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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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THIS. My father would have no patience for a grown man throwing a temper tantrum, and would prob have refused to see him at that point. No parent wants to see their child treated with disrespect, either. I get that Matt is angry at Kenya for whatever reason he's blown up in his mind as this big thing, but when a parent comes to town, you shut the f*ck up, paste a fake-ass smile on your face, pretend everything is copacetic with your partner in public, and suck it up for a few hours! Like the rest of us! 


I have been waiting for Phaedra to be exposed for years now -- and for Kandi to do the exposing. For a clever 'lawyer,' Phaedra sure did miscalculate what it might mean to piss off friends like Kandi who know where some of the bodies are buried.

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Im liking the renewed focus on the families...I could watch scenes of Sheree being a momager all day long.


Kandi/phaedra friendship dissolution reminds me a bit of how my friendship with a long term friend ended....and said former friend decided to share some dirt on me to another friend of mine (that he didnt know...embellishing as well as lying that I said negative stuff behind his back...then afterwards trying to hook up with them.)....so seeing hoe this playing out makes me fast forward and focus on the other stuff.

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Kandi is such trash now and only wants folks around who will kiss her ass, hence her squad, including her penniless husband. Carmen laughing at what Kandi's vile mother said forgetting she was once on the receiving end of that venom.  Kandi is the absolute worst!  Disgusting pig!  She wasn't even trying to meet Phaedra half way. Why show up then? 


Sheree looking for FREE advice and won't listen. Cynthia is telling her Kairo's height will limit the work he gets and this broke poser interprets it as Cynthia saying Kairo is limited. What a joke she is. 


Kendra continues to be the joke of the show. Why go thru all of this to hold onto a violent man 1/2 her age?  Oh, for the cameras. Guess she didn't pay this one enough either. 

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Image result for PK kemsley gifs


I already feel like this season's BH is letting me down a wee bit. I know it's early days, but last year was such a sh*tshow and everybody was in some way tarnished by it. I just can't buy some of the light-hearted stuff like I used to. Also PK is gross and Dorit is... eh. She's ok in some instances, but she's trying too hard. And their house with zero kitchen utensils is clearly empty and rented for the purposes of this show, lol.


If the fight of the season is whether or not PK spotted Pat-the-Puss then

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pls give me more Delilah and Amelia Grey Hamlin's talking heads! I still don't think they should be models in any way, shape or form -- but I did enjoy them shading their embarrassing mom!



Wow, it seems everybody hated Kandi for coming for Phaedra, and people felt bad for Phaedra! Serves me right for watching RHoA while doing my Christmas card list. I should have concentrated better on the episode. I assumed Phae finally getting exposed was a long time coming, but I guess Kandi shot herself in the foot by having Don Juan and Mama Joyce be her mouthpieces up until now. It looked cowardly. Now she's being all 'I'm telling it like it is' and laying the groundwork to go after Phaedra, and it shows. Nobody likes a HW obviously trying to set up another HW.


Sheree is dumb and ridiculous and I had forgotten just how bad she was, but now I remember. Interesting that the show is busy promoting Kairo -- Sheree's daughter just got accepted by Howard University, but that hasn't received as much coverage as Kairo's pretty face.

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And THAT is how I feel about Kandi v Phae.


A LONNNNNG TIME COMING AND they BOTH know the others' secrets. Kandi was in the right for waiting soooo long to go off.





To be fair...it has always been a slow burn to the seasons. HOWEVER this season appears to have the balance right (2 ladies feuding with rich bitcas being rich with parties and jetting out in the background and a bit up front). So I'm liking. But will they be like RHoNY (which btw is filming again) and be able to resolve their fighting or be RHoA and feud forever and a day...

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Doritos and PK remind me even more of Taylor and Russell Armstrong now that it seems they're fronting their lifestyle. That kitchen was embarrassingly empty - except the big HP printer on the countertop - because who doesn't have one of those next to the coffee maker? It's a rented house from the looks of things and that Bentley is probably leased. 


If Erika didn't have underwear on and PK looked up her dress HE is the pervert, not her! Why is Doritos acting like Erika is the problem at all? From the first episode, Erika and Doritos didn't seem to like each other and so they're going to be the feud. That's fine. I hope Erika annihilates her. 


LVP is always originally friends with the husbands of these women, never the wives. And I imagine they're all really Ken's friends. It's clear she adores Ken and her kids and her animals. And I think that's where it stops with LVP. Loyal to the death for her family but that's it. I imagine she's cynical about friends given what she's dealt with for years on this show. Kyle takes so many digs at LVP in her talking head interviews I don't know how she can stand to be around her. 


I think the season is a slow burn but has a decent balance of light and heavy.


Eileen's incredibly unhappy time is sad to watch as she is dealing with real grief. I have mixed feelings about Eileen because of her actions last season and her raging insecurities but there's no way you can ignore the real hell she's been through and empathize with that. 


Kyle's store - I can't believe people shop there. Her daughter seems whiney just like her. If only Alicia Silverstone got to play the real Big Kathy - that would be the role of a lifetime - it'll be some watered down mess I'm sure. As an aside, every single time I see Kyle's house I'm reminded how mediocre it is. Not even gated and below the freeway!


Lips was hilarious with her daughters because deep down she is a nice lady from Oregon like her mother. I could watch her embarrass those daughters all day long. Neither one of them is model material, however, and I hope they have legitimate college plans. 





Edited by DaytimeFan
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I remember Kim in the season 4 finale telling Kyle the same thing "She loves, Ken, she loves Pandora [what about Max???], she loves her dogs...and that's about the end of it." Certainly I think LVP gets along with men generally more than women, having worked in a perhaps male-dominated field. There are times at Reunions where she genuinely does not understand the outpouring of emotion (and victim-playing) that goes on, and the constant need for validation by the other HWs. I'd even say that every once in a while, this 'need for validation' is actually play-acting by some of the HWs in order to try and get the audience to feel sorry for them and view LVP as cruel. And sharp-eyed LVP can smell that BS a mile away.


However, I don't think she doesn't care. If anything, I think LVP would love to be more embraced by the other women. This was especially clear at the start of this season, at Erika's 45th birthday. Lisa wanted to join in the dancing, but she hesitated. I think she was worried she'd get the cold shoulder on the dance floor. She'd rather be the one to give the cold shoulder! She also needs a woman to be with her if the other women are going to stand against her. And then there is her relationship with Kyle. Even being hurt by Kyle (or vice versa), LVP still somewhat prioritises this friendship. Some would say it is for the sake of the cameras, but these two women are the OGs of this show and were friends long before the show. I also believe LVP cared about Brandi, but that ended up a hot mess after hatchet-faced Yolanda got in there, bought Brandi a new living room set and some fancy shoes, and Brandi essentially became her flying monkey. Since then, LVP has become increasingly cautious and pro-active when it comes to the show.


I think it is also worth mentioning that the HWs do not represent womanhood in general, even though some people think they do! Most women I know are not money-grubbing drama queens with a mentality stuck in middle school who constantly bitch against other females they view as competition! Perhaps there is more to LVP outside of RHoBH than her onscreen personality -- and maybe that includes female friendships too.


ETA: One of LVP's best gifs regarding what female friendships are about on this show:


Image result for lisa vanderpump love you miss you not really awkward


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Couple things... 


Rinna's daughters are pretty, and I do think the 18-year-old is ready for the modeling world. However, the 15-year-old still needs to grow into her face and get rid of her Eileen-Davidson-circa-1984 eyebrows before diving in. 


If this season's bickering starts off with Erika showing off her patted puss to PK, I say go for it. It's better than cancer, fake illnesses, or death. It's always a fine line with these aging Housewives shows... do you exploit the often-times uncomfortably real aspect of these ladies' lives (i.e. OC's Shannon's crumbling marriage) or just have them nitpick on petty B.S. that's blown out of proportion for the sake of having a storyline? 


I'm here for LVP, Erika Jayne, and hope to see some redemption/rebuilding for Rinna and Eileen. I still enjoy their home-life stories, so that's good at least. How sad to hear the long list of people Eileen has lost in her life recently. 


Kyle's daughter either doesn't like being on camera or doesn't like Rinna's daughters. 

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good lord, who's idea was it to give Rinna's daughters, their own talking heads complete with shading their mother? They were featured throughout the episode and it was a bit much


I totally empathized with Eileen when she admitted to being embarassed by her parents marital problems. I was too when I was younger and I dont like to talk about bad things that have happened around me for similar reasons that she has. And she is a strong woman bc I had no idea she suffered so much loss in such a short time

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