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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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While I do think they will eventually settle, I highly doubt PP will want to do the show again. I think they are just looking to recoup some money. Also, there are several actors who may not want to do business with PP again considering all the miscommunication and such. However, it the show was to come back(and I doubt they will but you never know), I can see ABC working with someone else to do the show, possibly online again.

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ABC WILL eventually get the rights back, whether that's this year or in a few years - the contract doesn't go on forever. I know some fans think ABC wants to produce the show again. I'm not sure what to think. I could see them wanting to use a few characters on GH, but I can't see them wanting to produce the show again as a five hour a week television program. I could perhaps see them doing an online or cable version of the show or maybe a spinoff, perhaps in a seasonal format with fewer or shorter episodes, but I think even that's unlikely unless ABC has someone high up who is willing to think outside the box a lot. I don't see ABC and PP working together after all of this. Would you enter into a new contract with a company that sued you for almost $100 million? PP proved that while they could produce a visually appealing show, they don't have the slightest clue how to properly market it and monetize it and build a sizable enough audience online.

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The more time passes, the less likely a show specifically named All My Children and/or One Life To Live would happen in any format. It would most likely be less of a hassle to create a new show entirely. No, you can't capitalize from history but there wouldn't be any of those distasteful memories of unceremoniously dumping these shows either. I don't think there is trust with either ABC or PP, so I don't think they'd be able to lure any actors from previous stints back and I don't see the any other entity taking on a show with decades behind it and admant fans who each have personal wish lists and dreams for these show.

At this point, most production companies would rather spend their time looking for the next Orange is the New Black or the next House of Cards. JMO.

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I'll say what I've always said. It'll happen someday in the vague future - the brands are too valuable - but that won't be today.

Of course, I sure didn't think it would be last year either.

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