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Unpopular Opinions Thread: 2013 Edition

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* I think Kristen's return on DAYS is a disaster. I love ED as sophisticated Ashley Abbott and I also loved her as JER-Kristen. But this feels like a new version of Vivian.

* I love the actor who plays Will Horton. I wish his boyfriend was not Sonny Kiriakis, I am not crazy about that family.

* I hate the Maggie/Victor pairing. This marriage took Maggie away from the Horton family for no reason. Maggie should be the Horton matriarch now. Maggie Kiriakis doesn't exist as far as I am concerned.

* I LOVE it everytime the word guardian is mentioned on AMC. It gives the show a Bronte feeling.

* I am afraid that within a year JFP will have transformed Y&R into the generic soap she loves producing and that the entire history prior to her arrival will be erased.

* Everytime Miranda smiles I feel like a very old lady who would say "I used to know your grandmother. You remind me so much of her."

* I have a feeling Felix is obsessing over Dr Drake and Sabine getting together because he knows he can get him to bed very easily. One of these things the writers want us to know but never tell us like Lauren Femnore marrying her gay best friend and Joey and Chandler being a couple on Friends.

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Generic? :blink: I'm not crazy about the music but the show looks better than it has since Ed Scott was there.

I'm sure the history will be kept intact as long as Griffith is HW.

I still don't understand why some fans think JFP is so determined to harm the show and I think some are overestimating the power she has. She's there to do CBS and Sony's bidding.

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Though I think Jeffrey could be a workable character if developed a bit better, I don't like Corbin Bleu at all.

There is something way too over-rehearsed and over-enunciated about his acting and delivery that just irks me. You can clearly tell he got his start on the Disney channel, there's just something very forced and unnatural about him.

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I've GOT to get into that show. Ken Barlow, played by William Roache, sounds like the sort of tent-pole character I miss in soaps.

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Enjoying AMC more than OLTL because it is more of a true reboot with new characters as opposed to more of a straight continuation. Enjoying the young newbies on both shows. Don't think we need Kendall, tad, Ryan, Amanda etc. back because the show is much much more enjoyable then when they were driving story in the last 5-7 years of the abc run. I would rather see more SoRASed kids with ties to historic families and long lost favorites like dimitri or Nina.

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I hate Dixie, and I want to punch her every time she appears on my screen. I realize that my hatred of her has reached an irrational level, but I can't help myself.

I really don't care about Cassandra. Yes, she was kidnapped by sex traffickers, and it sucks, and I'm sure AMC is going to tell a meaningful story and all that, but I don't care. I don't know who Cassandra is, and I'm more pissed about Jesse keeping the kidnapping a secret than anything else.

I can't decide if I love or hate the Sonny-ification of Zach Slater. As he told Bianca today, "She knew what I was like when she was married me." Yes, but TPTB really tried to play down the casino/mob boss/shoot your brother-in-law in the head for body parts aspect of the character. I did think TK brought some good humor and witty quips to Zach, which I liked, but I hated that they played him off as a hero when he really wasn't. I guess I need more time to see how the character has changed.

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1) I do not like Jeffrey or Destiny on OLTL. For Destiny, I think that the actress is very green. For Jeffrey, I do not get where he fits in. I would love to have seen the role of cub reporter filled by a more legacy character.

2) I do not like Dorian in her current iteration. Robin Strasser need to calm the F down. Show them that you are the Emmy winner you are, and not just another scene chewing soap actress (e.g., Lynn Herring), whose only value proposition to viewers is faint feeling of nostalgia.

3) Pete/ Celia on AMC... jury is still out on this one. I do not understand how/why Pete would fall in love with a random girl on the street so quickly.

4) Francesca James as Evelyn, why the hell did she not just come back at Kelly? The character has been gone long enough to provide writers flexibility to changing her story and where she has been for the last decade.

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As I have mentioned elsewhere on the board, I think AMC's writers have gone about this story wrongly. I don't care to see a young woman, or ANY woman for that matter, being victimized in such a brutal manner. To me, seeing the actual violence is gratuitous and borders on fetishistic. I, as a viewer, am more concerned with the emotional violence this will inflict upon Cassandra for some time to come. For that reason, I think it might have played better had this occurred off-screen (meaning, while Cassandra was away in Europe); then, once she had escaped back home, to Angie and Jesse, the truth of her ordeal would have been revealed gradually as Cassandra struggled with keeping it private from everyone.

Frankly, I think Pete is not the best character for this kind of story. Perhaps, if Daniel Kennedy's Pete were still around, it might make more sense since his Pete came across as a social misfit. However, Pete has undergone a complete physical metamorphosis since then. No doubt, along with that metamorphosis came an increase in self-confidence and more experience with women. Really, I liken Pete at this stage in his life to that of his father, the brilliant, young Pete Cooney from Pigeon Hollow, who had made himself over as the Palmer Cortlandt we had come to know. Pete should be driven more by business concerns, I think, and not by reenacting some Gothic drama with young, unstable Celia. (Honestly, Colby Chandler cannot return soon enough.)

Now, AJ Chandler -- that's someone who would fit this kind of story better. He had two stepmothers who were young, pretty and struck down before their time; his feelings for Miranda are, of course, no secret either. More than likely, he shares his father's habit of placing women, especially fragile-seeming women, on pedestals.

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I am enjoying Dixie so much more without Tad. I'm kind of hoping MEK stays away for a good long while, loved Tad in the 90s but didn't enjoy him from about 2003 on. I thought I would really miss him but I do not.

I feel the same way about Erica that someone said upthread- she takes up a ton of bandwith for a new show that is only 30 minutes, 4 times a week. I'd like to see her again with her daughters, with Opal, maybe with Dimitri if the rumors are true but only in short spurts here and there.

I never want Jack back- his frankly Erica, I don't give a damn anymore was the best ending that the character could have ever had. Never got the whole Jack/Erica are endgame idea.

I am ashamed to admit I loved the song that boy bang sang on Thursday's episoide.


In 3 scenes, nuMatthew and nuDestiny have made me more invested in these characters than Eddie and Shenell did in 3 years. I love that Matthew is currently a deadbeat- way more real than anything we got with the Starr & Cole's happy family. And yet, I look forward to him waking up when Drew inevitably is kidnapped by Internet girl or comes down with aplastic anemia.

I have not been feeling JvD as Clint yet with the exception of his buck up and be a Buchanan speech to Matthew. And I LOVED him on ABC.

I can take or leave TSJ and Victor.

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