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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Chin tuck

Brow lift

Nose tweaked

Major botox on the forehead

Fillers in her cheeks

She also lost a lot of weight.

I am going to go out on a limb and say that Nene's mom hair looks somewhat decent on her.

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First look at the new season of NYC. They got a new remixed theme and all the women got new shots.


Bravo also had a first look at RHOA and RHOBH.

On RHOA, the women leave the resort and head to Manila. Meanwhile, Nene gets her costume fitted in NYC. You can clearly tell that Nene and Gregg are out of place in that scene. The dress designer seems rather annoyed with them

On RHOBH, all I'll say is that it opens up with the Eileen segment and she eviscerates Brandi. Straight demolishes her. All Brandi can say is the usual "f-ck you." Oh and Lips chin-checks Brandi too. Brandi tries to coming for her but fails miserably.

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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Finally watched BH.

Kim is just awful. Whereas I sometimes feel sorry for Brandi (sorry that she is so self-destructive and unable to admit that her downfall is entirely her own doing), I feel nothing for Kim, not even pity. She is a nasty, mean woman. The way she launched into that pre-prepared speech about how she loved her sister/was in a good place without her in her life was emotional manipulation at its best. I know Mr. Vixen won't like me saying this and maybe he/she can convince me otherwise, but -- there is something evil in the way Kim thrives on seeing her sister hurt by her words.

And Kyle is hardly my favorite HW but it's gotten to the point where Kim is kicking a lame puppy to see how hard it can still mewl. It is ugly to watch. And it makes Kim an ugly person inside. I commend Kyle on keeping it together and not uttering a word (leaving Kim to keep repeating "I'm in a good place! I'm in a good place! nestled amongst my prescription pills!" -- I believe her. She is in a GREAT place right now -- for her) until the end when she said "When you are ready for an honest conversation, I will be happy to talk." That was the best comeback of Kyle's on the show because otherwise she just does not have the wit or the smarts to lay on the zingers.

I feel so bad for Yolanda and everything she said in Reunion I honestly believe came from a good place. I hope she gets well soon and retutrns to BH. She adds much-needed balance to the show.

TBH Brandi is really lucky to have a friend like Yolanda because she needs a mother figure. And she desperately wants one. As illustrated by her intense desire to be with Lisa V. I think Brandi is bipolar. I don't think the 'partying' is helping that. And her chip on her shoulder about being wronged/the outsider is pathologically large. The way she longs for Lisa's approval or even just attention is intense. She wants Lisa on almost a sexual level. I don't think she is necessarily in lust with Lisa V but it is a more a manifestation of possessing her totally, completely, body and soul, her best friend, her mother figure, her mentor, her enabler. And while Lisa did play with Brandi's need to have her friendship, Brandi's unwillingness to realize what it was about the slap that killed the relationship is another example of B's pathological inability to meaningfully take responsibility. I hate that Kyle loves to play victim all the time -- but Brandi is the same way.

You know what it was about the slap and the wine toss that upset Lisa and Eileen? It was the fact that underpinning the worship or need for approval is hate and jealousy. They felt that with both actions, it was deeply personal on Brandi's part. That it was hatred mixed with something slightly loving and obsessional and that's why it unsettled them.

I am probably reading too much into this. laugh.png I am going to say something nice and say that Brandi's hair looks good, LOL.

Kim vs Lisa Rinna. Honestly, I don't really care. Kim is just going after who she thinks is the weak link. She doesn't engage with Eileen anymore because she knows Eileen can best her without breaking a sweat. I am really ready for Eileen to read Brandi but especially Kim tbh. Kim is riding roughshod over everybody, and Andy and the other HWs are just letting her.

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Betthenny and Ramona's taglines are nice. Heathers delivery is very good and holla isn't quite as bad as I thought it might be.

Weak ass Kristin is pathetic as usual. And that little gypsy sash she has around her waist is basic as hell.

Dorinda's hair is kinda weird in her shot. Curious to see how she does. It can't be worse than Kristin.

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If they're filming this, then it has to be coming soon. Perhaps with New Jersey out of the picture they'll air it on Sundays when ATL is done? Or maybe they'll do Married To Medicine to replace RHOA, but it can't come anywhere near holding that lead in.

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I'm actually looking forward to the OC ladies returning, and I'm normally indifferent about that franchise in general. I can use a break from a select few ATL ladies. Not sure if we'll see OC on Sunday nights (Monday?) but I hope OC and NYC run concurrently and bring Bravo some surprisingly good numbers.

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