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Whitney Houston dead at 48!


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I really fell back in love with the I Look To You album, and besides that really poor X Factor UK version of Million Dollar Bill, most of her televised performances were good. Granted her voice is weathered, but if she wanted to and was in the right frame of mind she WAS still capable of a decent performance. Now the tour was obviously too grueling for her just coming back, but I think she tried and she left on top musically. Her last album was well produced, she had a fairly successful (financially) tour, the album also sold well and she has a big movie coming out. I'm glad she didn't leave us after Just Whitney or Being Bobby Brown or one of her other career downers.

What I always loved about Whitney is that she never blamed anyone for her problems and was honest about them. She knew the fight was hard against drugs, but she fought as hard as she could. Even in the Oprah interview a couple years back. I was just re-watching her talk about how Michael's death affected her and it was chilling. She said she didn't want to end up that way, but it's such a struggle. People say "Oh she's a crackhead," but drug addiction IS hard to beat. You can't convince me she wasn't a woman who was trying. Whitney seemed like a woman who wanted to live, to fight.

Her career will never be forgotten at least. Her personality was just so sparkling, at her highs and her lows. I love me some hood Whitney! Also, looking at my iPod (I have all her albums) I'm shocked that I hardly ever listen to any of her ballads. I'm all about the sass and her uptempos (she really did have a lot!) and her remixes. My most played Whitney album is I Look To You followed by My Love Is Your Love (the album that made me a fan).

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Random memories of Whitney Houston growing up: like how shocked I was when I first went to see "The Bodyguard" and heard her say the word "[!@#$%^&*]." :lol: Like truly shocked.

Or when we were little kids in the playground, we used to mess around at singing The Greatest Love of All. It was totally OTT and cheesy ("I believe that children are our future...") the way we did it but Whitney never sang it that way. She sang every one of her songs with 100% belief in them and commitment to them.

Just watched the Oprah interview from two years ago. :( I so hoped that she had turned a corner back then.

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Oh, no question. Twitterverse went all Amber/Glee > J. Hud/Grammys after the performance, too.

It is really one thing to do it live and another thing to do it in studio, but I still have to give this Amber chick mad props. That may very well be the best performance of I Will Always Love You, studio or live, I have heard since Whitney Houston was able to belt it out without problem. I loved the layer of emotion she added to it. You could really feel the words. (Kudos to Dolly Parton for writing such a beautiful song). It almost made me cry each of the 3 times I watched it. Wthout initially meaning to it ended up being a better tribute than the Grammy's offered. That song and a simple black and white screen with "Whitney Houston: We Will Always Love You."

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Glee vocals are always perfect because they cut out any life whatsoever. Everything sounds the same. That is, in many ways, my least favorite Whitney song (of her hits, anyway), and her most hollow song, so it fits. While I do appreciate Amber doing a good job and it's a nice goodbye for Whitney, I'm glad they didn't get their hands on a true classic.

Edited by CarlD2
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