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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I loved the premiere from NYC. All women were great except Kristen, Heather and Carole though, with the first two feeling highly irrelevant. Bethenny came and fit back in like a glove. I like that Ramona is letting her guard down and being more open and revealing about her life. Makes her more relatable. Dorinda is a great addition and I like her relationship with her daughter

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Outside of the paycheck, I'm not sure why Brandi would return to the show. She obviously hates the cast and none of them outside of Lemons and the Druggie want to be around her. It would make her invites to events even more forced than this season.

I honestly don't find the drama Kim and Brandi bring to be entertaining. They really are just two very nasty and toxic women. Having said that, Eileen owned Brandi last night. Completely and utterly.

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I'd guess it's both the paycheck and the need for attention.

The problem with people like Kim and Brandi is you can never win with them, because they're so deluded and damaged. I thought Kim's story was interesting this season but I feel like it's time for the show to move on from both of them, as the stuff with Kyle and Kim is now becoming like what chased viewers away from NJ.

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Part 2 of the Reunion was essentially Eileen dragging Brandi's rotting corpse back and forth for 42 minutes as Kim and Kyle and Lisa Rinna had a three way shouting match in the periphery. Brandi had previously tweeted that the reunion went in her favour...and I have no idea what she's talking about because Eileen rode her hard and threw her away wet.

It really was interesting how Eileen slaughtering Brandi was a solid theme throughout the episode. Andy usually picks the topic, it's yelled about for a couple of minutes and then an unnatural transition occurs with some choppy editing of Lisa V swallowing hard or Kyle rolling her eyes and then it's onto the next topic. Not this time. Eileen definitely came with a list of grievances to address and systematically got her point across with a lot of skill. That memory of hers is something she really does have going for her that the rest of the housewives just don't have on any comparable level.

Kim vs. Lisa Rinna really demonstrated what a sack of sh*t Kim is. She didn't dare say anything about Harry because she knew a slander lawsuit was headed her way the second she uttered a word because it was all totally made up nonsense. And I doubt she can pay for those legal bills...she hasn't been able to get her house out of 1972 Sherman Oaks Hell. That said, Lisa Rinna is going to go down hard next week with the text messages she sent to Kim...but that will blow over. Kim's multi-season behaviour will not.

Kim vs. Kyle really demonstrated how awful Kim is. I'm no fan of Kyle, but I believed her rage filled tears when she admitted that the only reason she mends fences with Kim is so that she can keep Kim's kids in her life. I don't think Kim has heard that one before, she looked surprised and Kyle was crying too wildly to have calculated that remark too far in advance. Kyle truly hates what Kim's able to do to her and Kim doesn't give a damn about Kyle. It's as plain as day that once Kyle stopped being her enabler that Kim's use for her really dwindled.

Lisa V basically had nothing much to do, aside from contributing a hilarious behind the scenes moment about claiming she could say she had diarrhea if things got too heavy during the reunion. I love her.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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Ironically, Eileen is in the new SOD talking about Kristen's return and their a little block about the reunion.

Her only regret? Cursing so much. lol.

ETA: Nice pic on the cover of KONTROL, Kenya!!!! DAMN.

Edited by Taoboi
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Only thing that would have made Eileen's effortless shut down of Brandi epic was if during the segment where Brandi was slamming Eileen's decorating style.. Eileen could have said 'at least I own a house to decorate.. how's that rental working for ya'.

I have a feeling that had Yolanda stayed for the whole reunion, I don't think Eileen would have been able to fully shut down Brandi..imho. I don't think Yolanda would have tried to block Eileen from speaking like she did with Joyce, but I know that she would have tried to further excuse Brandi's behavior.

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It was great to see this franchise back and what LuAnn has been saying in the media rounds to promote the show seems true: it's like the good old days and this has all the promise to be a really great season.

I like Dorinda (and her boyfriend) already. She seems to inhabit a slightly humbler world than the rest of them (are at least willing to admit).

Bethenny's return was seamless and it's like she never left.

Ramona and Sonja - good lord Sonja, have some sensitivity to Ramona's life hitting the toilet!

Having looked up Sonja's house in the south of France I don't know why she didn't just let her townhouse in New York be the one to satisfy the judgment against her and buy a smaller condo in Manhattan - that townhouse is an albatross that she doesn't want to free herself from for reasons unknown - maybe it makes her feel wealthy - but it's next to a parking garage on the Upper East Side. Why not sell it, satisfy the judgment, fire the interns, fire the staff and move into a nice $2 million 2 bedroom condo that requires little upkeep and have glamorous holiday homes to jet off to! She's delusional.

I am LOVING LuAnn's new house and her tagline is the best after last year's demotion debacle.

Carole does seem like a slacker writer.

Heather basically had no scenes.

Kristen...who cares? That's one return I just don't understand.

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Loving Bethenny's return! She's definitely looking older (her opening shot with rest of the football team holding up their apples isn't very flattering), but I'm guessing she's been stressed out these past couple years, as evidenced by her lil' talking head emotional breakdown. She's either legitimately distraught over the whole thing, or she and her people have really come up with a fantastic way to repair/improve her public image. Either way, she's always been a favorite Housewife of mine.

Ramona, I'm also loving this softer, more honest & vulnerable side to her. I liked Dorinda's natural introduction as her caring friend. She was supportive and listened to Ramona the way a friend should. Unlike aloof Sonja who seemed to make it a pissing contest over who's had it worse. Sonja is a mess. And not a fun one. She already rubbed me the wrong way last year, particularly at the reunion. It's like she's not all there in the head anymore. Ramona is blunt and crass, but she knows what she's doing. Sonja legit has no clue.

I liked LuAnn and Bethenny's interaction. It definitely felt like old times, with them slipping right back into things. They had their issues in season 3, but overall, they were cool with one another.

I still have this veterans vs. newbie mentality when I watch NYC, even though Carole & Heather are in their 3rd season. We have three of the originals back along with sloppy Sonya. These 4 represent when this franchise was at its best. Then you have Carole, Heather, Kristen, (and newbie Dorinda), none of them being real breakout stars. We know Andy loves Carole, but there isn't a real buzz about her overall. Carole and Heather are okay, but supporting overall. Carole's biggest story was #BookGate which was ho-hum. Kristen? BLAH.

Luckily, with a cast this big, there's opportunity for people to mingle and mix it up. It's basically like Atlanta last season and Beverly Hills in season three, except all "Friends Of..." got Housewife billing.

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If she's carrying spinoffs I can see why she gets a raise, but I do wonder if Bravo realizes just how irrelevant it's threatening to make itself by relying entirely on a fading franchise.

Bethenny will be on Ellen's show today.

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