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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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RHOP:  Gizelle's nonverbal reaction to Monique's reveal about Jamal has haunted my thoughts since Sunday.  Her humiliation was undeniable, and deserved or not, it was compelling.  She worked so hard to suppress tears mixed with the furor of feeling exposed and I could not look away.


We've watched Gizelle struggle with a desire for attachment.  I am empathic to the fact that she must feel so alone, raising her daughters without the benefit of a companion.  She clearly wants to be in a relationship, and as an audience we don't have a sense the variables that have prevented her from finding commitment. She is beautiful, (despite her poor taste in furniture, clothes, and men),  she seems attentive to the needs of the men in her life, and she is charming.  So, unless the issue is a lack of availability, it hard to understand how she has only dated shmucks who don't return her devotion.


I feel Gizelle likes to stir the pot, and enjoys dispensing some judgment on her friends.  However, she is not cruel, and while she may repeat the word on the street, she would never go as far as Monique to actually try to dredge up information solely for the purpose of trying to hurt the feelings of the other women. 


While it is also true that there has not been enough focus on how the rumors of Monique's infidelity, so soon after the birth of her son, affected her life and her marriage, I think the pleasure she took in humiliating Gizelle was reprehensible. 


RHOA : Latoya is a try-hard and I am glad she's not a full-time housewife so we don't have too focus to much on her story.


Drew's scene with her husband was difficult to watch.  However, I never watched The Game, so I don't understand how she played a character named Drew? I read the wiki for the plot of the whole show and other actresses played characters with different names so it was hard to understand why her character shared her full name. 


Also, can we all agree that the pronunciation is bio-pic not bi-opic?  The etymology is a biographical picture, not half of an optical image.

Edited by j swift
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What bugs me the most about Gizelle's new home is that she has put ZERO effort into any type of landscaping. From the outside, it looks like a condemned house. Plant a bush, get some mulch, get some rocks, put in some cute trees... something!! 







Yes @j swift LaToya is a definite try-hard. I wasn't impressed. I'm liking what I see of Drew so far. The marriage of her and Ralph is contentious to say the least, but on a shallow note --- WOW --- he's giving Apollo and Ed Hartwell a run for their money as the all-time hottest House Husband, at least in my opinion

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I also forget to mention that since Gizelle's fake boyfriend is supposedly the pastor of a mega church in ATL, do his members seriously believe that this dude is a man of God, patroning with their hard earned money knowing his fraudulent lifestyle and multiple infidelities? Or are people of his church going to continue to look the other way and "pray his sins away". SMH

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@j swift Gizzard had all that coming and it was glorious.  Monique drove a stake right thru that vampire's "heart" for the world to see.  


Gizzard hated Monique from day one and worked feverishly to turn the cast against the woman.  Gizzard is still operating off of Mo's first eppy and the words "I have 4 homes".  Jealously is an ugly thing and leads to complete and utter humiliation.  Just ask Gizzy!  

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There is a coldness to Gizelle, a deep reserve, which turns men off. She is so Vanessa Williams-looking but, paired with her outward coldness, it must come across as haughty arrogance. 


I also think that she has dated for security (money) and not necessarily for love or physical attraction. Perhaps she was attracted to Jamal Bryant back in the day, but she got burned and publicly humiliated. (And I just realised that she has now been publicly humiliated a second time. I'm not sure she will ever forgive Monique and Karen for that). So she is being defensive and even strategic with the men she chooses. Sherman was nothing special in the looks/personality department, but she latched on -- despite his messy personal life, despite the fact that she knew his ex-wife Kyndall -- because of the lifestyle he might provide.


There are a few times when Gizelle warms up around men. One is with Kal, who is clearly her most loyal friend and confident, and I enjoy their closeness. The other is with Juan Dixon. I'm not saying she has a thing for Juan (like Michael Darby), but I am saying that she lights up when a beautiful man confides in her as a peer and asks for her advice. I sort of wish a hot dude would come along and give her a new lease of life.

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Please tell me it's not about Tom? It's about Tom. 


Here's the thing about what's been alleged about Tom Girardi. Lawyers don't get a 'free pass' to f*ck with their Trust Accounts. The moment that allegedly happened, Tom's legal career was over. It is the clearest route that lawyers get disbarred. I don't know how it works in the United States, but in other jurisdictions the governing bodies do Trust Account audits regularly. 


The allegations about his firm appear to be that they've been operating a Ponzi scheme whereby they stole from their Trust Account and have been constantly playing catchup using money from Client B to pay funds owed to Client A, so they're always a few clients behind where they should be and constantly underwater. 


And then you have all these allegations about his firm borrowing huge sums of money and that those funds have been misappropriated. Law firms are like any business - once you start borrowing large sums of money, that should be an indicator that your business is in real trouble. 


The whole thing appears very dubious and sinister. 

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You know you are ready for the reunion when RHOA runs over its time and you *side-eye* it. I guess I really wanted to see THE BINDER. And?


So great I had to see it twice. And that ending...rewatching for the FOURTH time.


Monique said on videos and WWHL she would have receipts. And this past Sunday we got the first one. And looking at the complete tabs on the binder...she has receipts ON EVERYONE. My only question was...who is FORMER FRIEND...Gigi or Charisse? I also think it is very clear and very smart that Monique went for the MAIN ONE. Cuz everyone else (namely Dr. Wendy, Robyn, and Candiace) will be easy pickings now that the head of the snake has been cut off. 


I know everyone else had their thoughts on it. Here's mine...without drink.


KAREN. Surprisingly, rewatching it La Dame does not have much time, but all the time she had she made it worth it. Being civil with Wendy, but still not giving their 'feud' any moments to make Wendy relevant. Her needling of Gizelle with 'word on the street' (not to mention Gizelle's fashion) was great. And then the tag team with Monique...flawless.  I expect her to stay on Gizelle's neck for the rest of the reunion if rumors are to be believed. After years of Gizelle coming after her, it's about time La Dame got to do the same. Drag that trick and drag her HARD. 


ROBYN. Her attempts at trying to be relevant were hilarious in how pathetic they were. The fact that no one paid her any mind was also hilarious. 


WENDY. I said it before and I'll say it again. It was not at all about colorism as much as it was about how a person acts. A person can be a rude person, a D*(*, and a bitca and that has NOTHING to do with color or even race. I liked that Ashley also pointed this out. Be proud of who you are. Be proud of where you come from. However own your crap. I would think a doctor with four degrees would also have the 'balls' to do that and hold themselves accountable. It just shows that Wendy needs a moment in order to have some sense of a personality. And if you have to do that, you have already failed in getting the audience on your side. I also said that perhaps once she has rewatched this season, Wendy will come back next season (?) and be able to be more real with herself.


CANDIACE. GIRL, BYE. That was honestly (other than her vs Ashley and I admit she owned Ashley-And Andy-so far) my thoughts about her. For someone who is so traumatized by Monique...she suuuure kept trying to start up stuff with Monique with looks, comments, lost footage (you better hope T'Challa did not see you yawning about him), and using that mouth to talk about things THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. And Monique so far gave you what you deserve...DUST. But again...I am sure Monique will get to her soon enough. There is a tab labeled POST-IT.

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MONIQUE. QUEEN. She literally sat there while La Dame set Gizelle up...and then Gizelle hanged herself...and went in for the kill. And it was a thing of beauty. Candiace wanted to clown on her for a long ago receipt, but if it was so long ago Gizelle's face wouldn't have cracked. So...not so long ago. She gave Gizelle NO WIGGLE ROOM to weasel out of it. And Andy was not playing favorites with her. It WAS storyline. Mr. Chocolate DID have a 7th babymama. And HE DOES have a new baby. And if she was lying...how would she have his DIRECT NUMBER. DIRECT...NUM...BER. And if that was the main meal, then the dragging that followed was desert. Your storyline is fake. He is fake. His own kids don't like him. And he not even there cuz HE DON'T LOVE YOU. Buuuuuuuuurnnnnnnnnn!!! For 4 years, she has been jealous of Monique for having FOUR homes. Now...the chicken did come home to roost. 


BOO BOO THE FOOL. While I would usually not revile in a person's hurt...again...four years of her coming after Monique. Once she told Monique if she was going to aim, she better not miss. Well...that face of hers cracking, the non response, the tears fighting to not come out of her eyes, the bewildered look on her face. MONIQUE DEFINITELY DID NOT MISS. Now you can sit there and look angry, but you lost. The fact she tried to sit there and lie about anything...it was a pleasure to watch La Dame and Boss Bitca tear down the 'fantasy.'


And this...is just PART ONE? 


Oh...can't wait for Part Two...


Good start to the reunion. Tinsley takedown of Dorinda is second in terms of reunions this year. 



PS. Love the hairstyle montage.





I would have thought the Kemsleys would have fallen before the Girardis. So shocking, but juicy.


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Nene suuure did shade the ratings yesterday. You would be right.


BELOW DECK started off low, too, compared to the s&itshow that was BELOW DECK MED. This week is the first week where it hit close to what BELOW DECK MED was making at its midpoint last season. 


I wouldn't be worried bout RHOA yet.



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