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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I did feel bad for Brandi with the way the Richard sisters were ignoring her and werent even trying to make her feel welcomed. I couldnt hate on her when she called them out on the bathroom trips towards the end

When it was revealed that Kim was an alcoholic at the reunion last year and her issues were exposed, I said she shouldnt be on the next season and I stand by that. She's a mess and needs someserious help. I dont think it was the best idea for her to expose herself on tv when she should have taken herself out of the spotlght and got treatment. She's wasted in some capacity in every episode. I fell weird get enjoyment at some of her antics bc on a serious note, it shouldnt be funny. She's really embarassing herself

Camille is so boring. I wish she'd embrace her inner villianess and run with it. She is so generic this season and doesnt stand out at all.

IA with the statements about Dana. She is trying WAY too hard. The way she was kissing ass was humiliating and she did come across pathetic

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I am buying this. Even if it's crap, which I severely doubt since Lisa is involved, I want her to receive the royalties so that she can buy more beautiful things and live her fabulous life.

Dana is such a loser, she's a kiss ass who isn't above humiliating herself in order to land herself a higher place on the social rung. It's all for nothing, she's out of her league and it's unbelievably obvious.

Taylor's a piece of crap.

Adrienne's a nag and her chef is an !@#$%^&*].

Kim is a MESS, but I cannot wait till next week's "Slut Pig" comment.

Kyle's a mean bitch.

Camille is very smart to be playing things so calmly this year. Loving her.

Lisa is the best. Love. Love. Love. Fabulous. Permanently Sensational.

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The woman owns two restaurants and makes her own potato salad from scratch. Of course I am buying this! Lisa :wub:

I love how authoratively Giggy is sitting on his mistress's lap, one paw on the arm of the chair. It's like he's smiling at the camera, lol.

Dana is just a try-hard... but it'll make for good story because there are a lot of social climbers in Beverly Hills! It's obvious she is insecure next to Adrienne's wealth and power (she was almost more devastated than Brandi when Adrienne called to cancel), Camille and Lisa's connections and Kyle and Kim's "we were child stars" status. That's why she kept name-checking her clothes every five seconds. And we are going to need this try-hard wannabe to bitch about once Taylor's drama wears off and Kim is emergency-rushed to Promises. Which I hope happens soon because Kim doesn't need drugs to be hilarious. Remember her comments about Camille's "psychic"? The one "puh-puh-puffing away" on her electric cigarette? :lol:

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Theresa vs Caroline on the reunion!

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Grudging respect for Kyle for (a) owning up to being mean, ( b ) actually having the decency to feel embarassed and remorseful about it and ( c ) not blaming Bravo for the "editing." Heck, even Camille pulled that latter excuse.

I miss Dina "Bubies" Manzo, too, Cheap. She was my favorite of the NJ housewives the first two seasons. Shocked that she and Caroline are on the outs, though. I know Dina is Audriana's godmother but D + C always had each other's back. There's more going on here than any of these peeps are willing to admit to. Jealousy on all sides seems to be a part of it. That and an unwillingness to admit when they might be wrong. Maybe they should take a page out of Kyle's book.

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Yeah, there's definitely more to the story. I can't believe that Theresa is the sole reason why Caroline and Dina are on the outs with each other. I know it's been reported (and well, seen onscreen) that Caroline likes to run the show and be the ringleader, but Dina likes to do her own thing without being treated like a puppet. Plus, there's the reports that Caroline isn't close with her gay brother either (the one we just saw at Jacqueline's house, right?) Then there's the Albie-is-gay-and-Caroline-doesn't-approve rumor. So who really knows what family feuds are going on. They're just not exploiting it like the Guidices/Jorgas.

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See, I'm not sure about Caroline not being close to her gay brother Jamie. She was on WWHL a few weeks ago, after the Black Water premiere episode where she had a crazy hairdo. Andy asked her about it, and she said she was driving with Jamie and he wanted to make her hair fun... so on the car ride to the premiere party, Jamie fixed her hair and they had fun with it.

So not really sure now...

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Yeah, exactly, there's conflicting reports. Even seeing those scenes with her other son and her daughter at the radio show, they seemed genuinely happy, not just putting on a performance for the cameras. So if she really is a terror mama, they're all excellent actors at covering it up!

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Maybe it is my love for Caroline Laurita Manzo that is blinding me, but I have a hard time believeing that she is anti-gay. She is incredibly supportive of her first-born, she always spoke glowingly of her talented brother, Jamie, plus she seems to adore this sketchy Greg dude. Sure, I know it might be different with your own son but... I wouldn't be surprised if it was Albie himself who asked that they not make a big deal of his being gay on the show. Not because he's ashamed or closeted, but just because he doesn't want to be hassled about it now that he's in the public eye, etc. Given Juicy Joe's comments, you can see how some members of the community might react to his being gay being common knowledge.

I suspect the Dina-Caroline situation (lol, Jersey Shore flashback there) has prob been blown out of all proportion and likely concerns the fact that Dina is godmother to baby Adriana and probably sticks up for Teresa on occasion. Dina has always spoken her own mind even when it ran counter to Caroline or Jacqueline's opinions.

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