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I watched it and was disappointed. I thought Whoppi by far was the best. Thank god she stayed. Rosie was fine but I felt she was a bit off today. Rosie Perez was overbearing, annoying and tried way too hard. I felt Nicole Wallace seemed a bit timid and nervous. They didn't gel well. The tribute to Joan was great. I feel they could have found better co hosts for them. Honestly I think Hasselbeck was a much bigger star then anyone thought. She was the lightening rod and IMO Rosie's best tv was dueling with hasselbeck. It was ratings gold. She was a huge star for the view I didn't love her at the time but can't deny ever since she left the show has been dull.

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I liked it. A bit of a snooze TBH but the women aren't obnoxious and it didn't seem ... tacky anymore.

The set upgrade [not liking the small table] was much much needed. I like that they used Barbara to open the show and went back to the old View theme. It wasn't bad. It'll get more natural as time goes on. But so far it's an improvement over watching to see Whoopi get annoyed by everyone, Barbara talk over everyone and Sherri make everything about her. I do think they badly need a 5th co-host but I can see why they probably went with four. Adding two new co-hosts and bringing one back is a lot but still ...

Whoopi is there for a paycheck and I think she wants the show to be taken seriously. I don't see why people think she hates them or doesn't want to be there. If she didn't she wouldn't have lasted 8 years. A paycheck is a paycheck but still ...

Edited by KMan101
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I watched it. I didn't like the chairs. I thought they should have been closer to the table. Other than that, i thought it was fine. I loved how Rosie O had to bring up the Woody Allen incident...knowing that Barbara would be watching and was on his side.

Who knows what's going to happen, it's only say one. Elizabeth and Rosie were very friendly on day one too and we know how that turned out. Once they get more relaxed with each other and get into more hot topics....we'll see.

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I honestly think Whoppi didn't look happy with today and I adore her. I think it was a mistake to ditch Sherri when she was popular. Nicolle Wallace was so dull. Heck Hasselbeck never bored me sometimes I felt like slapping her but she was a much bigger star for the view then they expected. If Rosie doesn't work out they should bring Hasselbeck back for the lightening rod.

Also I will say in their defense I remember Meredith, Joy, Star, Barbara and Debbie had jitters in their first shows.

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I guess it's just an adjustment period. Granted, I don't watch the View anymore, but having 2 total newbies means half the ladies I don't really care about their opinions. I mean, who goes to Rosie Perez for in depth political commentary? I guess she'll prove me wrong one day. Or maybe she'll tell me the world is flat.

Once upon a time, Barbara was the only known face sitting next to 4 total strangers.

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Nicolle was underwhelming. Like seriously. I swear they should've cast a more controversial conservative figure like Sarah Palin, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, or one of them heffas from Fox--someone to rival Rosie and bring the show back to its former, messy glory. Nicolle is already giving me vibes that she is going to hold back, either because she's reserved or fearful of the fan reaction. I hope she proves me wrong because I need a conservative on that show that I love to hate and Rosie can pounce on. :P

I don't see how this cast of four is going to do it. If they plan on filling in that fifth seat, they better pull out all stops.

Rosie P. didn't impress me either and I love her. And Rosie O. sitting up there with her feet out was just gutter butt.

I got more from the swap meet version of The View, The Real, today than I did this show.

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What this shows people is Hasselbeck brought out best in Rosie. I will say in 2007 it was great tv they were ratings gold. It shows not much how much we despised Hasselbeck she was a lightening rod and she was the biggest star the show had in its run. No Hasselbeck and Rosie is dull and Nicole is boring as hell. She smiles and bores badly I don't see her lasting.

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