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Don’t click the link if you care about spoilers, but this weeks promo includes a clip with Deborah Adair as Jill. This led me to wonder, how do y’all feel about flashbacks with previous actors in the role?


My feeling is that it’s fine and I love when soaps do it. For example, Y&R did an entire story with newly created flashbacks for the Abbott’s. How is that any different than showing real flashbacks with actors who played the roles? These are soaps. We know recasts happen often. I’d much prefer showing real flashbacks. When Y&R was bringing Cane on I remember they did a flashback montage of Jill/Kay, but they cut Jill out because the clips were Jess Walton. It led to confusion with viewers thinking the blurred out woman was a mystery character joining the show. 

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Do you mean Brenda Dickson?


I think showing the old actor can lead to the same confusion, a lot of "who is that?" amongst the audience. I'd avoid as best I could and try to make the story as compelling without the need for flashbacks. I'd rather write a soliloquy with an actor recapping what happened than to show a flashback with a different actor.

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@Darn yes I meant Brenda Dickson! My bad! And I do agree with you. In general unless it’s a special event I prefer not to have flashbacks at all, but I hate when they do recreated flashbacks which net look like the time period (and often change history) or when hey avoid major flashbacks because of an actor change. 

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I definitely noticed that too!


Y&R I know did once before back in 2003 when they showed a lengthy montage of Victor & Ashley’s history together before Ashley’s fateful car accident, someone throw in a silent clip of Victor marrying Epperson’s Ashley to which I was in total shock at the time. 

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New additions to the vault

Nov 83 clip - Jack Rescues Jill


12/19/86 partial ep overlaps (123) 


I have several clips and episodes relating to Jill & Kay's court battle over Phillips's adoption, which complements what's in the vault, which hardly includes this story. I love the scenes with Phillip answering Michael Crawford's questions. Really sharp dialogue. Jill's scenes contain some wonderful 70s clips.

Unfortunately, none of Kay's testimony is in any of these clips, so hopefully someone else has that material to share.


1/5/87 clip – Phillip testifies
1/6/87 – Second half of ep - comes around (124) @ 6:35 – (not entirely sure if the scenes in the clip are before or after the 1/6 ep)


Clip 1/9/87 – Katherine Jill in court over Phillip (2 pts)


1/12/87 – episode
1/13/87 – episode
1/14/87 - clip
Watch these before clip (125)


5/28/87 partial - This is the episode at the stables, it's in better quality at the vault starting at clip (131), but it's always nice to have the other scenes (Lauren/Paul and Jabot stuff).



I will be adding the eps dated


6/11/87 ep
6/12/87 ep
6/15/87 ep
These have also been around labelled "Jill's Men's Line Party" (14 parts) but there's actually not much of the party. Most of it is planning the party. These are labelled genoacityguy, but I've seen clips of Jill in the red dress in better quality, I wonder if someone has them.


I have a clip of 6/16/87 that says "Phillip drives drunk" (pt 4 of 6), did anyone here ever grab the rest of that ep when it was on YouTube long ago?


There's lots of clips floating around from this era with Brenda Dickson's Jill, which I have never seen as full episodes. I wonder if these were recorded by the same person that did the Divorce clips and if there's a series where they're all in order. Jill and Phillip seem to be very popular as there were loads of clips of them on YouTube through the years. Sometimes Brenda Dickson reposts them on twitter or YouTube.

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I do have the episode where Phillip is drunk driving after the press party and is arrested. I will upload. I have the other genocityguy eps too, but I was missing stuff so thanks for putting all these up


I had the ep as June 15, and the others as June 10, 11 & 12. But happy to follow your dates. I will upload now

Edited by will81
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Not sure if I shared this before a newspaper article from May 19, 1990. I checked the 1990 eps we have. Chester last appears in those as Nina's lawyer when she wants to buy the Chancellor mansion. I think he appeared in the June 7, 1990 ep. So June was probably his last appearance.


Seems Todd Curtis (Skip Evans) was taken off contract around the same time. 


I found a Feb 26, 1992 Y&R synopsis on Google groups that mentions Leanna and Jack. I checked the 1992 eps we have, the next credit list is March 6 and Barbara is nowhere to be found. I wonder if Feb 26 was her last date. Barbara made a movie with Lisa Rinna called Robot Wars which began filming in Tex and Los Angeles between Mar - May 1992. So I am betting Feb 92 was her last appearance.


I have also looked into Beth Maitland. I know I have listed this before, but this seems to be the most definitive of her contract status and appearances pre Nov 96 (when the soap central daily synopsis start)


Jun 82 - June 87 (On Contract)

Beth chose to leave this time around and had no plans to return


Nov 87 - Nov 89 (On Contract)

Beth was asked to come back to wrap up Traci's story. She had agreed to a few weeks, but before she returned she signed a one year contract that extended to two. She made an appearance Dec 22, 1989 but had definitely left the show by this point


Sep 90 - Aug 91 (Recurring)

Beth returned on a recurring basis initially


Sep 91 - Aug 92 (On Contract)

Beth signed a three year contract, but was taken off contract a year into it. Don't believe she was ever on contract again, during the Bell years anyway. 


Aug 92 - Jun 93 (Recurring)

Beth made a few appearances during the remainder of 1992, but was back more prominently from Jan 1993. This was when Brad did the whole 30 day reconciliation trial


Dec 93 (Recurring)

Beth was more like a guest star


Feb 94 - Aug 94 (Recurring)

This was very off and on. Traci and Steve were back and forth from New York to Genoa City for Ashley and Blade's wedding, Brad wanting Colleen and Brad's heart attack. This really was the end of Traci under Bill Bell (IMO)


Feb 95 - Apr 95 (Recurring)

Almost a repeat, comes for a wedding (Jack and Luan's) stays for a heart attack (John's) Again Traci wonders if there is hope for her and Brad, but ends up heading off. At this point Traci really only returns to support other characters stories


Apr 96 - May 96 (Recurring)

Pretty much a guest star appearance when Dina came back.

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Yeah I did and found it confusing, haha. If need be happy to have the ep removed and re-labelled, or keep as is. Let me know what you come up with

Edited by will81
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