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OLTL: Discussion for the week of March 28

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I think they are purposely throwing bad actors at us to make everyone else look so much better....

1.) Deanna is awful, awful, awful. Every single line was awful. Even Kourtney Kardashian was better! I like the idea of some more diversity but there are plenty of actresses out there...

2.) Not really a fan of this porn story.

3.) Starr, James, Langston, Ford, blah... so boring.

4.) ME with his shirt off? Must be the first time in forever, he must have lost some weight!

5.) Natalie is getting annoying, I almost side with anyone she argues with- Kelly, John, Marty... never her lately.

6.) Love Rama, miss Vimal.

Deana, Starr, James, Nate, Dani, Ford, and Langston are really just boring me at that point and I used to like some of them. I can take Matthew, Destiny, and even Shane... I think the bullying storyline is a good social story and it's better than the other teen stories but could still be better.

There are WAY too many characters and stories going on, literally 10 plus major stories.

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I still blame the lack of proper rehearsal time. Even the most seasoned, professional actors need proper rehearsal w/ blocking to ensure maximum performance.

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I was going to mention this in the ginormous cancellation rumor thread, but I noticed that OLTL's CD is suddenly doing a lot of workshops in the city. The asst. CD has always done them pretty regularly, but not so much the head CD. It caught my eye b/c I noticed the same with ATWT's head CD when the show's cancellation was announced, she even parlayed one workshop as her transition into independent casting. Not saying OLTL is going anywhere, but maybe folks at ABC are going the extra mile these days? :unsure: Or maybe they just like teaching and could use some pocket money. :P

Dean Martin's daughter's name is Deana (Deena), but I just cannot look at Deanna and see "Deena". She must be named after someone bts with the same spelling and pronunciation/serial mispronunciation.

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I was also thrown by the spelling and pronunciation, since the name very much looks like it's pronounced how it's spelled. What got me was that Tess pronounced it "Dee-anna" obviously because of how it was spelled before being corrected by James, but Starr immediately pronounced it "Deena". Not a big deal, just one those loose ends that the writers forget to tie up in scripts.

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She is absolutely dreadful, IMHO. I mean wow. Awful, terrible, boarder line worse than Kourt Kardashian. Don't care about Deanna's heartbreak over losing James, either. I get Hannah vibes from her, I see her going bat crazy over James in no time and doing stuff like taunting/torturing Starr and taking her and Hope hostage one day.

If the minuteman hotel is such a flea bag dump, then why do they have embroidered towels in the bathrooms?? LOL

Very unpopular opinion here, but I like Ford and think DG is a good actor. ph34r.gif I also don't mind Nate, I like him & Dani together. James is the one I have a problem with, I can't stand him one bit. He is a whiny, lazy hound dog.

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Too funny, I find James, while a useless character, the most tolerable of the bros!

As for Deanna aren't we gonna get some weird porn story with her? Which is strange cuz we're meant to (I think) see it as Austin's poorn director preying on her but so far he's been so, well basically nice if a bit nutty--and his porn setup seems to ridiculously PG and old fashioned, that it's hardly something someone's grandma would even care if they did.

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