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PP: AMC & OLTL to air twice weekly

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Right. I will say there's probably more overlap in viewers than with AMC and say another show, but I'm not sure by how much. Yes, soap opera viewing habits often tend to be more based on networks and what follows another than primetime viewing habits, but in this day and age less and less. I stand by saying that the package wouldn't have launched as successfully if they had only done one soap.

But I admit for me I was an AMC fan, then One Life (and then Loving after the AMC crossover.) From there I've sampled and gone back and forth with nearly all the other soaps as additions, GH I suppose the next most. Part of that was due to timeslot, part of it due to the fact that as a very young teen in the early 90s AMC and OLTL particularly spoke to me, part of it was that even back then I got obsessed with soap writers and Agnes Nixon in particular, etc, etc.

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Oh John I admire so much that you're so supportive of everything they do but you really think this won't affect quality cause it so will. things will now be rushed to the point we'll be saying WTF

Right off things will drag cause it's already filmed. I know i already said this but I expect Cassandra to now be rescued sometime around Labor Day. I'm being serious ;)

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In fairness, you overreact to everything on Earth.

It's not a flop, according to the numbers. But the production schedule has been merciless, and I think that's the key to this. Once that is under control, hopefully they can put it back at 3 or 4.

These shows were pretty much a rollercoaster BTS from the start. There has been no time to breathe. It's pretty much the extreme opposite of, say, DAYS, which is still airing episodes from before the invasion of Iraq.

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Well, this was all rushed so im not surprised at all.

I dont think they are out of cash by any means - yet, however i do think money played a huge role in this. If it is just the sharing of studio space and thats causing production delays, get another studio. I said from the start producing these as if they were still on tv and paying actors the same rate as has been reported was going to kill them because no matter how many people watch online, it isnt going to bring in the same revenue as a commercial on tv. Not to mention they are no longer getting paid from GH for character and have to pay abc for the shows. As for how they are doing, they are doing far better than I thought they would, from what it seems - but I think they are also doing far less than what PP wanted/expected/needed. it sounds like people are watching one or the other, not both and in a marathon style and PP has an issue with that even tho this was supposed to be watch anytime, anywhere. Guess they really should have said watch both back to back daily. They for some reason dont like people marathon watching and are not happy people are not watching both. Also, if you look at the top shows on hulu many amc epsiodes are often before any oltl episodes, and it seems from the press release that they dont like that. i wouldnt call them a flop, but i wouldnt call them a massive hit either. how is that even really measured? whatever the reason in the end, this was a bad choice this early in cuz it sure does give the perception of it failing and them panicking.

Its been no secret i am not a fan of PP, at all, but i do hope these shows go on for yall. I watch an ep of amc a week or two and nothing of oltl cuz i didnt like it. but with amc going twice weekly i wont watch both episodes, ill watch one every couple weeks to sample it until something pulls me in. i do this with all my shows and always have.

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