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Y&R: Discussion for the Month of March

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Given how these headwriters have used orange ghost John to harangue Jack over the years, I don't want him back alive. John would probably be even worse to Jack if he was breathing which would piss me off even more.

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John's worse period was under LML when he was married to Gloria. LML was creating the Fisher/Baldwin/Abbott family and had John upset with Jack for not accepting Kevin, the man who tried to kill his granddaughter, was part of their family.

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But LML was consulting for about a year before Smith was fired so she definitely contributed to the ruination of John. She just ended it by killing him off. She did continue on with her Fisher/Baldwin/Abbott delusion after John was gone though. It took forever before Jack was finally able kick her out of their house after John died.

Smith really does have a lot of answer for. Oh well, he is safely at B&B with Brad keeping a close watch on him.

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I have mixed feelings about Latham. Killing John was wrong! (even though he was basically useless on par with Tracy) but I liked the addition of Gloria and her retrobate sons. Her friction with Jack reminded me much of the terror that was Jill Foster living in the Abbot mansion years before. Also, I liked the fused family coming from both sides of the tracks--Abbots against low class Fishers. LML also did the Nazi art story which finally got a Jewish character on daytime.

LML stopped Smith's ratings slide and does deserve the credit. Her vision was less shallow than MAB possibly best summed up by how she killed Brad and his daughter at the damn lake. Raunch somewhat kept MAB in check; however, after he left the 'killer of the week' crap started with with Ricky being the WORST example---reminded me of ATWT from 2008-Finale.

JFP is quickly transforming Y&R into an ABC soap with the 'hunks of daytime' in your face trash! Also, she has tossed aside Y&Rs iconic looks and this is best summed up by Victor's new ranch. The show now moves exactly like GH during her tenure. Lastly, rushing the canvas with too many new characters, as opposed to focusing on your core, is never a good thing: Within six months we have a set of new 'stars' that are hogging all airtime--Avery, who previously did supporting work, being the WORST!

The ratings are not moving up and seem stuck at lows MAB was generally able to break through. I honestly think a major Kay story would get HH numbers up. Even younger viewers seem to dig her.

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I just have no time in my daily schedule to keep up with it... if it were must-see-TV then maybe I'd try to fit it in, but otherwise it's not worth it. I'm a few weeks behind at this point anyway.

I'll check it out from time to time, though.

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Who is the guy in your avatar?? I feel the same about Y&R...I sometimes DVR it and ff through most of it or dont even watch...when I am off I sometimes watch but nothing keeps my interest anymore.

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Caught up with Friday's episode... lots of interesting stuff, especially Lauren and Michael. How refreshing that they finally have some substance to play, to finally see them come alive.

I actually liked the music they played during the Leslie/Tyler scene. All the stuff between them and between Leslie and Avery was good.

Adam and his horrid house need to burn.

The Victor/Nikki stuff was sweet but we've had much more touching hospital scenes between them than this.

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