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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I'm not surprised Nene wants Bryson to take a paternity test. The kid looks like a dead beat fully content to loaf off her and the girl he had sex with is probably no different. Even if she isn't, Nene will absolutely be footing the bill until Bryson mans up which isn't going to be anywhere near soon.

In a very odd and unusual move, TMZ posted the following under Camille’s comments. “TMZ has no reason to doubt what Camille says about the sex tape, but we know she’s been telling anyone who would listen how bitter she is over the way Kelsey has handled the split.”

Responding to the related article, Camille look like the type of woman who will bleed Kelsey. I'm very interested to know what she's gotten out of the divorce.

I wonder who hates her enough to leak her sex tape with Nick. :lol:

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Poor NeNe - Bryson IS a loser and I know this will just be another financial burden for her... Bryson looks JUST like NeNe's real dad, and you know how that went... just sayin'.

Everyone ready for the dinner party of ALL dinner parties tonight? LOL - I'm looking forward to it, but if there isn't something to beat the table flipping, I'll be a bit underwhelmed. Taylor screaming "Enough" isn't all that.

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Haha - and I was right... Adrienne didn't say a word at the dinner table.

It was a good episode, but the real drama was caused by Camille's friends, especially that Medium chick. Without them (and Faye R.), the Housewives wouldn't have created any drama. That Medium chick was like Camille's attack dog - it was ridiculous! She was CRAZY.

Anyone know when the season finale is? I guess Season 1 of BH is getting more episodes than most other series' Season 1s?

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Wow, that Allison Dubois chick was white trash and just a gutter snipe. What's that phrase Melissa Rivers coined? Whore Pit Viper, that's it. That's Allison Dubois.

Camille is so disgusting, ditto her lap dog DD.

Lisa seemed mortified. Adrienne looked more like a mafia wife who was *not* amused.

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Kim is seems so dumb, I just don't know, I feel sad for her, but I think Lisa needs to scare her away from the show.

Lisa was very amused – Adrienne was petrified. She asked about her grandmother! She was just waiting to ask that question the whole evening!

Camille was, of course, very calculated in her choice of guests and intentionally invidet Allison Dubois, everyone can see that. She wanted to make the volcano erupt.

What do you think about Faye Resnick, DaytimeFan? I wasn't pleasantly surprised she is such good friends with Kyle. Why does Camille hate her? Something happened there.

Edited by Sylph
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This crazy ass redheaded bitch is a nutcase. first of all, woah way to hit the bottle. second, after it was all over she then talks about their children coming up missing and whatnot... it was just wrong. And who smokes a... whatever the eff that was? She came off very badly.

i love the grouping of taylor/kyle/adrianne/lisa. camille needs to go and kim is just to sad to watch.

and wow, wasnt everything camille said about kyle so true about herself, or what? i really can not stand her. she by far set all of that up and when the sparks didnt fly she called out Kyle's friend to start them. She is such an immature spoiled brat who craved the attention, and its so obvious. It is not even amusing.

Lisa is such a HBIC. I loved her answering machine. I need to meet her so i can fanboy out. Still, whenever i think of her i think of her and her son in that one episode. So sweet.

Edited by JackPeyton
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I felt like the whole episode really went beyond any acceptable limits, it was horrendous in so many ways.

A terrifying example of finis temporum Olympus in flames.

I felt sad for Taylor after the previous episode, but I didn't like the feuding with Kim.

By the way, Cedric Martinez apparently has a degree in chemistry from the University of Grenoble – I didn't know that! His father is unknown and he was born in Paris! I sensed that, he seemed very un-British in certain ways. MOT Models has a page on him too.

Also, does anybody here like Michael Baiardi's music? I just Googled him and something scary popped up on page two, I don't know if it's about him or some other guy with the same name.

Edited by Sylph
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That was by far the best episode of the season and I thought it was the finale till I saw the previews for next week. The BH cast definetly brought it last night and I cant wait to see the ratings bc that was a GOOOOD show. So much drama and that has got to be the most heated dinner table from any series. That trumps NJ's table flipping.

Alison....she is the BIGGEST BITCH in Real Housewives history and she isnt even a cast memebr! I couldnt get over how vulgar and vile she was. Like who the hell is she? Smoking at the table, those lewd hand gestures, etc... were just too much. She was too over the top and nasty and for no reason.

Again, I really hate how Camille acts like some innocent victim. She wanted to provokeand humiliate Kyle but the jokes on her. I love that Bravo kept it in there about ehr trying to poke fun at Kyles husband allegedly cheating on her when we all know her own husband is cheating. Karama's a bitch!

Lisa: "This is a few clowns short of a circus" LOL. I also loved how she kept calling Alison, the sidekick instead of psychic. "She's really starting to piss me off"

Edited by Cheap21
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Well, I have no idea how accurate this is, but here it goes:

  1. Adrienne Maloof-Nassif: $300m
  2. Lisa Vanderpump-Todd: $65m
  3. Kyle Richards: $20m
  4. Kim Richards: $20m
  5. Taylor Armstrong: $10m
  6. Camille Donatacci: $5m

I have to point out... Kim Richards worth $20m?! That must be a joke. I wouldn't put her at more than, I don't know, $3m. And that's generous. Camille is also mis-estimated, maybe she gets something from her divorce settlement.

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