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PP: AMC & OLTL to air twice weekly

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TPTB are passionate about and invested in @allmychildren and @onelifetolive. We r all in it for the long haul.

as for viewers, they are gonna off of data that says how fans have watched. No one is blamming anyone. They are just stating the facts they have. Is that how everyone watches, no but its what their sampling showed.

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AMC's director Sonia Blangardio (sp?) was on twitter the other day saying that they had to shoot 156 pages of dialogue in one day. That's insane. No one can keep up that pace. Yes, they get five weeks off, but it's the five weeks on that are really hurting, I think. It sounds like the production schedule was set in the interest of saving money, but it's not realistic in terms of actually filming.

I really dislike the idea of only getting an hour of content a week, but it's better than nothing. I'll still keep watching AMC. I had no interest in OLTL before, and I don't plan to watch it now. PP needs to be happy that I'm watching AMC without Susan Lucci on it.

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I think OLTL does like 120 average on a good day. Thats a lot of stuff having 18 plus hr work days. I remember OLTL at ABC did 12 hrs and I thought that was too much.

That would be up to Hulu & Itunes

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Wasn't/Isn't AMC currently doing better than OLTL in viewership? I could've sworn I heard that the first week that AMC was #1 on Hulu and OLTL was #3 or #5 that week, which isn't bad when Hulu airs content for thousands of shows. I'm sure they haven't dropped b/c both shows remain on the main page in the top ten most watched shows on the site.

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I think a bigger part of it than anything was the very fast turnaround between start of production and actual "airing." They moved too fast. The question now is how to keep the shows running properly without that daredevil pace.

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