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I want to say they actual went on date(s) and everything, but it went nowhere because Sam left town.  I am going to say they would probably not be a great couple, judging by her sister's chemistry with Josh Taylor 

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  It still shocks me how everyone is so easily fooled by Marlena/Samantha on the show (not in this particular clip).  They clearly are not identical-a viewer can easily tell them apart so I don't know what Don was thinking.   People always tell me they are mirror twins in real life, but the show pretends they are identical.

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Yeah that story really REALLY dumbed Don (and half the staff at Bayview and UH, for that matter) down to make it work. Their voices aren't even the same. 

The real problem I would have with Chris and Sam is that Andrea Hall, in every clip I've seen, fumbles at least half her lines, to the point where I struggle to understand what she's even saying. I just can't see her working long-term as a regular character with anyone when she struggles so badly with her lines. I think, if they'd gone that route, they would have to go the David Canary route and have Dee Hall play both roles.

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If anyone cares, I have assembled two lists concerning DAYS, thanks to the help of @slick jones and @JAS0N47's site.

First is a list containing the age brackets of all the living actors who have played characters in at least 10 episodes, or characters related to the former.


Second is a list showing what other soaps those actors have been on.



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Their voices aren't the same lol!  I noticed that too.  I think it's a cool idea to get Andrea to play Marlena's twin and certainly helped filming, but she isn't an actress and never claimed to be and it.....shows.   She does fumble her lines a lot and her enunciation isn't very clear.  I think if she wanted to she could have improved, but it was never her goal to be on Days long term.  Sam's story and ending were dramatic and memorable, so I guess it's fine it ended when it did.  I have always questioned whether they killed her off too soon, but I don't think Dee could have played both.   I think her 80's work leads me to believe DH was capable, but I think it would have burnt Hall out much too fast and she would have left earlier, perhaps with Wayne.   Even if she was great with Drake and the RoJohn story was good, you could feel she was a little over it pulling double duty with Days and Our House.

Sidenote-Don is so chauvinistic in almost every scene I see him in.  I don't dislike him at all, but, man, some of his dialogue ages horribly.

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Great list!

I decided to google Loretta Fury to see if I could find any additional info. Unfortunately, it seems she died in 2016. I can't find anything to confirm her death other than at Ancestry, which a family member has her date of death as 2016 and mentions her in Santa Monica, as well as her brother etc...

I did find that she was born Loretta Ferrigno. And then she was married to Salvatore Giosa from 1952 until their divorce in 1982.  

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Thanks for the update on Loretta Fury. I figured she probably had passed away, but was going to wait until she was at least 100 to take her off the list. 

I forgot that I also made this list as well. A tally of living actors and the characters they played categorized by Head Writer.


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Renee and Tony on the night of her party and murder, from 1983.  The audience learned months later that the switch between Tony and Andre occurred when Tony went to the wine cellar. 

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Now I know who to be specifically annoyed with regarding this Sarah-Renee mess.


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