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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I like the family shots and feel its especially appropriate on NJ given how family oriented it is. The family there are much more than supporting players unlike the other series. BUT with the Manzos gone and the show getting a reboot, that may change

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Who is the girl in your avatars Cheap and NBA?

Well two of the three new girls are sisters and the other new girl is a close longtime family friend so I am sure they will be keeping up the family theme.

The Season 6 finale was actually a charity event for Dina's Labybug thing. It was a children's fashion show and everyone came out. I read the new girls are going to be the main source of the drama this year.

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It's kind of like Santa Clause with this. Some think Santa brings them gifts on his flying sled, most people know Santa does not exist.The point of that sit-down was to launch Lisa's show with a bang. The point was not to magically make Brandi cool with one of the f--k buddies of the father of her children. One minute we're blaming production for Lisa bringing Scheana to all taped events where Brandi is (despite Lisa staffing dozens of employees), the next minute it's Lisa doing her best to make peace.

Lisa likes Scheana, possibly a lot - as I think Lisa's daughter and Scheana are besties. Brandi's having a tough time processing what that has meant concerning her relationship with Lisa. She also felt Lisa turned her back on her when the going got tough (read: when Brandi got real messy). Brandi's been immature - and a bit OTT (friends influence friends about people they don't like - it's not manipulation. It's normal!) - but I don't think either of those aforementioned reflections or observations is anywhere near delusional. Lisa also has valid points - now and during the season. Brandi was treating her like the mother she hated for a while and Brandi's been lashing out at her since.

It is what it is. I do hope they can work through it and one day be friends again but I'm also okay if that doesn't happen. I'm sure they'll both be okay if that doesn't happen, as well. It's just all fresh right now. You can't really count anything out. Kim and Brandi are probably closer than any non-related people on that cast right now. Strange things do happen.

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They were planning on getting rid of Ika anyways with no notice, so I was glad when she won the competition and took that money. On feeds, they were whining for hours. They were so pissed at Ika that night, the entire house went to bed early with the exception of her and Adel; meanwhile, Ika and Adel stayed up all night laughing and strategizing about who Adel should target after she leaves. BBCAN was sad last week (because Ika was being backdoored) but it was so good when she rubbed that money in her face. She made being a leper in a group so cool. They'd avoid her like she was the plague. Seriously.

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According to new housewife LIzzie's twitter, she isn't debuting on RHOC until the 3rd episode. I certainly hope that the other new housewife Shannon debuts before then or else the first two episodes are going to be pretty boring with just three housewives.

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The teaser for episode one only mentions Heather, Tamra and Vicki. I really think that Lydia quitting threw them for a loop, along with the difficulty finding new wives. In the end I think it worked out. Both new wives look interesting. I hope it works and that they have a solid cast for the next 2-3 years.

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Interesting. Bravo did put RHONY behind RHOA this past Sunday for sampling, and it only managed around 1 million viewers out of an almost 4 million viewer lead-in.


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