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The View: Whoopi and Joy walk off the set


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Its obvious Joy and especially Whoopi were not thrilled to be sitting on that couch in the first place. The View from time to time during interviews will not have all the hosts on that day sit in for every segment. This should have been one of those occasions. Bill O'Reilly is a bigot and deserved to be called out, but like JackPeyton said, they have a job to do. This honestly makes Rosie's tantrum look like child's play. It sure does make for entertaining TV though haha.

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The cynic in me thinks that the whole episode was stage-managed and pre-arranged. Great publcity for their show; great publicity for the guest in question. To walk out "on behalf of the Muslims" and then to walk back onto the set two minutes later like quiet little sheep defeated the whole purpose of Whoopi and Joy's "protest." And as jp said, they looke unprofessional. Instead of staying to confront O'Reilly on his views and question him further, they had a little hissy fit and sulked a little.

Don't get me wrong, O'Reilly is an ass that makes money off of polarizing the US public more than it already is. But the women on The View -- Hasselback, Behar etc -- give female TV hosts a bad name. I can barely make out what they are saying half the time as they are screaming and shreiking and talking over one another so much. Hasselback can't even handle anybody saying something contrary to her own opinions: she just starts screeching and crying. Toddlers display more maturity.

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But do you really think Whoopi and Joy want nutjobs like O'Reilly and Hannity on the show? The decisions are made by Bill Geddie(a right-wing nutjob), who is the executive producer of the show. Anyone who thinks that the ladies of The View have any control over who they book as guests are wrong. And the problem with Geddie is that he is always slyly pulling the strings to get his white male conservative, misogynistic agenda out to the audience. Anyone who watches this show on a semi-regular basis can see this. On the surface, The View looks like a show with four liberal/moderates ganging up on the Yankee Republican. But there's more to the story.

O'Reilly is a hypocrite and a piece of [!@#$%^&*], so this doesn't surprise me in the least bit.

When is Sean Hannity gonna have his sexual harassment/gay sex scandal already?!

ALL the women on The View are unprofessional. Hasselbeck sits there, rolls her eyes, and hurls insults at Kathy Griffin and others that she has had "public" wars with, but she has yet to be fired.

All of the bullsh!t lies she spread about President Obama and his wife during the General Election on the show and even on the campaign trail with Sarah Palin. Hasselbeck is good entertainment and sometimes she makes interesting points, but let's not throw stones at Whoopi and Joy for getting frustrated with O'Reilly and storming off the set. It's a very hot button issue. My only complaint is that they should have stayed off the set.

Awwww. Looks like some nutjob edited Joy Behar's page. That's cute. It'll get changed later.

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Absolutely loved this. Sure, there is a point to be made about professionalism, but it was a wonderful [!@#$%^&*] you to that incredible ass they had as a guest. Coming in with an attitude, telling Joy to listen to him so she can learn, saying that Muslims killed us and then pretending he didn't mean that at all. It was a brilliant, popcorn moment. But basically I agree with the comments that have been made here in support of this. After all, the whole POINT of THE VIEW is that these women are supposed to be completely real and true. So, if that's how they felt, they should get the hell out.

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Barbara is the queen of dammage control which annoys me to no end, but I do agree with her somewhat (though I wish she didn't have to refer to her notes). However, if Bill cannot come at them correct in THEIR home, they should have put him in check and asked HIM to leave. So Whoopi and Joy had the right idea, they just knew that they don't have the clout of Miss Barbara and they'd never kick him off themselves. And if they did do that, they'd be facing the wrath of Barbara too. Kinda damned if you do, damned if you don't. The only real solution is if everyone took a deep breath and brought it down a notch but we all know that O'Reilly doesn't roll that way, he gets off on a good screaming match and why should the ladies cowtow to that, again, in their own home? Get ta steppin' Bill. And you KNOW they're gonna have him on again, Bill Geddy and Barbara can't help themselves.

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I know where Whoopi is coming from. She hit her limit and she removed herself from the situation. IMO, that shows more control and maturity than O'Reilly's bullying and ratings humping. Elizabeth just needs to STFU. Where is she getting this "We aren't allowed to say terrorist" business? Go ahead and say it, twit.

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Seriously, like where is that even coming from, who is twisting America's arm not to use that word? She was doing fine until she started with that mess. I'm prepared to take my slaps, but her politics be damned, I have a dirty little crush on Elizabeth. :ph34r:

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