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Yes thanks alot very appreciative of these episodes, although I didn't like the actress filling in for lorie cause lorie is a character Jaime Lynn can only play in my eye but all of it was amazing. And seeing Katherine tempted to drink and her emotions with brock

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I always thought JLB came across as aloof, cool, and seductive... and I think that's difficult to play and still have the audience love you... so it's a testament to JLB's talent that she could play those facets of Lorie's personality and have the audience behind her.  Anyone else stepping into the part (even short term) would probably try to play those same things.. and it comes across as @YRfan23 stated.. as too stiff and cold.   Sometimes the writing can be great, but how a performer delivers it can influence how a character comes across to the audience, etc.


How did Leslie change when Janice Lynde left and Victoria Mallory took over?  How did Chris change as a character when the actress was recast?  I bet even Bill Bell adjusted both characters when the characters were recast.

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I never really seen the recast for Chris, I probably seen her in one scene from 1982 so I have no clue who was better then who but I assume original Chris was more capturing


So now I have kind of a better judgement of both Leslie's and I still think both actresses played her well but I think the original one still has more fan base


I wish they did more for Peggy she seemed to just be there but I have no doubt they could have made her more apart of things I'm surprised she never interacted with any Prentiss men or they could have even hooked her up with Paul when he first came on and made a Paul/Nikki/Peggy triangle lol

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Trying to figure out who that substitute Lorie is, I cross-referenced the SoapOperaCentral site page for Lorie Brooks with my YR 25th Anniversary book, and they both have the same substitute actresses listed: 

Lezlie Dalton  1976; (temporary replacement)
Wesley Pfenning  (temporary replacement)

But I google-imaged both those ladies and they don’t look like the woman in the 1978 ep. So it’s still a mystery.


Thank you so much @ltm1997 ! And @YRfan23 for the technical support

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I especially enjoyed the 1975 ep. Another showcase for the fantastic Janice L. Nice bookend to the 12/3/75 ep.  She is a real star and a truly well-matched adversary for Lorie (unlike Victoria M, who is just not at the same level).

I didn’t recognize the song Leslie was singing so I looked it up – it’s called “Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life” by The Free Design https://youtu.be/k6x9fI8JRd0

It was fun to see Lorie’s fantasies of receiving the applause. It reminded me of ’81 at the ball when Lorie’s entrance upstages Leslie.

All the guys in their tuxes in both eps have those clown-ish gigantic bowties.

I lol’d at 1:15 when the applause/cheering sound effect didn’t match what we were seeing on screen.


Katherine is such a devilishly complex character at this point. You can’t help but root for her. Beau Kayzer was very dashing. I think this was around the time JC and BK were romantically involved.  Didn’t the Allegro later become Gina’s? But it doesn’t look anything like Gina’s.


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Just finished the 75 ep.

This is Y&R!!

The music, lighting, pacing etc 

I wonder how the show would have progressed had Janice and Trish continued in their roles? Their replacements couldn't live up, especially with Janice. She really was unique.

Did anyone else notice the white haired woman embracing Les at the after party?

I don't recall her name offhand but she is known as 'the queen of the extras' as she appeared in hundreds of movies and TV shows.

La Cooper was giving it her all...how many times did poor Kay resolve to straighten out her life?

Sorry but Bruce has a creepy vibe to me...

Edited by Paul Raven
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I don't know much about Bruce but isn't he Liz's brother or is that someone else I forgot, also enjoyed seeing some Jennifer scenes in general I wonder if she ever hung out with Katherine or Liz back then

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