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The problem with MAB is that she ended up copying a lot of things just for the irony or just trying remake history repeat itself: 


-Katherine and Marge story revisited complete with Clint Radison

-Kevin seeing Terrible Tom's ghost again. 

-Brad and Colleen dying in the same lake.

-Attempt to correct Bill Bell's alleged biggest mistake. 

-Finding Nina's long lost son.

-Victoria arrested at her wedding just like Phyllis was. 

-Victor/Sharon revisited.

-Victor throwing a chair out a window on Adam like Jack did on Victor. 

-Sharon presumed dead after a carjacker attacked her and died just like Victor in 1993. 

-Jack being shot in the same exact manner Ryan was. 

-Revisiting the Malcolm/Neil paternity feud by having Neil do the reverse to Malcolm. 

-Attempt to correct Kay Alden's alleged biggest mistake. 

-Meggie McClaine is the new Sarah aka Veronica Landers. 

-Attempt to milk the most out of Pheila. 

Edited by soapfan770
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The Nikki/Victor fans and Braeden reactions are really the absolute least important reasons why that would never work, and they're still pretty big reasons why to avoid something like this. I could give several reasons why it would be disastrous but I don't want SoapDope to feel I'm attacking their idea, so I'll leave it at that!



Yep. MAB either repeated events or addressed story threads purposefully left unanswered because she didn't have any originality herself to create something new. Thus, she systematically went back and destroyed stories that could have, and should have, been huge.

I know Bell's supposed biggest mistake is killing off Phillip, but what was Alden's?

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I had to laugh reading this. Going over the July of '91 episodes today, one line stuck out: Molly's line to Sheila about her always wanting a sister as a child, and eventually making her understand that 'that was never going to happen.' 


Leave it to good ol' MAB to put the kibosh on that one. I have to hand it to her though, I rejoiced when she reversed the decision to have Katherine and Jill as mother and daughter.

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I don't feel you are attacking my idea. You have the right to your opinion. I guess I am tired of Victor always getting his way and maybe losing his oldest daughter would destroy him a bit. I can understand the other side of it too. I saw Nikki and Victor unfold over the years and it would mess up history of the show, like they did with Jill not being a Foster and countless other bad writing choices.


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Julia Newman was a character they wasted. I don't know why they didn't pair her with Matt or Jack at some point. She had a daughter with Eric Garrison.


Michael Crawford was another character that dropped off the canvas without explanation.


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:) I agree with you on all counts, although unfortunately Y&R isn't the kind of show anymore that would show Victor getting destroyed by this--at least not in any way that matters or is long term. He'd be sad, tell her she's still his daughter, a couple of people would make fun of Victoria for losing her "Newman status" and becoming like the rest of the mere mortals, and a year later it would be undone (Nikki the alcoholic trashy ho did it to hurt Victor in her drunken stupor).


I think they gave up on him after the actor didn't seem to have much chemistry with any of the (potential) leading ladies. 


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Bell's said his biggest mistake was killing off Phillip III and well we saw how rectifying that turned out. 


Alden's was making Katherine and Jill mother and daughter(or was that Smith?) and while the twist was undone it eventually lead to bringing on Tucker McCall and shoving him down our throats for over three years. 

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I personally don't think killing off Phillip III was a bad idea.....if anything it's the show's fault that they never gave Phillip IV a proper story when they aged him, and I just want to forget that "Chance the Virgin" crap with Ronan, and Heather/Chloe.

MAB undoing the mother/daughter stuff needed to happen, but the entire Kay/Jill relationship was already ruined, so it just made it worse....

It's funny cause that seems to be the case with several scenes back then, where I'm sure MAB had to watch some episodes back of her late father in law's work, and I feel like she just got her ideas from things bought up in the dialogue that were innocent and unintentional....on a 1992 show, Sheila joked to Scott when he refused her martini's because they already had Scotty because of that, she always "wanted twins".....and BAM! years later we are led to believe she had Ryder and Daisy with Terrible Tom....

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I think I left out of the part about the fact Katherine and Jill only thought they were mother and daughter because of manipulation of results from Liz Foster. It was horrible to throw something like that in there and throw the show original matriarch under the bus like that, It was a highly bizarre and unnecessary twist but I think I had grew to somewhat accept it, although I HATED  whenever Jill would say to Katherine "Oh mother!". Completely unbelievable.  


It is difficult could to say what keeping Phillip III alive would have contributed at all to the show in the '90s. Certainly 1989-1991 was a splendid time for the trifecta of Katherine, Jill, and Nina, but obviously by 1995 I can imagine Bell wondering why he killed off Phillip. I imagine if Phillip had lived to see 1995 he probably would be helping cover up Jill's extramarital  affairs while sleeping with Victoria to get back at Nina for divorcing him to be with Ryan after becoming tired of his recurrent benders. Of course by 1995 Phillip III's entire situation changes when he meets gold digging Phyllis, who almost immediately dumps Danny to be with him, much to Jill and Katherine's horror and chagrin. Well until we found Phillip's secret lover in France was Chase Benson.


Daisy Carter could have worked with a ten times more competent writing and a twenty times more competent actress. Even watching old episodes of ER Zima was a terrible child actor! 

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Making Jill adopted also took away Jill's sentimental reason for naming Billy (William Foster Abbott) after her late father William Foster.


Another huge screw up was forcing viewers to accept Steve Burton by making his character Paul & Nikki's son in a history rewrite. Nikki was married to Greg Foster when she joined the cult and there is no way she could have had a child. They probably think the people watching back then no longer do or are dead/senile.

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