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PP: AMC & OLTL to air twice weekly

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My gut reactions-

1) Far too soon to make such a drastic cutback. They needed more patience and the rush is the biggest worry.

2) I don't buy they didn't understand soap fan viewing habits. DVR+7 numbers been increasing over the last few years for network soaps. Many catch up on the weekends and they should have planned for that.

3) Fans want long not shorter seasons from their favorite shows. Networks have cut far too back and the premium channel seasons are too short too.

4) What's wrong with binge viewing? That's the beauty of online demand viewing. Why did they count on daily viewers?

5) I tried AMC but quit. But I'm surprised there's not more crossover viewership. I wonder why that is?

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I'm thinking Hulu agree to be the exclusive carrier for both soaps, hoping that it would lead to more subscriptions for Hulu +. Hence what happened with DirectTv and Passions a few years back.

Hulu could very well threaten to stop carrying both shows if viewership/subscriptions are not what they were hoping/expected, .. hence maybe why PP had to lower episode #s...

Just a theory.

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I read that as they were saying people were binge viewing, missing some episodes and then when they returned to the show they were perhaps skipping some to get caught up and then found they didn't know what was going on.

This is all very worrisome but we have no choice other than to hope this is actually the real reason. It would be the cruelest joke of all to have these shows canceled for a second (third) time.

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Yeah something about they only needed like 1/3 of the network audience to watch to be successful. Must not have hit that number or close to it.

I am lol'ing at the people watching these shows more like they watch online shows.......uhm they are online shows PP. HELLO

This is also going to hurt them getting a cable network to carry the shows. IMO

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PP can always send some of their characters to network soaps in order to get some extra money and produce 4 episodes as they should. They should cancel the More episodes first.

Michael Easton can return to GH as John who meets Dr Clay and finds out that Steven Clay and Caleb are two different people and they are both in Port Charles. He can also visit DAYS in a cross over as John and discover a man who looks like him and is called Tanner. Together they return to Port Charles to find Steven, Caleb and Dr Clay wub.png

Next week's PP News:: PP forces GH to bring back John, Todd and Starr! PP's lawsuit against Y&R so that Celia moves to Genoa City!

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