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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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That smile after he said it too. 

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 He knew what he was saying! Honor among thieves...

ETA: The video has now been deleted. Here is the PageSix source:




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I also want to say how much I loved the Garcelle/Sutton friendship through out the episode. She was the first one Garcelle saw. And Garcelle cracking wise. The attack of the pillow! And then the scene where they saw Crystal and the wheelchair almost run away with Sutton was hilarious. I know that a lot of people online have pinned on them not having each other's back when I personally have felt that they have. But tonight they definitely had it at that last dinner. Sutton stood up for herself hard and I loved Garcelle checking Dorit when she was about to make that talk about everything, but Sutton's feelings. No, ma'am. No run-on sentences tonight.

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But...that smirk.


During that whole attack on Garcelle, watch Kyle. As Ex Soap Opera Star was attacking Garcelle, Kyle just has a big ole smirk on her face all the way through. It seems...the plan was working.


It didn't really hit me until the dinner.  And then it did. THOSE HEFFAS HAD DONE IT AGAIN. 


We know they have their same tactic. Single someone out and focus on something petty. Do it repeatedly, while deflecting from the REAL drama. They did it with LVP. They did it with Denise. And now at the end of this season, they are trying again with Garcelle. Meanwhile, while the viewers are mad at them for being petty, they are forgetting all about EricFake. That is allowing her to continue her victim act. 


Allegedly now? Now we are using the NEVER BEFORE SEEN scene of Sutton saying she was going to give EricFake money as a flashback scene, for those people who did not see it all of a sudden? Also telling...Andy Cokehead brought up the scene tonight when he had Sutton on the show. Hmmmm...trying to save Sutton now, are we? Hmmm...


And meanwhile, Kyle and Production are STILL coming for EricFake in confessionals. And interesting that they time stamped the Tom flashback in 2020, poking holes in the whole 'Tom has not been well for years' defense. While they are at the same time getting to the timeline when Tom's brother took over his affairs. And this filming all happened around Feburary. Curiouser and curiouser indeed.


KYLE. Honestly, did she do anything? Or anything real if I thought about it? This week...okay for a while...Kyle seem less and less like a person on a show than Producer Kyle. Was that one lady who was a producer on BASKETBALL WIVES like this or was she actually a person on the show. Image, image, image. She's trying to be the good sister on one hand. Meanwhile, she has continued to be sure she is throwing Erika under the bus in Confessional. I did like that Kathy and her were late for dinner. Otherwise, I just don't see how the masses has not caught on to her. She is so obvious. 



GIRL, HAVE ALL THE SEATS. You are not going to be sitting talking about shady when you wrote the book for these ladies. Look at you and LVP. Look at you and DeniseFrakkingRichards. Going forward, I hope that means the gloves are off and Garcelle read this heffa. 



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DORIT. I still don't think she gets it. But I do like she is still throwing EricFake under the bus. And I liked that Garcelle and her hugged it out. Still...over her.


SUTTON. YEEESSSSSSSSS!!!  I was afraid that she was going to be a pushover from the sneak peeks. But I'm glad that we got to see 'Let the Mouse Go' Sutton come out and gather EricFake. EricFake might have thought she was being dismissive. Hunni...let a REAL Southern Woman show you how it was done. It was a draw, but I loved she finally started to give it back. With her body language. With her tone. Her everything. And I LOVE her trying to shut down Dorit with the quickness when she tried to come for Garcelle (AGAIN) over that interview. THAT'S how you back a friend. And her and Garcelle were tag-teaming. Oooo...*chef's kiss* God, I love them together. The bond. The humor (Garcelle's line about wheeling her around during BHM was hilarious). And I think Production showing the flashback (well that scene that was not in an regular episode) of her saying she was willing to loan EricFake money show they might be Team Sutton more than Team EricFake. At least for now.




KATHY. Yes, Kathy was pot stirring a little. However, I loved that she finally checked Dorit as well. It does feel like the layers are being peeled away. And what is being revealed is not so much a more goofy but clever version of Kim, but a true socialite. For better...and for worse. 


GARCELLE. QUEEN. ALWAYS. SHE SAID WHAT SHE SAID to Dorit. Those are her feelings and that is nothing against Dorit's feelings. But that is how she feels. Totally relateable. 

And it just shocks me that there were people online agreeing with Ex Soap Opera Star at all. She was attacking for attacking. And it is not over some 'thank you' that she already got. She keeps calling your trifling a&* out. And I hope the rumors are true and she really exposed you at the reunion. 


Overall, it was an absorbing episode. However, it does feel like they are spinning their wheels. Momentum has been lost. 

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The Coven gang-up on Garcelle was just as awful as anticipated. I cannot imagine how Smirking McSplits, Rinna Ghoul and Grifter Gucci thought this would play well for them. It was sickening watching them try to win some audience points afterwards with the performative hugging of Garcelle. Rinna running up to tell G "it's gonna be ok" was cringeworthy. WTF does she mean? Like @DaytimeFan said, it was like a cult embracing a new recruit after initiation. Or a gang, after a newbie has been forced to bloody their hand after proving loyalty. I see you also, Kathy. 

Speaking of performative, Erika in her ridiculous white eyeshadow. She has zero in her bank account  she said, so wtf is she paying her glam in? Erika Jayne tickets? I'm so sick of this chick. I thought with all the Tom sh!t coming out, we would finally be seeing the real Erika. But all this victimhood feels like a big ole performance. Nothing coming out of her mouth sounds remotely authentic. All I see is her Greatest Bamboozlement.

Sutton in a wheelchair with her effed-up foot was a joy. This was also the most fun we've seen Garcelle have in a cast trip.

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Most of the RH shows have an element of Survivor to them, with newbies (and OGs) undergoing a trial by fire within the group. Weirdly, as toxic as NJ could get, its group battles usually felt the most organic and grounded in that North Jersey suburban world. BH has gone full scripted game-show with these eerily silent dinners where overdressed participants stare each other down until someone summons up the courage to attack a chosen target and break them repeatedly.

It's full-on creepy, and the forced hugging afterwards is fake AF, heals no wounds and resolves nothing. The Coven will remain The Coven and Garcelle has absolutely not been embraced by them (not that I would ever want her part of that seventh circle of hell).

Besides the platform of the show itself, I have to wonder what the upshot is to having Kyle, Kyle's workout buddy, Rinna, Dorit and Erika as your pretend besties.

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Yes, that lil pow-wow did not sit right with me either. I liked that Garcelle got to be frank about what it's like trying to fit in in a white world, but the way they pat her on the back afterwards was so surface level patronizing. Sutton sat back and watched because you could tell she and Garcelle already had this discussion a long time ago because, you know, they're actual friends. 

Kathy is doing to Dorit what Kyle wishes she could do. #BobbyFischer 


First of all, I either forgot or just now realized both Vicki and Tamra are in this!  Secondly, get Jill and Dorinda back on the RHONY mothership! Same with Vicki/Tamra.  I know this is Peacock mandated, but I'd sooner worry about strengthening the original shows and not focus on the spinoffs. 


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