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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Sorry being so late with my response but the reunion was so tiring that I feel asleep. I have to say that this has to be the most toxic reunion I've ever seen and having a 2 hour final part was draining. I thought the pile-up on Kenya was all shades of gross, and TBH, no one came out this reunion looking good. Not one person. They all looked vile, including my girl Kenya.

Kenya: She pissed me off with her lack of comebacks. With all the gay friends she hangs with, she should be effortless with her comebacks. I'm gonna need Kenya to make a two hour drive down here to come visit me and I'll teach her how to read and shade so good, she'd have bitches shook. Clearly, her good "Judy(s)" have failed her. Kenya came off looking played in part three, and she's gonna have to do serious damage control on the 1 on 1 next Sunday.

Kandi: Idiot. She kills me how she comes for Nene BUT sides with her at the end of the day. Just because Phaedra does it doesn't mean you have too. Nene shaded your mom in blogs time after time, and has shaded you personally throughout this entire experience but you side with her!! When Nene was asking group consensus about various matters, Kandi (and Cynthia too) should've played dumb instead of pandering to Nene. And they wonder why Nene is big-headed and unbearable....

Cynthia: I like her but she really needs to get a damn backbone. Nene disrespected her so much on that sofa, it was ridiculous and sad. I'm all for being classy but some bitches ask to be read. She should've verbally dragged Nene from that sofa to west hell and back. She has intel on Nene, why not spill it? Nene clearly has with her. I'm undecided as to whether or not she should be brought back.

Phaedra: Vile. The vilest b*tch ever. That sperm donor comment was low and classless, and she wonders why karma keeps kicking her in the ass. I hope this woman is not brought back last season. And I hope her husband goes to jail and is anally raped by every prisoner in the prison with his bi*ch ass. And Apollo speaking on anyone's lack of funds is gross. Yes, Kenya may not be balling but at least she goes about earning a living honestly. Apollo can't say the same.

Nene: She lost me as a fan. How she felt no remorse about her "queen" comments let me know how she really felt. Then follow up with more condescending answers such as "do you want me to kiss your ass" or jokingly saying "she'll throw a parade," is sad. Seeing her fall from grace with be glorious. She fails to forget that the LGBT made her, we can easily break her ass. And we will. The "rich" bitch will be a broke bitch real soon.

Porsha: A waste of 30 minutes. She said nothing insightful and clearly she prepped for this interview by her lawyers, publicists, and PR team. Porsha can use all the big words she wants, but she'll still be an idiot at the end of the day. Hopefully that special was the last we've seen of her.

The "men" of RHOA: All of them are gross, and all of them are the real b*tches on the show. It's sad to see a bunch of men think that it's OK for them to aggressively put their hands on a woman. Had Cyn, Kandi, Phae, or Nene been in the situation, it would've been blown up 20 times worse. These "men" and I use that term loosely, are disgusting, and they wonder why outsiders drag their asses over and over.

Overall, I'm hoping that next season is better and that Sheree, who is supposedly returning, brings new energy to the show (along with a new HW). I'm hoping for a mass cast exodus (preferably everyone but Kenya at this point) to occur as well. And I'm going to need Blandi Glanville, who is thirsty for attention at ALL times, to stay in her lane. BravoTV retweeted her tweet of support for Porsha and we all know why she did--because Kenya clearly dragged her ass on CA. tongue.pngrolleyes.gif

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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Loved Kenya calling Nene out on being dirty and pulled out her reciepts about Nene texting Marlo about filming with Kenya. Yes Kenya, I am sick of Nene and you ARE the new queen.

Go Kandi! She READ Nene's ass and called her out. Nene said several times this season you dont talk about Kandi's man or her mama and she talked about her mama.

Kenya was good with Nene. The fact that they had a falling out is all on Nene. She showed her ass and turned on her.

I dont get the "Bye Felicia"

Apollo, STFU! He built Kenya and sustained her job? His entire segment was stupid and made him look more ridiculous than before

OUCH! What Phaedra said about Kenya's sperm donor was rough. It shut her down.

I CANT with Papa Smurf/Uncle Ben pulling out a peach

Haha at Andy calling Nene out on her homophobic comments and saying he was offended by her

IA. It was kind of dissapointing Edited by Cheap21
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Peter pulling out that peach was stupid. I felt that he should've read Nene & Greg for filth because clearly Cynthia wasn't gonna do it. And I do agree that Kenya got Nene good. If anything, Kenya shined a light onto Nene and made her look worse than before. I just wish that Kenya would've dragged Phaedra's dumpy body ass more. Her energy was too invested in Nene when Kenya should've collected intel on Phaedra and mentally prepped for her. But I still don't think that Phaedra "read" her. Phaedra used his usual "schtick," which is slut-shaming. Out of that, Phaedra has no ground to stand on. She's a "lawyer" married to criminal that detests her and wants to bone her arch-nemesis. That alone will drive Phae crazy in the long run.

But again, Bravo needs to clean house and Porsha, Nene, and Phae need to be the first ones to go....

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IA. I thought Kenya handled Nene will. She went head to head with a titan and held her own. Phaedra however hit below the belt and Kenya clammed up and couldnt properly defend herself, which was a shame bc I think she actually has some valid points against she and Apollo. She looked like she wasnt expected to be affected so much by their words but it almost looked like she was going to cry which is why she refused to say more.

Im not sure Nene needs to leave but the two Ps, most definetly need to. Phaedra and Poorsha are the absolute worse. There's no value in them. Since it seems like Kandi is getting more of a backbone, I would hope to see her actually call Nene out during the season. The dissolution of the friendship is also a new storyline with Cynthia and of course there's Kenya with Marlo (if she returns) and Sheree to throw into the mix. I think Nene has some legs on her. What she needs though is a gf bc without any allies, I just see her continuing to being mean and nasty as a defense mechanism.

Edited by Cheap21
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Nothing Phaedra says to Kenya can be as low and classeless as what Kenya did to her. Throwing yourself at a married man is about as low and classless as you can get.

Edited by PJA
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What a toxic relationship Phaedra & Apollo have. First of all, his professional demeanor was out the window on this reunion. The clothes, the body language, everything... trashy. Secondly, the openness about his love of going to strip joints and the money being spent there. Just weird. I could never tolerate that.

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nene leakes is the most disgusting vile homophobic piece of [!@#$%^&*]. This coming from a person that loved her on the show. I hope I never see that face ever in my

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Wait wait wait. Since when is Queen a homophobic word? Since when is Nene homophobic? That word has been used here tons of times by gay and straight posters. I have never seen a gay person offended by that word, especially an OTT gay male. EVER! I've seen several refer to moRon Carlivati as a Queen, no? Looks like another case of stretching to me.

The only problem I have with the whole thing is Nene speaking ill of Brandon who was obviously assaulted by that animal felon! But this must have been about the time she and Phaedra were forming an alliance.

However, everyone's new fav, Marlo, OTOH, flat out said "&%$" A FEW TIMES in the most heinous and hateful way, lied and only fessed up because there was footage to prove it, yet she is forgiven?


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I don't see them as toxic at all. Phaedra is common, a dark skinned black woman who found her a light skinned black man with "good hair". I grew up with "Phaedra". She is holding onto him because being married always looks better than being single in many people's eyes. Also, he's a criminal, she's an ambulance chaser - PERFECT MATCH!

I once worked with a woman who loved saying "my husband...my husband" when he was a no good POS who appeared to marry her to stay in the country. It was kind of obvious he was not into her when he brought his girlfriend to their child's bday party. But hey, she got a husband!

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