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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Nene was hating on Phaedra since Phaedra's first season (Season 3). Remember, Nene came up with 'Fake-dra'. Didn't they both come from the same small hometown in Macon? Or something like that...

I haven't seen those two really come together since then... and the current reunion promos show Nene going after Phaedra even more. So not sure they are close.

BTW - Kandi said that Kordell filed for divorce the week after the reunion... and in the reunion, Porsha was spewing all this wonderful stuff about her marriage and Kordell. What a crazy turn of events.. which is why I'm sure Bravo had to quickly change the update lines in the finale for Porsha. That was literally the most recent update for her, and they weren't sure what else to put!

Edited by alwaysAMC
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They grew up in Athens, GA, not Macon. Please don't compare the two, LMAO! Macon is a shithole (I stay 30 mins from it), but Athens is no better. tongue.png

And Nene only went after Phaedra b/c she was putting out false info that they grew up together and played together. Also, Phaedra came for Nene (and was actually the first one to take the first shot) that same season upon her debut at the shoe party calling Nene "unladylike." From then on it went downhill. They did call a truce in South Africa on S4 (one of the bright spots of the trip IMO) and it continued this season, but that was nixed was Phaedra was caught talking about Cynthia on a phone recording and then denying it.

Phaedra is a shady character, and everyone on the cast past (Sheree & Kim) and present (minus Porsha & Kandi) has said/alluded that she is. She just got caught this season with her hand in the cookie jar b/c the bigger targets (Sheree & Kim) got the boot.

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Reading about the performance of Deshawn and Lisa at the season 1 reunion, I wonder if the reunions are now thought of as an audition for next season?

The reason i ask that is because Brandi was just a friend of housewives in season 2, but she basically hijacked the reunion last year and became a full time housewife in season 3.

Plus, during the season 2 Miami reunion... Karent was being too nice and not engaging in too much confrontation with the other women while Ana went guns blazing for Lea at the reunion. Now, Karent is not coming back (probably her choice, but I'm sure they would have let her go if she didn't leave herself)..and it appears as if Ana is back again even though it was thought that she would be gone after her lackluster season 2 stint.

Whatever happened to just casting interesting women to be on these franchises? Women that had interesting personalities, interesting lives, etc? Why the need to determine casting if a woman is shady, bitchy, etc? Shouldn't there be more of a balance?

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Did Taylor even speak at this season's reunion??? I watched Part 2 last night and that's the quietest I've ever seen a housewife in any reunion. Very odd - something is up. She's either over it, or very embarrassed watching herself be drunk all the time (which is her main go-to for drama).

Also, I just LOVE the OC - so happy it's back! I just love my original girls. The Vicki/Brooks/Briana drama last season was SO good and I can't wait to see more this season. Vicki is just so fun to watch for me - I don't always agree with her (in fact I think she's so hypocritical), but for whatever reason I can't get enough of her.

I also would have given my man [!@#$%^&*] if he kept insisting on ordering onion rings for my Clambake. Onion rings do NOT go with lobsters and clams. Heather didn't overreact in my opinion. Also, we see more affection between the two of them than we ever did with Paul/Adrienne. But I do see the bickering - I hope they don't always rely on that for their personal screentime at home.

I liked Alexis's new haircut - she looked gorgeous in her interview/talking heads.

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IA. It was her choice. She has an actual career, unlike some of the ladies and I didn't think it was a good look for her to even be on this show, especially since she was being villianized early on. She had good enough sense to back out before things could get worse.

This. Brandi was more like an unofficial housewife in season 2, appearing more than any other friend in any of the other series. She didn't need to "audition" at the reunion. She already had a spot by then

Edited by Cheap21
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