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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Potomac is just so much fun to watch. It has a chemistry among its cast similar to NYC: organic and catty, but not vicious and repetitive like other franchises like BH.


Gizelle and Robyn didn't know what hit them as Karen threw their amateur asses out of her party. The montage of Gizelle being asked to leave people's homes and events demonstrates what uncouth trash the former preacher's wife really is.


Robyn is too dumb for words. She is outwitted and outclassed in every confrontation she has. All she can do is use her substantial heft and get physical like a bouncer at a nightclub. She's certainly got the shoulders for it. Yelling "liar!" at Karen as she calmly walks away from her showcased Robyn's ineptitude. 


Ashley and Michael's marriage is DOA. Time to pull the plug and go their separate ways. They don't trust each other and it often seems like they don't like or respect each other either.


Karen and the charity and Icon Enterprises...yeah she appears to have wanted to get the tax break herself. However, I cannot help but really enjoy her and like her. She's hilarious. 


Monique was kind of a non-factor this episode as Charisse builds her case against her. It must chap Charisse's ass that she's an FOH when she's in more scenes than Candy-ass.


Speaking of which, Candy-ass is absolutely ridiculous. She is a spoiled brat when she phoned her father and asked for more money for her ridiculous wedding. At the end of the episode when she said that Chris said something "unforgivable" I feared the worst...but then it turned out he called her a spoiled brat as I have just done. And that's exactly what she is. 

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The queen has spoken? So what is she saying? Is she in or is she out? It is completely -- and purposely -- unclear from her message and this random film!


I want Kenya back next season, but it sounds to me like she is either still negotiating her position on the show... OR she was offered FOH and she said No and is now appealing to fans to get her peach back. Actually, I don't know wtf she is saying, but she definitely wants to remind Bravo of her contribution to ATL.

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I struggle with Ashley. OTOH, I don't like her new alliance with the green eyed losers, becoming their little sycophant and making it her business to 'expose' the other HWs. OTO, she is extremely smart and erudite. She has come a long way, from being raised by her grandparents without a lot of material wealth, to going the pageant route.


Now she is, as her uncle pointed out, a 'trophy wife.' It is an easy and secure way out from an impoverished past. But in some ways Ashley is too intelligent to be just arm candy. Working at Oz, winning over the employees, taking on their feedback, implementing changes and fighting her husband over those changes, validated Ashley. She was seeing rewards from her own hard work. She took an opportunity to run a restaurant and ran with it.


I don't think Michael liked that she had a new purpose in her life, or her independence of thought when it came to the restaurant. He kind of wants Ashley to remain a trophy wife and dependent on him, but at the same time he is resentful of the fact that she DOES depend financially on him, and so does her mom. 


Ashley seems to be struggling with whether being a trophy wife can ultimately satisfy her.

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I'm in agreement with your Ashley assessment. I think Michael would rather she has cute little side projects to keep herself busy, without running an actual business or becoming too independent. I guess he should be glad she agreed to extend her prenup arrangement, as the marriage likely won't last long enough for her to cash in. Good for him; bad for her. If only she had waited until after their discussion about children... 


I'm ready to see Monique defend herself against sloppy Charrisse. I'm not gonna lie, I'm glad Charrisse is still around, but thank God it's only in a "Friend Of" capacity. 


@Cat I haven't read the article yet, but Re: Aviva brought on by Bethenny.  Bethenny brought Aviva to the attention of Bravo producers. I believe she tried to get her on as early as the third season (perhaps when they were auditioning Sonja and Jennifer Guilbert?) 


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Ah ok thanks for letting me know. Aviva started in S5 while Bethenny left after S3 so I wondered how on earth she had a hand in her hiring.


How weird to think Aviva was considered for S3. As it turned out, Sonja was a perfect addition to S3 (she really was the voice of reason on Scary Island), but Aviva in S4 instead of Cindy Harshface? Hmmm... we will never know.


Woulod you ever want Aviva to come back? Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.

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I don't want Aviva back because her interaction with these women would look too forced.  Last week, Bravo re-aired season 5, and I cringe looking at how forced and unnatural the whole transition was of having veterans Ramona-Sonja-LuAnn suddenly having to hang out with Heather-Carole-Aviva. There was nothing organic about this newfound group of women "friends."  


Heather and Aviva couldn't stand Ramona or Sonja; Carole was indifferent. They were cool with LuAnn, but the real friendships were Heather/Carole and Ramona/Sonja.  Plus, LuAnn was left on her own island. Yes, she and Sonja have a good history together, but Sonja was so deep into the "Ramonja" relationship, that LuAnn really looked deserted, with her whole team from season 4 fired.  


The forced interaction didn't work for season 6 either. I can barely watch those episodes, too. That's why I loved how the 7th season helped bridge the past to the present, and bring the show back together and into the strong force that it still is today. 


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I can’t wait to rewatch season five. I just got to Morocco in season four. What I remember really killing season five and based on rewatching four it holds true, is that it was too drastic a reboot. By modern HWs standards season four is what they want. Today it’s considered boring if you don’t have endless fighting. In addition I hated how for season five it started as if the new women were already there. That’s a huge mistake for any soap, character development is key! 


Now my biggest takeaway from season four is how blessed Luann is to have a job. Jill took most of the heat but Luann is the one who made the season as toxic as it was. She’s literally in her talking heads FUMING that Jill has made up with Alex and Ramona. Eventually she brought Jill down with her but I did see try to make an effort to change prior to Luann’s manipulations. 


Also it cannot be stated enough that they were insane to replace Bethenny, your young and vibrant Greek chorus cast member with bitter old Cindy. My god was that a miscast. Complaining because you thought someone stole your hangers?! What?! And because they needed numbers, Luann and Jill would go along with her even though it made no sense!


Then the most fascinating and soapy thread was Ramona learning from the psychic that Mario was cheating on her and Sonja having a meltdown as if she knows that to be true. This and RHOC are the only ones that truly play like an epic long running soap. It’s amazing how even at season ten things feel real and these relationships are organic. You just don’t have that on the others. 

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Totally agreed. Luann was horrible. She’s become my favorite, and she still had entertainment value (the camel), but that was her nadir.


Aviva was just straining for her “moments.” That confrontation with Ramona at the restaurant was just one vicious low blow after another. Having someone that toxic and bitter on the show now would throw off the chemistry they’ve worked so hard to reclaim.

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My question exactly !

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Thanks. I think you are right about Aviva being out of place as the current group stands. She would try too hard to make drama and vicious fights happen, like @Faulkner said.


However, like @Chris B, I loved S5 and grew to love S6, I thought Heather, Aviva and Carole added a very authentic New Yorker dynamic which I really enjoyed. The S5 toxicity needed to be radically altered (something BH really needs to do today). Ramona, Sonja and Luann all needed to be kept on their toes by the three newbies, and Heather, Aviva and Carole needed the crazy old guard to deflate their priggishness and bring them down to earth from their lofty pedestals.


For example, I have always enjoyed Ramona. By S5, though, she was at her very Pinot worst. She needed Heather to cut her down to size a bit. WE needed it. And we also needed to see her confrontation with Aviva to appreciate Ramona all over again!


Also: that St Barts getaway was TV GOLD. Second only to Scary Island in terms of greatest RH vacation trips.

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I'm in agreement with y'all in that Luann's worst season was the fourth season. Her dismissive attitude and constant belittling of Alex was quite ugly. All the more reason why she looked so alone on an island when all her besties were booted and she had to put up with Ramonja at their best (or worst) and a bunch of newbies in season 5. 



I agree with Ramona needing someone to pop her bubble before she got a head the size of a Jill or a Nene (or a present-day Bethenny).


Side note: I wonder what took so long for Dorinda Medley to catch the eye of producers and/or for Dorinda to be interested in joining the show?  Seeing her as a guest of Jill's in season 4, alongside Ramona, Luann, and Kelly... just imagine if she had joined in season 5! 

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Luann in season 5 was perfect karma... especially when Heather pointed out that Luann loves stirring that big ole pot at the season 5 reunion.. and Luann probably had to change tactics after that.  


Can you imagine how different season 4 would have been if Heather had been chosen to be a housewife that season (I heard that she was offered to come on, or tried out to be a housewife that season).  Heather vs Jill would have been interesting.. and seeing her deal with Kelly and Alex would have been interesting as well.  Tis a shame.

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