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About Larry and Linda Larkin who appeared in the 1978 episode recently posted. They were on for 6 months (April-September 1978)


Linda Larkin first appeared as a friend of Greg Foster’s in April 1978. Greg feared that the man who hired Linda was more interested in her body than her working ability. Linda’s husband, Larry, told her though that he was proud she was working. When her boss tried to put a move on her, a shocked Linda left her job and Larry forbade her to find another one.


Dr. Snapper Foster worried that his brother Greg was seeing more than a friendly interest in Linda. The ordeal she lived made Linda think through what she wanted in her life. She admitted to Larry that she felt trapped in her marriage. After Linda left Larry, Greg hired her to work in his office but Snapper thought it was a mistake as Greg had fallen in love with Linda. However, because of the children, Linda decided to move back in. Greg gave Linda advice on how to save her marriage.


Larry admitted to his wife that he also had felt trapped in their marriage. — having to work and support a family and fight the feeling he wasn’t getting anywhere — but he was frightened when she decided to change her life, and he wanted avoid a divorce. They decided to give it another try and the Larkins last appeared in September 1978.



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Thank you very much!


Thank you for this synopsis. It saved me the trouble of writing a similar one up, myself.

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I never understood the point of bringing the Larkins in. They barely did anything, they were not terribly well-developed, and then they just suddenly reconciled and disappeared, never to be seen or heard of again. Bill Bell was probably going for a Greg/Linda romance, but there was no chemistry there at all. Both the actors playing Linda and Larry were bland. I did not miss them when they left. 

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It sounds like 1978 was another transition year of sorts for the show.  I had never seen heard of the Larkins before...but I also had no idea Andy had an ex wife when he was dating Jill in 1981/82..who was being tested with Lucas.


Bill Bell seemed to introduce characters and gradually worked them into the show.  If they clicked, they became leads...if they didn't.. they faded back into the woodwork.

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Yes it seemed like Greg/Linda was in the offing but Bill lost interest.

I recall Linda was on repeat about how unfullfilled she was as just a wife and mother and Larry wasn't very supportive. I guess Bill was trying to reflect what was happening in the country at that time as young women became aware of what they may have been missing by devoting themselves to a domestic role.


Perhaps there was feedback that women at home watching didn't want to see someone onscreen

a) venting frustrations they may have been facing, which would increase their negative feelings

b) presenting an alternative point of view that threatened their status as wife and mother


Maybe the feeling was that the soaps should either feed fantasies eg women as glamorous novelists and concert pianists jetting off around the globe or reinforce status as happy homemakers .

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It said only "1991" so we wondered if it was definitely the Oct 2, 1991 episode, or if it could be something else.

The update:
Confirmation from zap2it.com: the Nov. 27, 2020 repeat is from Oct 2, 1991.
"David wears the same disguise as Danny to the Masquerade Ball; Paul and Lauren run into Scott and Sheila".

Presumably they'll just use the edited version that aired April 17, 2020.

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Still no answers what Larry & Linda’s story was though lol? Only mention I can find in my notes was “she had feelings for perpetual loser in love Greg Foster”.

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Edit: Nevermind just saw @FrenchFan’s post, thanks!


I suppose the Larkins faced the same fate the Laurence family did just a few years later.

Edited by soapfan770
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The big arrivals that year were the Reed sisters, Paul, and Lucas. In that 1978 episode, was Nikki's boyfriend that Casey was talking about Paul? I don't believe Casey and Nikki's mother was ever shown, but their father arrived the following year.

Lucas was the younger of Vanessa's sons, but IRL Tom Ligon is four years older than John McCook. Crazy to think in that 1978 episode JM was younger than his current B&B co-stars Darin Brooks and Scott Clifton.

Edited by kalbir
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