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How To Get Away With Murder: Discussion Thread

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That was the best episode of the series! OMG! Viola is AMAZING! She will get her second Emmy nom and possible win with this performance.


No seriously, those last 10 minutes was some of the best television I HAVE ever watched. Annalise is insane and I just don't know what to do with myself. 


HTGAWM needs to get some type of nomination for Best Writing. OMG!

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Lol that was a lot to endure. I felt very bad for Conner but then she pulled that ish on Waitlist and I almost my damn mind.


And Viola was taking acting a whole different level last night. She was scaring the sh*t out of me. I really thought this trick had snapped...absolutely cracked and was gonna shoot her own damn self. 

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I was glad that prosecutor got run over, she was incredibly annoying.

Annaliese is so complex and twisted. When she started hollering out "shoot me", it was took her to another level of crazy. It was a good finale and fortunately didn't disappoint like some of these shows do when they promise a good finale, but fall flat.

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Man I channeled my inner Ramona and had a glass or two of pinot grigio to steel my nerves. The flashback to young waitlist? DONE! 


Meanwhile I liked how she revealed the truth to Asher about the rest of these annoying brats and their dirty little secret and turned it on them. That Mike guy is hot but I wasn't really feeling his reactions last night. I don't buy that he'd kill that lady just like that. I wonder how the ratings will fall out. 

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This show has steadily improved since last year's winter break and is awfully good this year. The cast has come together and clicked as actual people, especially Liza Weil (Bonnie) who was wallpaper for most of the first season. She's a star here.

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Holy crap, the last 10 minutes was intense! Annalise is nuts but amazing - revealing that the four killed Sam to force them to help her, goading Connor to shoot her by telling him she's going to send Oliver to jail, and then revealing that Rebecca is dead to get Wes to shoot her.  


This half of the season has been really good! I especially liked that they basically focused on one big case and only had a few case-of-the-week. 


I wonder if Laurel killed before - Annalise said something like "you have history with your father, you've done worse."  


I also love the music direction and choices.  It really helps build the intensity and mood of the scenes. 

Edited by Toups
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That was one glorious hour.

I also thought Annalise would shoot herself. But it was great TV to see her try to goad each and every student into shooting her. 

I dont think Laurel has killed before, I think that she's seen her father do it though. "You've seen worse with your father". 

So I'm assuming one of Annalise's schemes caused Wes' mother to commit suicide? I'm really interested in their shared history. 

Michaela's cupcake must be mighty powerful. Caleb went from being untamable to doing everything they requested. It was such a 180. I dont think that was developed enough. 

I dont think Catherine killed the parents. She's in love with and covering for the incest offspring. 

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  • 3 months later...
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That was a pretty boring season finale, until the last 20 minutes.  I thought it was a mistake to do a character driven episode in the season finale - they should've done this in an earlier episode.  


In this interview with Peter Nowalk, he reveals he didn't know who the murderer was:

How do you write a murder mystery without knowing who the murderer is from the start?  I didn't like that they wrapped up the season long murder-storyline in just ONE segment.  And Annalise knew Caleb was the murderer since she went to Wes' apartment and didn't tell anyone?  


Poor Wes.  He's now witnessed the brutal deaths of his parents. 


The first half of this season was so good, especially the mid-season finale.  Too bad the second half of this season wasn't as good. 

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I have a feeling the unnecessary gross sex with Asher and Mich was for a pregnancy SL.  The actress looks pregnant as hell.  She didn't just put on weight (which is no problem because she was super thin), but she looks bloated.  She has lots of extra meat in the places of someone who is pregnant, IMO.  

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How To Get Away With Murder's second season, particularly the second half, is reminiscent of Revenge's 2nd season and beyond, where there is SO much happening with so many characters so quickly, that I become numb to the "shocking twists" and it packs little to no punch to me. I guess this is how network serials are now, on ABC at least, where there's no time to rest and breathe in between. 

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  • 7 months later...
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Several of ABC's shows are not doing well in the ratings, but I feel like this is still relatively safe. Not sure if that's right or not but I feel the Rhimes connection and Viola in the lead role help it. Don't know what to say about who was under the sheet. I totally thought it was going to be someone else. Crazy

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Wow! I just binged all nine episodes in the last three days.  I was surprised it was Wes as well.   So when Nate told Annalise that Wes was dead before the explosion, was he lying to her?  I couldn't tell because of that scene with Nate and the coroner.   I really love the twisted connection between Bonnie/Frank/Annalise - that scene with Frank almost committing suicide was fantastic/intense. 

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