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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I hear that Kelly is a disease in season 2 as well and I think she's been comparable to those you mention. She's very tame in aseason 3 though and likeable

pretty much. Ramona can be bitchy but overall she's harmless. She doesnt carry grudges or waste time hating anyone. She insults them, gets on their bad side and then moves on. The other women however hold things in and they do not let go. Ramona does. I hated her at first till I realized that she means well even if she doesnt come across like that

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Well last night's BH episode was a bit boring compared to the last few episodes we've seen.

It definitely shows that Lisa is a bit pissed at Kim though for not following through with that guy.

I thought it was HIGHLY inappropriate for Kyle to let her teenage daughter look at her v'gina while its getting waxed. That was the first scene of the episode, and I was so turned off at that point... maybe that's why I didn't really enjoy the rest of it.

Kim's taste in men is horrible; single Gary was nasty.

I liked Taylor and the event she hosted. It showed a personal, vulnerable side to her.

Not enough Adrienne tonight. Too bad.

Next week's looks CRAZY though - it also looks like Camille had to bring some of her friends for backup. This could be DELISH next week. Andy Cohen is touting it as the best dinner party ever, but I can't imagine it beating New Jersey's table flipping...

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I'm 1/3 of the way through S3 of NYC, and this Jill/Bethenny feud is ridiculous.

When did LuAnn turn into SuperCunt?

Alex is fantastic this season, the advice she gave Bethenny regarding her father was great. Once you take out Simon and the social climber aspect, she's pretty cool.

I don't get where the Kelly is CRrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzaaaayyyyyyy! thing comes. Yeah, she's weird and has her WTF moments, but she's not as cuckoo as she's made out to be.

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I loved it! It was only riduclous from Jill's end. I thought Bethenny did nothing wrong and even if she did, she tried her best to make ammends and move on btu Jill was having none of it. It made for some amazing tv though as I was hooked

The only impression I got of her was how she did nothing but suck up to Jill. she spends the season following her around, complimenting her and supporting her even when she doesnt need it. I dislike LuAnne on account of her association with Jill

Loved her this season and the bond she formed with Bethenny. Alex showed some backbone and really came into her own here

come back when you're 3/3rds of the way through the season. Kelly loses her damn mind near the end.

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I'm just caught the last half of S1 of New York on CW and I gotta say, I LOVE these bitches. Constant controversy, they say what's on their minds and don't hold back- I appreciate that far more than the fakeness of most of the Beverly Hills girls and the loony, batsh!t psychotic antics of the Jersey women. My favorite changes each episode, but so far, the rotation has been Jill, LuAnn, and Bethenny (though the S2 opener had Ramona moving up on my list). The only one I absolutely CAN'T stand is Alex. She reminds me of the snooty neighbor from Roseanne, turning her nose up, yet forgetting she lives next door to the very people she's turning it up to.

Seems to me that Alex & Simon have all sorts of delusions of grandeur.

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This week on ATL I thought Nene was being two faced about the friendship contract. I think Cynthia really values their friendship, felt caught between her and Peter and wanted to make light of the tension. Nene acted like she was bat [!@#$%^&*] crazy and then promptly ran straight to Kim to bad mouth her and had a good laugh at her expense. When Cynthia wanted to talk to her she acted like she didn't need the drama and didn't have time but when Peter wanted to talk to her she was all smiles and flirty. I wasn't feeling Nene at all!

Sheree thinking she's ready to do film after a bit part in a play was hilarious.

Cynthia looks like she really doesn't want to marry Peter but after three failed engagements thinks she must. I feel for her because ugly Peter it ain't all that.

It was great to see Phaedra in action and the claws were out. It was funny how Cynthia tried to act like she didn't know what she was talking about when they all took turns gossiping about her baby with Nene leading the pack with the trash talking so it would be a treat to see her go after all of them. Next week looks good.

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I miss Phaedra as well but next weeks looks even better when she and Kim go at it

Im sick of Peter as well and his old ass. I read that before this season started Cynthia waspressured by Bravo to have a wedding or she'd be out. Never followed through to find out what she did.

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I'm looking forward to the finale because Nene was asked by a reporter about her relationship with Kim and she spat she's done with her and this time for good so I know they're going to have another knock down drag out fight.

Nene really needs to lay off the weaves. I'm not sure if it's a lace front wig with a sewn in part but the part was really huge so if it isn't, then that's one huge bald spot.

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