiatal hernia diagnosis.



With Dennis and Mrs. Bailey.



It's Thanksgiving 1965 and Student Nurse Katie Larkin arrives with a few letters addressed to Dr. Hardy, thanking him.




Reading a letter from a little child that would only see Dr. Hardy if she were in the hospital.


Checking on Audrey....and his Turkey Dinner.



Giving thanks.



Getting a lecture from Nurse Lucille  aka Sarge! 


@Faulkner and @Bright Eyes apologies for not tagging you before, but some more screenshots on pages 156 and 157 from episodes unavailable.  But the owner sent pics.

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Search For Tomorrow

More dates and character info

Cynthia (Cindy) French...Alison Argo ...Feb 77-Dec 77 pursued Gary and Tom (almost married Tom in Las Vegas) nurses aide  babysitter, Tory 

Dr. Greg Hartford...Robert Rockwell..Feb 77-March 78..engaged to Jo, impregnated Louise Bergman in his youth thus disliked by Stu who believed Greg was responsible for his sister's death ,retired doctor/lecturer, Vietnam vet,father of troubled Meredith, ex to Diane. Left with Meredith for New York when her schemes against Jo was exposed.


Meredith Hartford...Tina Orr...Oct 77- March 78 daughter, Greg, hated Jo. Worked in cahoots with Evelyn Reedy (who also resented Jo) to break up her father's relationship. Admitted her scheming and left with her dad to get help in NY.

Diane __Hartford...Julia Meade..Oct 77... selfish ex-wife of Greg living in Europe-gladly handed over custody of Meredith when she was causing trouble.

Evelyn_____Reedy...  Lenka Peterson...Jan - March 78..housekeeper for Greg Hartford, (arranged by Meredith)hates Jo for firing her daughter years back. Works in cahoots with Meredith, as she needed money for grandsons operation. When Meredith ran away Evelyn confessed all and discovered Jo had actually protected her daughter from further trouble.

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Today Is Ours

Laura ____Manning ...  Pat Benoit      ex wife, Karl, mother Nicky assistant principal of Bolton High School

Glenn Turner ...  Ernest Graves     architect  working on school building project

Ellen Wilson......  Chase Crosley  Jun - Oct 58   dated Peter, Laura's friend teacher at Bolton High


Betty Winters ...   Nancy Sheridan teacher at Bolton High

                                Jean Stapleton Oct 58-

Peter Hall... Tom Carlin     teacher    boyfriend of Ellen Wison

Chester Crawley family name was Crowley...Martin Blaine   car salesman

Rhoda Spencer  ...   Audrey Christie Oct 58-


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Some overdue additions and some new info:

??Jane the Nanny  ?????   4/10/2023    with Ace on the Haunted Star 

Ezekiel "Zeke" Robinson    Gavin Alexander Houston 2/7/2023-     Portia's brother;  showed up for wedding.   2/13/2023 - 2/15/2023  in town for the wedding; spoke with Brad; Trina's favorite relative; 2/22/2023-- spoke to Portia on the phone

Mrs. ___ ____ Robinson      Never Seen      Portia's mother, to ill to attend wedding; stayed with a caretaker provided by Curtis so her husband and son could attend the wedding; sent her grandmother's brooch for Portia to wear at the wedding.

Dr. Sterling Robinson    Ricco Ross   2/7/2023-  Portia's father;  showed up for the wedding; wife is too ill to travel;   2/13/2023 - 2/15/2023; gave Portia away

Trina Robinson     Josslyn's BFF; briefly liked Cam; art major; works at Ava's art gallery; denies feelings for Spencer; accused of filming Cam and Josslyn having sex; set up by Esme; dated Rory; was cleared but blamed by the Hook for Esme's problems; Rory was killed by the Hook; allowed herself to care about Spencer; learned that Taggert may not be her biological father; angered at her mother for keeping the truth a secret; not ready to be tested with Curtis; stowed away on the Haunted Star to help Spencer; after causing problems, caught by Victor on the ship; 

                                     .Tiana Li  6/23/17; 2/18

                           Sydney Mikayla   2/19-22

                                  Tabyana Ali     2022-

Jamie the Bartender      Jesse Grant      12/15/2016; 11/15/2017;  8/8/2019;  4/11 & 18 & 19/2022;  9/26/2022; 3/ 9 & 10 & 15/2023; 3/15 & 17 & 20/2023 --sent Maxie to Crimson

Johnny the bartender        Johnny Redwood    7/5/21; 11/19/21; 12/21/21; 1/3/2022; 1/24/22; 2/3 & 4/22; 2/23/22; 2/28/22; 3/1/22; 3/16/22; 6/17/22;     Charlie's Pub;  9/22/22;3/7/23; 3/22 & 23/2023)

Deputy Mayor  Eileen  Ashby       Heather Mazur    12/20/21;  10/11/2022    questioning Robert; 10/12/2022   with Victor;    caught insulting Laura to Robert   11/7/2022;      11/29/2022  eavesdropping and reporting to Victor;  2/7/2023- finds out Valentin Anna and Lucy were killed, gaslit by Anna and Felicia; 2/17/2023 -  with Victor, gaslit by Anna; 3/2/2023  gaslit by Anna in the morgue; 3/3/2023   agrees to work with Anna and Felicia; 3/8/2023  meets with Anna, Valentin and Anna, admits sexual past with Victor; 3/9/2023   slept with Victor; revealed to Laura that Victor had a limp noodle;    3/17/23  fills Victor in on the diamond;  3/24/2023 - brings fake diamond to Victor; 3/27/2023 - Eileen hands it over;  3/28/2023 -  reveals Anna, Val, and Lucy are alive, admits all to Victor; tossed off the bridge like a rag doll;   3/30/2023 -    washed up near the docks  -- pulled out by Dex.

Roy Lansing         writer; drug addict; dated Peggy Mercer; hated Steve Hardy; customer of Bernie Smith.

.                        Robert Clarke 63

                         Liam Sullivan 63-64

Mr. Anders  ???    4/ /1963    Patient

Orderly    ?????     4/1963

Dancer       Rosie Malek-Yonan     1984

Henchman  ????  4/21/2023    Haunted Star

Denise Makenzie   Alice Rietveld   12/12 - 21/2022    Drew questions her about Harmony and Willow; firefighter/former EMT in Clairborne County; fed Drew Carly's lies; blackmailed Carly about the truth; said Harmony and Doug arrived with the baby. 

Dr.  Sofia Navarro           Christina  Ferraro  OBGYN  4/19;  9/3/20; 8/17/21; 12/19/2022 -- Willow's gender test; 1/12/2023 --  Willow has baby; 4/21/2023 -- Molly has endometriosis

Mason Gatlin      Nathanyael Grey    7/20 & 22/22 Cousin of Austin;  told him he has to return to Pawtuck;  8/19/22   to intimidate Austin at the MetroCourt;  10/21/22  invited Maxie to Pawtuck;     11/4/2022   convinced Austin to care for a patient with a gunshot wound and not report it  ; 1/20/2023 -  ordering Austin to take off book patient; 1/23/2023  threatens Austin  ad nauseum; 2/6/2023  on phone threatening Ava; threatened by Austin;   3/1/2023    has Nikolas on ventilator; 3/6/2023  --putting the squeeze on Austin;   3/7/2023 - with Austin/Ava;   

Heather Grant Baker Webber..(Quartermaine)    Alley Mills    10/28/2022 - 2/27/2023;             10/31/2022 11/7 & 8/2022  pestering Finn and getting in crash with Anna;   11/10/2022       munching on a BLT with Cameron; arrested by Dante--offered him 1/2 her BLT;  discusses getting out of jail with Scotty    11/28/2022;    12/6/2022    called out Jeff for his parenting; 12/8/22    visit from Sonny; breaks into Ryan's room and reveals past as Hazel on the mountain and he accuses her of abandoning him because she was pregnant--12/9/22; discusses Escarole, her daughter by Ryan and they attempt to figure out where she is--12/12/22; 12/26/2022  -  getting under Portia's skin and makes a deal with Scorpio to find info about Esme and Ryan; 1/5/2023 Heather and Ryan discussing Escarole; 1/23/2023 saves Esme, chases away Ramona, slick talks Dante; in between, talking with Ryan; 2/14/23 --   discusses escape;  2/15/23  planning escape, badmouthing Ava; 2/16/23 -- Heather and Ryan escape with Escarole; 2/20/23   hooks Austin;  2/21/2023 Heather caught and confesses;  2/22/23 - taken from Esme to prison by Bennett;  2/23/23 - faking crazy with Sasha; 2/24/23  bad dream; confession; 2/27/23   kicked aside by Escarole; 

Bodyguard   ?????    4/21/2023   Sonny's door

Nurse    ????    4/21/2023     with TJ


More updates from the 1960s will be added shortly thanks to @depboy's posts.

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