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PP: AMC & OLTL to air twice weekly

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Maybe its first day views which are most important to their numbers? To add to the binge watching, I think what was mentioned was the fear of falling behind nad if you are behind 10 episodes then you are locked out on viewing those unless you start paying and many arent willing to pay
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Yes! There are people who enjoy watching this way. Heck, I watched Breaking Bad in a binge fashion over a 2 week or so period.

It's strange, people in TV, music, etc, still so often act like it's still 1993 in terms of how they conduct business. Even those *in* online programming are still in that mode.

Not sure about a threat not to carry the shows, but I bet Hulu was counting on new Hulu Plus subscriptions. I broke down and got a Hulu Plus subscription last week(although I did not need it for the way I watch AMC) but now unless I find lots of compelling things I want to take the time out to watch, I will probably cancel it since my main reason has now been cut in half. I can't imagine I am alone in that.

I have not seen ANYWHERE where people are saying there are too many episodes. Either way, even if the money/production problems ultimately doom the comeback, as an AMC fan, I will be happy to at least get a real ending to the show if indeed it does end unlike last time.

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Honestly we should be happy prospect park bought these shows and brought them back. We are really ridiculous in the complaining. If we support and watch then they will be rexpanded. Honestly what u am more interested is what soap is doing better in views Amc or oltl.

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  1. @JaredKaplan 1 + is that now it may not be as stressful 4 the actors & production 2 crank out so many episodes in a short amount of time

@mousery You're exactly right. We now have more time to produce each episode and focus on making each individual episode the best it can be.

Not everyone's loving the 2 episodes a wk deal, I was surprised at first too. But it will be better for the long-term survival of the show.

Wasn't involved in the decision at all, so can't speak to it. But one thing I do know - #OLTL isn't in trouble and isn't going anywhere!!

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On a side note I always noticed a correlation between soaps. I never ran across a fan who watched Y&R and AMC equally unless they soapaholics like me. Usually, I will find a correlation between AW/GL/AMC/DOOL and OLTL/DOOL/GL. I never really found a correlation between the Bell soaps and other soaps though.

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This really disappoints me and I'd be furious myself if I paid for subscriptions or "passes" to services just to watch these shows and then the quantity was cut on me. Dropping these, however, is only going to make it harder for the shows to continue when their initial deals are up (one year?). sad.png

If it were the pace of the production schedule, they should have just said that. I think most fans would be able to understand that, although still be disappointed. Whatever the real reason, I'm afraid PP just shot themselves in the foot by making it sound like it was the viewers' fault and all this "binge" viewing crap. I'm scared for OL! I was sooo happy to see it back and am loving the show!

Sorry, never really watched AMC when it was on ABC so I've only watched the first couple eps of the reboot. ph34r.png

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I'm not excited about the news mainly for personal reasons--I am loving the shows and was very happy to have them on four days a week. However, it does not seem this is some preamble to canceling them and it really does seem they just could not handle the production schedule, plus the viewing thing. I was all set to complain about people not catching up but, hey, it's been a struggle watching them the same day and I've fallen 2 episodes behind, so... laugh.png

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I paid for a pass for AMC, and the pass is for 20 episodes, so this doesn't affect that in any way. It actually helps because now my pass lasts longer.

But anyway, this really doesn't bother me. They cut from 5 hour-longs to 4 half-hours in the translation from TV to online, and this reduction is slighter than that one.

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