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GH: April 2014 Discussion Thread

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That had to be one of the most uncomfortable lust scenes I've ever witnessed. Kind of traumatic! Yikes!

The acting was a bit scary. Brian was paid to stand in the middle of the floor and scream. Look at those scenes again. Brian was not connecting to either Mo or MW. He was just standing there yelling. I've been one of his cheerleaders, so I have to ask where the damn director was while they were shooting?! Mo just sucks, but if peeps still want to believe he is one of Daytime's greatest? Their perogative.

Thought I was going to love the Jax mention, but it was just hollow. Another, "the audience is going to love this" while not really giving us anything. Horrible scenes. Factor in Morgan immediately jumping to the right conclusion when Sonny and Ava are fully clothed and there's no indication sex might have taken place, and you got yourself one clusterfuck of a "reveal". I mean, come on! This is a town where everyone takes at least 3 stupid vitamins/day.

Was that a pet rock Patty was carrying around or a baby? It just looked so ridiculous. Incubator anyone?

What else happened today? Oh right, NOTHING!

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First I have to LOL at your last two sentences...lol.....Yes Patrick holding whatever he was looked stupid......and the director today was Larry Carpenter..a former ATWT and OLTL director...never thought he was that great at directing either show.

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I don't agree with this. Ava's hair was a mess, Sonny's shirt was unbuttoned when he was wearing a tie at the funeral. Morgan probably also smelled the sex. I actually like that they had him be smart here instead of being oblivious to what was obvious. I thought Sonny had some nerve getting loud and angry at him for calling him out. I hope this ruins their relationship and isn't repaired like the last time

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Sorry, Morgan didn't have much to go on and it's not like there has been any suspicious flirtation going on with Scummy and Ava. That was quite the leap, especially when we have watched one PC resident after the other been given much more than Morgan would have gotten and still came up with nothing.

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