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LOL I remember either you or someone else mentioned that fact during the classics thread to which I am glad that nothing from that year was aired at all as well. Probably the worst stuff I remember airing was a post-volcano episode (but it was supposed to be about Kevin and Chloe LMAO) and some crappy 2012 episode where Sharon and Nikki fought in the barn which I forgave because MAB was fired around the time the episode aired. 

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Ehh thankfully 2007 was a blip in my memory but if it recalls:

1) "Out of the Ashes" was a huge sweeps marketing event surrounding the explosion of a retreat (Clear Springs by NVP Retreats, a partnership with Nikki, Victor, and Phyllis. It veered on GH Guza-era camp (and poorly done at that) which had no place in Y&R. All I remember is Nikki losing it over Victoria's ugly handbag. She was pregnant with JT's baby and went into a coma because she got hit on the head by a foam brick lmao.

2) Nikki was in a parking lot and was about to get robbed at gunpoint. Victor came in and did a few headbutts on the culprit but shortly after started experiencing extreme personality changes (being unusually mellow, giving Jack favours at Newman, and making paper snowflakes and hiding them in his desk). One day he started hallucinating and attacked Nikki but she was able to calm him through it, and at that point found out he had epilepsy. Not sure how they resolved that one.

3) Mmm wasn't much paying attention to this storyline but on top of taking advantage of Victor's epilepsy, he and Nikki of all people were running opposite each other for state senate (yes, you heard that right) and he was doing really shady things to get ahead.

Aside from the above, 2007 Y&R also gave us:

  • Pheila (more on the tail end of 2006)
  • The infamous reliquary storyline which Joshua Morrow never fails to sh!t on.
  • Dru falling off the cliff
  • Phyllis faking a back injury and staying at the Abbott house with Jack and Sharon to avoid prison time for perjury (not sure how she got out of that)
  • Sharon and Jack
  • Bratty Noah
  • Horrible MTV style background music
  • Kevin and Colleen getting locked in a freezer by Jana and saving her life
  • Cane Ashby
  • Lily and Amber rivalry over Daniel (the writing for Amber really bugged me on Y&R as I found her characterization super campy in comparison her first run on B&B)
  • Daniel's pr0n addiction
  • Extreme Catwalk
  • Victor and Sabrina?
  • Niktor breakup and David Chow (which I thought was a strange name for a character played by Vincent Irizarry)
  • Ji-Min and whatever storyline he had - but he was very good with Jill


Edited by ChickenNuggetz92
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Ah, the memories. Victor and Sabrina was MAB, I think and started very quickyl when LML was hunted off the premises. 


EDIT: Was Australian-Colleen and Professor Whatshisname (Adrian Korbel? Was he killed?) also in 2007?

I can remember most of these stories but nothing how it played out onscreen because it was all soo sad and squandered (due to bad editing, awful music and some nonsensual twists). I'll give LML credit for actually doing PSA stories which were current. That said, the one scene I vividly remember from 2007 besides Dru's fall into bad CGI.

Lily: "Oh my god Daniel. This is paaaaaaaawrn, Daniel. Oh my god, paaaaaawrn. You are addicted to paaaaaaaawrn, Daniel!"

Edited by sheilaforever
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I bet people in 1993-1994 were probably missing 1978-1979 (If we are going back 15 years) and considering them more classic years. What's funny is that while I want to see more 1994, I can see why people back then would probably be turned off because of the whole Nick/Sharon/Amy/Matt thing dominating and taking over the show, yet now we realize how good we had it back then, even if we didn't always like what was on screen. I guess that can be said for most of Late 1994-1997 Y&R anyways. 


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Looking through the old Usenet/Google posts, the people in the early 90s definitely considered the stuff from 10 years before (like Victor and Nikki's early years) as "ancient history"/"good old days" which is interesting cause right now I consider anything from 2010 "very recent." But there was not as much info on the internet then and no clips so I guess as you watched it you kind of forgot the details unless you read about them in a magazine. And if you went on vacation or something during a big story, you just missed it. 


I feel like people are too hard on the 90s Nick/Sharon stuff. Once they sorted out the recasts, it was a solid, classic Bill Bell good vs. evil story with the suffering heroine. It has almost a Chris and Snapper vibe where your hero and heroine are basically good people who stay together for a long time and deal with some of the same issues (rape, long lost child), and there was the class element, and the disability element with Sharon's mother. I agree with most here that Joshua Morrow was miscast as Victor's heir, and isn't a strong actor, but it did work out with Nick being more like his mother and that fueling some of the issues between Victor and Nick.

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It's funny how people have different perspectives of what the "good old days" are for this show. I remember one comment from the Google Groups  (I think this one in the 1990 posts) saying that it took them "years" to really get into Y&R because in the 70's it was mostly "background music and Pretty faces, with nothing more to offer"...Those might not be the exact words, but close to it. I do think Youtube over the years has made people hungry for most of the classics of any show because prior to 2005/2006 (whenever YT really set off) I don't think there was a lot of ways to watch old clips or episodes of soaps (besides WOST I guess). I can see people back in 2005 probably thinking the early Nick and Sharon stuff was "too recent" to think of as classic, until watching old clips on YT and realizing how better it really was. 

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I can relate to that cause I remember when they aired the Christmas Classics for 1987 and 1988 and I saved those VHS, while I was taping over/deleting the daily show... and then eventually there came a time that Christmas 1995 and Nick & Sharon's 1996 were aired as "Soap Classics" which I hadn't saved at the time they aired, and eventually realized all of the 90 were classic and I should have somehow saved them. 

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Up till 2000/1 was consistently good and/or decent quality.  2000/1 to 2006 was a mixed bag where some of the show was decent..but other parts..not so much.

The Glow by Jabot crew (Raul, JT, Billy, Rhianna, Brittany, and Mac) was the last strong 'young' group...it reminded me of the inter related groupings of the younger bunch in the 80s.... Patty, Danny, Lauren, Traci, Nina, Cricket, Phillip, etc.

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Right now it's so infuriating to me that a show with the word "YOUNG" in it, has such a lack of any teen stories whatsoever. Regardless of how Days and GH handle their younger set/Teen stories at least they have them now, and Y&R doesn't bother. 

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Thanks to @BoldRestless and their hard work in auditing large files, around 900 GB has been freed up!

Uploading can continue, though I will continue to look out for a long-term solution. Thank you to all contributors for making this happen - I didn't think that over a year later that I would have to potentially get a second account to split up the soap vaults. You're all champs!

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