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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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Fans of P&G soaps really need a high-level advocate, someone who can communicate our needs to P&G. 

It's incredible, in the wake of the pandemic and BLM protests, corporations and institutions are opening up their vaults and making materials and intellectual properties more accessible to the public. 

I've experienced companies lowering their fees and prices to make things more affordable and accessible. Film production companies and aggregator sites have made many of their films accessible for free in honor of BLM, and many are high-caliber institutions, yet P&G won't budge. 


Honestly, P&G could be making many of their entertainment holdings accessible on streaming (not every single episode has popular music) and there are ways to block recording software.

For crying out loud, if Netflix and HBO can put up some of their documentaries and comedies up on their YouTube channels, what makes P&G so precious?! Introducing some of their most popular and compelling storylines to later generations of viewers who aren't as familiar with the Golden Era standards would only boost P&G's credentials. P&G likes to boast about how much of a pioneer they were by bragging about Irna Phillips but they don't actually show us anything but a dry statement posted on their website.

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Oh ok i didnt know that was apart of the writers strike in those days, sucks they couldn't save her lol


Also your absolutely right Lisa and Joyce could have been carried through the 80's maybe even the 90's and there history would have always been something to fall back on.

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I think the Dobs were replaced by other writers before the strike. I wonder why they left (and then came back) It was weird. Joyce had a dumb story were she was faking cancer to marry Grant (after he was involved in a similar story not a year or two before) Lisa uncovered the plot...there were no big confrontations and one day Joyce came into the bookstore to tell Lisa she was leaving, and Grant just disappeared.  But then, again, Nancy did too. A really bad time for ATWT which must have been why I never minded Gautman as much as others. Joyce as Lucinda's assistant would have drove Lisa CRAZY!!!


I wish HBS and Marx had stayed on the show as they were the couple and actors who could step in for Hastings and Hayes as they did for Wagner and MacClaughlin, while still being their own type of core couple Marx in particular had a warmth but like others here, I had the biggest crush on him as he just made Tom the perfect husband..sexy and nice but not bland.


Could be implants...(uh, hello Jordi V from GL, and the kid who played the gardner on DH) but then again, everyone's body is different..

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Marx is hot, but its kind of like Tom Selleck..I had the hots for Magnum more then him..(not that I would have kicked him out of bed..) so I had wanted his Tom...(I sound like those crazy people in love with Prince Richard on GL) though I don't think I could handle Lisa as a mother in law...and I think I would have been kicked out of Oakdale for not "being nice!"

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I wish there more complete episodes of HBS and GM as Margo and Tom posted on YouTube. 


There are a couple episodes from Marx's first episodes on ATWT, Margo being temporarily deaf, which mainly features Tom and John bickering over Margo, one where Margo gets her hearing back and except for one or two episodes that seem unconnected from any storyline, then it seemingly skips to episodes surrounding Bob and Kim's wedding and reception and then suddenly Margo confronts Tom about his supposed one-night-stand with Barbara. 

The most episodes of GM's Tom and Margo's HBS seem to be the fallout from the faux ONS.  We don't even get to see when Margo and Tom briefly get together, make love and Margo gets pregnant.  We see when the gynecologist informs Margo that she's preggars, but we never see when Margo actually tells Tom.  From there, we suddenly see Tom lament that his grandfather Chris never lived to hear the news about the baby (bad omen, right?) and then before you know it, Margo miscarries and we see more fallout from the miscarriage than the reconciliation between Tom and Margo.

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I thought it was weird that he didn't know Katie was Casey and Lyla's daughter since she was such a huge character in the last decade or so but I guess that makes sense if he has poor pre-1997 knowledge since Katie didn't talk about her parents much. How sad to only have knowledge of the show after 1997 when it was at its worst. 

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More ATWT fragments in this...August 22, 1991, maybe?


There is a scene in this, about 17 minutes in, that reminds me of why I HATED HATED HATED Courtney. She basically tries to shame Tess and says people will think she is a great big whore for dancing with and talking to <gasp> three men!


That adorable Andy was wasted with this driftwood for so many years still makes me mad 30 years later. 


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They have about 8 or 9 parts (and similar for an October 1987 mashup). I love the channel switching aspect too. The only downside is it makes you depressed when you remember the days when there were multiple soaps on multiple channels.

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Maybe a year ago or so, I asked about the correct order of the Snyder spawn. If you've been following the Soap Opera Digest 1991 thread, you may have spotted this, from the July 9, 1991 edition of SOD:


Seth Snyder - 37

Iva Snyder - 35

Caleb Snyder - 27

Ellie Snyder - 26

Holden Snyder - 24

Meg Snyder - 22


Some of the other families have less specific ages listed, so I assume this info came straight from Doug Marland's bible.

I only had Caleb and Ellie mixed up, and they're only a year apart. Caleb always came off as younger than Ellie in the '88/'89 episodes I've seen.


I did believe Seth to be older than Iva, but that always confused me as well, as I thought Harvey and Emma couldn't have any children? I guess they had Seth first, then thought they couldn't have more children and adopted Iva, only to find out 8 (!) years later they were ready to have more.


Does anyone know how old Iva was when she had Lily? 


I know we probably shouldn't take these numbers too seriously, as they always end up being problematic in some way or other, but I still thought it was fun to see some verification of the right order, at least. 

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Watching the episode again where Iva first sees Emma again and it's clear they made retcons by 1991 - Emma berates Iva over breaking her father's heart because Iva was "his oldest." 


Emma says in this episode that she last saw Iva when she was 13. So she probably had Lily when she was 14.


Emma says Iva left when Holden was 3. So that isn't too far a stretch from their ages here, I guess.

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I also remember Emma relaying the story behind Iva's adoption and from what I remember, Emma told Iva that after Seth, she thought she couldn't have another child (boy, was Emma wrong!) and they decided to adopt.

I would love it if one of these reunions could have Parker Posey on, I'd have a feeling that it would be high-key fun! 

Scott DeFreitas mentioned Hayley Barr (Courtney) when he was on with Don Hastings and Kathryn Hays and it seemed like he really enjoyed working with her and was sorry that the character left the canvas. Seeing that scene between Courtney and Tess, makes me wonder if there was meant to be subtext where perhaps Courtney was low-key b*tchy because of the bulimia and Tess being so thin, seemingly naturally, there may have been some jealousy there.


Wow, did the viewer get so turned off by the kiss between Duncan and Jess that they had to switch the channel immediately?

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