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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Not as nuts as the first two parts, but Part 3 was solid. And that cliffhanger...at the end??? No one is doing it like the RHOM girls. So all these stories about how Bravo might be trying to give the next season the Season 3 edit...I honestly hope are rumors.


I felt this part more than the others really emphasized why this is THE Housewife show. We got fun shade. We got catfights. The ladies DO hope each other accountable. We even have messy husbands boyfriends. We get resolution. We got ladies standing by each other AND have fun. And it has its OWN identity as such an unpredictable part of the franchise cuz that impromptu opera performance. LOL!!! These ladies are FUN. Together AND separately. And if you miss a little, you miss a LOT with them.


This show is also not above giving us FIRSTS, something the HW shows used to give us more often. Because has a HW show EVER given us such a clear cliffhanger at the END of the reunion?? That fight between Alexia and Marysol...and how it's been building through this show (and ALL STARS, mind you) for YEARS. I felt there would be consequences for Alexia because she came into this season determined to fix her image after the fame went to her head last season...but THIS??? A reason to tune in. Unless of course...they Season 3 the show. Again. 


Fingers crossed.


ALEXIA. Honestly? The best she came across all reunion. She chewed Larsa up and spit her right back up. She really had Guerdy's back. And then, I have to admit 'ayo! por favor!' is taking on a life of its own as a catchphrase. Then...her life is such a telenovela itself...she starts to fall out with Marysol...who she just threw under the bus for drinking too much without saying she drinks too much. Lord...


LARSA. Well, you can't say she didn't put up a good fight. That said...she was horrible. Though like Gizelle on RHOP, the best thing about her is her being a good mother. Cuz her teaching her daughter about the value of making money is an old one and I like my villainess to have levels. And good for her daughter having jobs and making her own money. That said...no to weaponizing cancer. Bad look. You weaponizing your tears is more accurate. And the less said about Marcusella, the better.


GUERDY. I liked that she calm down this part because she really was on one most of the reunion to the point that she came across desperate for attention even when she was in the right. And she destroyed Larsa and Mascot Lisa. 


JULIA. Guuuurllllllllll, the opera!!! When she pulled out that microphone, I fell out. lol. She really came into her own this season and I hope that she will be giving more of the same. 


LISA. Smh. Bad look. The girls taking her to task for her microaggressions...RHOP AND RHOBH could NEVER. I knew she could be self-absorbed, but her trying to be a Karen about it was such a bad look. I DID like she had a receipt for the gonala. Because while one of the best HW scenes EVER, it did not paint her in a good life during Guerdy's collapse. So good she was being helpful really and NOT self-absorbed which is exactly how it looked.


NICOLE. She didn't do much this Part, but mediate better than Andy among the girls.


KIKI. Loved she got to explain herself. And her and Marysol were a Kiki during Guerdy vs Larsa/Lisa. 


MARYSOL. Like I said, a kiki with Kiki. Didn't like she regressed back to disliking Adriana. Still...everyone ganging up on her about drinking and Alexia NOT defending her...a shock. As was their cliffhanger fight at the end...I look forward to more next season.


ADRIANA. She was just...THERE this part. But...I would STILL keep her. Cuz...ADRIANA.


A good end to a good season. 




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I am ready to re-watch New York from the start... I can't wait for Jill's Hiiiiiiiiii and Bethenny and Jill BESTIES... And Luann when she had "class"... and Ramona all over Mario and offending everyone every episode.


@Liberty City 

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Jesus, last time I watched these episodes... I was in my early 20s... Now I'm nearly 30 and so many things I don't remember... but now watching Jill on Below Deck I was hit with nostalgia and wanted to watch back.

I think this time, since I'm more mature... it will hit me hard. These first seasons are OUT OF THIS WORLD iconic. I remember Ramona being disturbed by Simon at a party... I also remember Jill being shocked by Alex and Simon's house... I can't help but feel love for the Jill, Bethenny friendship... it was so fun while it lasted.




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I finally watched the final episode of RHOM during Easter weekend.  It was so good! Julia breaking into an operatic dance classic and letting her dork flag fly. All the other HWs joining her on the dance floor. It was beautiful chaos. I remember the S11 reunion of RHONY and Luann breaking into one of her dance classics, and Bethenny and Dorinda spitting nails, they were so mad she got a song spot on the show. This group -- even Larsa -- embraced it. This is why I don't want this cast to change. They are interact perfectly together. If I were making bets. I'd say Kiki was heading for full-time promotion and Adriana was going to get cut. But I don't want Adriana or any of them to go. They ARE Miami. 

S1 is a small jewel (with Simon and Alex providing most of the laughs), while S2 and S3 are epic. (Watch for Ramona "Making a mountain out of a wholemill"). I also have a fondness for Morocco season, aka S4. Enjoy! RHONY was truly great from S1 to S10 IMO.

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I remember season 7, was this the season Bethenny came back... ?  - it was MANIC. There was this episode when they were waiting in front of Sonja's townhouse and she didn't let them in... and everyone was in hysteria and crying and Bethenny was OUT of control... It was SO AMAZING. Sonja and Ramona going into a club like lunatics... this has forever engrained in my soul. I need to watch till I reach this season! But yeas 1-4 are GOOOOLD.

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